K-Devices Terra: in a sonic world of its own

We’re excited to present a brand new instrument from K-Devices. Terra is a three-oscillator Max for Live synth that combines wavetable, frequency modulation, phase distortion and additive techniques. Both innovative in its architecture and versatile in its potential uses, Terra boasts a number of intelligent features that set it apart from other synths.
Each of Terra’s three oscillators has its own amp envelope, enabling fully controllable dynamic layering of the raw waveforms. For ultra-thick supersaw sounds, Terra provides a unison mode that lets you tweak the levels and detune offsets of all eight voices independently of each other. And along with two LFOs, a step sequencer and a regular ADSR envelope, the synth includes an unusual DAHR envelope among its mod sources.
Add to that little lot a highly flexible modulation system and three multi-effects modules, and you have a powerful, edgy virtual instrument geared up to produce a wide range of fresh, modern sounds, from weird, shifting textures and step sequenced pads to deep basses, piercing leads and sparkling chords.