Free Stuff Friday: Humanized Sequencing, Streamlined Racks and Bass Heavy Synths

It’s that time of week again. Every Friday we trawl the net for the best production tools so you can spend more time focussing on your music. This week we’ve found a way to humanize your sequences, a whole stack of great racks and a monster mono bass synth. Enjoy!
That Human Touch

If you’ve ever felt like you’re missing a little soul then this device can give your sequences the natural ebb and flow of a live performer. Based on research into the science of swing, the Humanizer randomizes your MIDI patterns, adding the subtle flaws and inconsistencies that are so important to a good groove.
Download The Humanizer
Straight to the Point

Here we’ve got a whole page of simple but effective racks, from Certified Trainer Yeuda Ben-Atar aka Side Brain. Fine tune your drums, add textural noise to glue your mix and explore the possibilities of New York style compression. Drop these into your tracks to speed up your workflow and get to the good stuff faster.
Download Nuke Machine and other Racks
Bass for Breakfast

Don’t let the odd name and wacky interface fool you – the Bacon and Eggs mono synth is a bass heavy tool with a few handy effects throw in for good measure. Apart from the usual set of sawtooth, square and triangle waveforms, we’ve got some complex filter / LFO combinations and a wicked flanger to draw more harmonics into the mix.
Download Bacon and Eggs
That’s all she wrote - have a productive weekend! Feel free to link in with us via our Facebook, Twitter or Google+ and don’t forget to use #FreeStuffFriday.