Beat Tools: A Creative Toolkit for Beatmaking

Now included with Push and Live 9 Suite, Beat Tools is a new creative toolkit with all the sounds you need for beatmaking. The Pack is a complete collection of drum kits, instruments, loops and effects that’s set up for hands-on creation.
Watch Beat Tools in performance:
The Pack contains more than 120 Drum and Instrument Racks with tweakable processing chains that sound great in the mix, right from the off. Plus there are over 180 audio loops for slicing, MIDI clips to spark ideas, effects chains and more.
How to get Beat Tools
Beat Tools is free for Live 9 Suite and Push owners, or you can buy separately from the Packs page.
Push owners – first make sure your unit is registered: you can register Push here, using the serial/registration code as found in the Push quickstart guide. Once registered, Beat Tools will appear in the list of Packs on your account page.
Live 9 Suite users – Beat Tools will appear in the list of Packs on your account page once you’re logged in.
Get more info on Beat Tools, or learn more about making beats with Push.