Live 11.3 is Out Now

Ableton Live 11.3 is now available.
Drift – a new synth for all editions of Live 11
Live 11.3 adds Drift, an all-new MPE-capable synth and the first for all editions of Live – including Live Lite. Drift is a characterful device capable of a wide variety of sounds from every era of modern music.
Its minimal layout and interactive controls make adjusting the sound easy for musicians new to synthesis, while the sounds it can produce will give even experienced sound designers a broader sonic palette.
Inspired by classic hardware but borrowing heavily from modern synths and Eurorack modules, Drift has been carefully tuned by ear to deliver great sound at any setting, quickly and easily.
Improved auto-warping
Auto-warping in Live 11.3 has been improved. Now, imported audio files are warped with more accuracy. This means you'll spend less time manually adjusting warp settings and be able to make adjustments more easily when you do.
More MPE-capable instruments
This free update to Live 11 also adds MPE capability to Analog, Collision, Electric and Tension, giving you more options when you want to add more expressive control to your music.
More expressive control of your music
Many features in Live 11 have now been updated to support MPE:
The MPE Control device now has added functionality, an updated UI and reduced CPU load.
Note Echo now supports MPE with feedback controls for each dimension. This offers a creative way for MPE modulation to change over time.
An updated Core Library with expressive content is available in 11.3.
Full Push functionality
Live 11.3 delivers full functionality to the new Push hardware. Owners of a Push with a processor installed will be prompted to update to the latest version of Live from the Push start menu.
Check out the release notes* for more information on Live 11.3. If you already own a Live 11 license, the Live 11.3 update is free for you.
*Note: Release notes are only available in English