Push with Live 12 - Beta Release Notes

Push 2.1.5b2 and Live 12.1.5b2

October 24, 2024

No specific updates for Push.

Push 2.1.5b1 and Live 12.1.5b1

October 18, 2024

New features and improvements:

  • Muted drum pads LEDs now use a darker gray color and empty drum pads LEDs use a lighter gray.
  • The options in a track's context menu on Push are now controlled through the upper display buttons.
  • When switching to the I/O-tab in Push's Mix Mode while the main track is selected, the available outputs are now displayed as "Main Out" and "Cue Out".
  • When hot-swapping a Drum Sampler, you can now choose whether to swap the device or the sample inside of the device.
  • When hot-swapping a Sampler, you can now choose whether to swap the device or the sample inside of the device.
  • It is now possible to select a different track while the currently selected track's context menu is displayed.
  • Filters used to create a user label are now grayed out and non-selectable, and displayed with a small icon indicating their association with the user label.
  • Updated the appearance of large vertical lists in order to improve readability.
  • On Push 3, it's now possible to unmap a macro-mapped parameter directly from the Device View. When touching an encoder corresponding to a macro-mapped parameter, the "Unmap" option appears in the bottom right corner of the display.
  • Added a Cloud label, which allows browsing Note and Move Sets synced to Ableton Cloud from Push. The feature is currently supported when using Push in Control Mode.
  • When opening a track's context menu on Push, additional tracks can now be selected and certain actions can be performed on all selected tracks, i.e., picking a shared color or grouping selected tracks together when possible.


  • Fixed an issue where lists were animated when first opening the browser's filter menu.
  • When auto-tags are enabled, Drum Rack presets auto-tagged with "Sounds|..." will be excluded from the Drums label.
  • Push now displays a message and blocks user input while in the process of creating a new Set.
  • On Push 3, grabbing control of Foot_Pedal via Max for Live now stops the native function as expected.
  • Fixed an issue where tags and subtags were appearing as unavailable.
  • Fixed visual glitches that occurred when displaying the list of selected filters or tags in Push's browser.
  • Emojis in macro names are now displayed correctly again on Push in Control Mode.
  • You can now hold the Delete button and touch the encoder corresponding to the Gain or Transpose parameter to reset the values back to default.
  • Fixed an issue where navigating several levels deep into the folder structure would prevent the folders from being displayed correctly.
  • Fixed a crash in Live that occurred when using Push in Control Mode and mapping the chain activator of a MIDI Effect Rack chain to a macro.
  • The Clip View on Push is now more responsive, especially when working with clips that contain many notes.

Push 2.1b14 and Live 12.1b14

September 27, 2024


  • Fixed an issue where MIDI would sometimes be sent with a high latency after Push has been switched on for a while.
  • Push in Standalone Mode should no longer crash when connecting some control surfaces.

Push 2.1b13 and Live 12.1b13

September 23, 2024

New features and improvements:

  • After moving a scene from Push, the display will show the mode it was showing previously.

Push 2.1b12 and Live 12.1b12

September 16, 2024

No specific updates for Push.

Push 2.1b11 and Live 12.1b11

September 10, 2024


  • The Format filter type now includes enabled plug-in types.
  • Pressing the up and down arrows on the Session D-pad no longer triggers scenes or clips after switching to the Session View in Live.
  • The groove chooser in Push's Clip View now disappears when holding a step in the step sequencer to automate clip parameters.
  • It is now possible again to hot-swap an audio clip from a clip slot on Push.

Push 2.1b10 and Live 12.1b10

September 4, 2024

New features and improvements:

  • When opening a custom user label, the filters used to create the label are now displayed in the Filters section.
  • When grouping devices on Push, it is now easier to see which devices are available to be included in the group: unavailable devices are grayed out and the corresponding buttons are not lit up.
  • More USB ethernet adapters should now work when connected to Push 3 in Standalone Mode.


  • When changing the audio buffer size on Windows, the new value will now be reflected in the Push 3 Audio Setup tab.
  • The Convert button on Push 3 is now correctly lit up after flattening a track.
  • On Push 3, fixed an issue where routing meters would be displayed but inactive in some cases.
  • Automatic pitch bend mode on Push 3 now works as expected when using Max MIDI effects that support MPE pitch bend inside an Instrument Rack, e.g. Expression Control.
  • Fixed an issue where nested filters were shown as applicable even when their activation would lead to no results.
  • There should now be fewer cases where waveforms fail to appear (or only appear partially) on Push immediately after audio has been recorded.
  • The correct icon is now shown in Push 3's display for the Swap action in an empty Simpler.
  • Pressing a track selection button on Push while in the process of moving a track will now have no effect, as expected.
  • Users will no longer be prompted to map a parameter to a macro in cases where only a chain's parameters are macro-mapped.

Push 2.1b9 and Live 12.1b9

August 20, 2024

New features and improvements:

  • It is now possible to trigger macro variations on Push's pads when a device inside a Rack is selected instead of the Rack itself.
  • Added the following improvements when filtering in the browser:
    • In the All label, presets are now displayed as a flat list instead of being grouped under their respective devices.
    • When filtering for "Content|Preset" in any label, presets are now displayed as a flat list instead of being grouped under their respective devices.
    • Clips tagged with the "Clips|Drum Clip" tag will now be shown in the Drums label
  • In the "Content" filter group, users will now see separate Audio Clip and MIDI Clip buttons, rather than just the Clip button.
  • Adjusted the size of the tag auto-completion pop-up in the search field to accommodate the longest Ableton factory tags.


  • Eliminated a visual glitch that occurred when selecting a macro variation with a very long name with the jog wheel.
  • Collections are now visible and accessible from the Instruments, Audio Effects, and MIDI Effects labels again, as expected.
  • Double-pressing the Select button of a track that contains a Drum Rack will no longer result in the track becoming unfolded and then folded again.
  • Turning the first encoder in the browser when filters are in use, will now close the filters view and allow navigating the browser as expected.
  • Fixed a bug where, when hot-swapping a device that was instantiated using the "Content|Device" filter, the browser would not open the expected "Content|Device" filter view.
  • Fixed a bug where, when filtering for "Content|Preset" in a label grouping presets by device and then saving the results as a custom label, the resulting custom label showed no content.

Push 2.1b8 and Live 12.1b8

August 9, 2024

New features and improvements:

  • The global groove amount can now be changed in increments of 5%. When turning the encoder, the amount will snap to multiples of 5%. When holding the Shift button, the global groove amount can be changed in increments of 1%.
  • In Push's device navigation, Instrument and Audio Effect Racks are now indicated by the same icon.


  • Live no longer crashes when loading Normal.aif from the Grand Piano pack or other large samples into a MIDI track from Push.
  • Fixed a crash in Live that occurred when using Instrument Rack's second parameter bank to change parameters on Push.
  • Fixed a crash in Live that could occur in the following circumstances:
    • When loading a Set that routes a plugin's additional audio outputs into an audio track.
    • When scrolling through a MIDI track's possible routings in certain setups.
  • Fixed an issue where note name notifications in the melodic sequencer would not work.
  • Macro variations of a MIDI Effect Rack are now visible and modifiable on Push.
  • Push 2 firmware updates are now working correctly again.
  • On Push 2 and 3, users can now add plug-ins when a MIDI track is selected, as expected.
  • When closing device parameters view while editing macro mappings, the macro mapping editor is now closed as expected.
  • MPE pitch bend on Push's pads now works as expected when using tuning systems.
  • Made the following changes to Meld on Push:
    • Added missing parameters.
    • In the Settings tab, parameters are now adjustable with encoders rather than the upper display buttons.
  • Fixed an issue where the browser would shortly flicker, and then become empty, displaying the message "No Content" or "No Results".
  • Fixed an issue where, if a Rack was tagged, any devices added to it would show up in filter results when searching for the Rack's tag, even though the devices themselves were not tagged.
  • When moving a track, the Session Ring in Live now also moves to reflect the current position of the track.

Push 2.1b7 and Live 12.1b7

August 1, 2024

New features and improvements:

  • When an Instrument Rack is opened on Push with no macros mapped on the currently visible page, a message is shown in the display, indicating the possibility of mapping macros on Push.
  • When nudging the jog wheel right on a macro variation, the Rename option now appears before the Delete option and it is possible to rename the variation.
  • In the macro mapping view on Push, a white arrow icon now indicates the currently mapped macro.
  • MPE Pitch-bend is now automatically enabled on Push when a tuning system is active.


  • Users can now move tracks on Push 2.

Push 2.1b6 and Live 12.1b6

July 24, 2024

New features and improvements:

  • Macro variations can now be overwritten from Push 3 by using the context menu accessible when nudging jog wheel to the right.


  • Fixed a bug where device parameter names would overlap with other parameter names in Roar and Note Echo.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred on Push in Standalone Mode when muting tracks containing Drum Sampler Drum Rack presets.
  • Previously, it was possible to add a clip to a return track or the main track, which led to a crash. This behavior is now fixed.
  • Scrolling back to the beginning of the list of macro variations now always shows the selected variation or operation.
  • Editing macro mappings on Push (i.e. setting min and max values or deleting mappings) now works for macros that map to a parameter of a device in a return chain.
  • A Filter button is now shown inside a folder located inside a user label.

Push 2.1b5 and Live 12.1b5

July 15, 2024

No specific updates for Push.

Push 2.1b4 and Live 12.1b4

July 9, 2024


  • Added missing Meld's parameters on Push:
    • Oscillator Octave Transpose
    • LFO 2 Retrigger
    • LFO 2 Phase Offset
  • Fixed an issue in Push's browser where clips were using the sample icon instead of the clip icon.
  • The Transpose parameter in Drum Sampler can now be adjusted more precisely from Push.
  • The new Groove parameter now disappears as expected when editing MIDI clips.

Push 2.1b3 and Live 12.1b3

July 5, 2024


  • In Meld, fixed an incorrect Push mapping on the Matrix bank to the Engine B Pressure modulation amount page when Engine A was selected.

Push 2.1b2 and Live 12.1b2

July 3, 2024


  • When creating a user label in Push's browser, a notification is now displayed showing the user label's name.

Push 2.1b1 and Live 12.1b1

July 2, 2024

New Features and Improvements

Macro Mapping

Group Devices: Hold Shift and press the upper display button above a device to show the context menu, then press Group to group the device into a Rack. This creates the ability to map macros. If you'd like to group multiple devices at once, toggle the devices you'd like to group using the upper display buttons in the context menu, then press Group.

Macro Map Parameters: You can touch any mappable encoder, and a Map to Macro button will appear on the bottom right display button. Follow the instructions on the screen to choose the macro's destination.

Map Device Mutes and Button-Based Parameters: You can also map Device Mutes or button-based parameters by holding the display button above the item and pressing Map to Macro.

Edit Macros: To edit a macro, touch the macro's encoder and an Edit button will appear in the upper right display display button. Press Edit to show the Edit screen. Select the macro you'd like to edit with the first encoder, and use the rest of the controls to adjust the mappings and ranges associated with that macro.

Macro Variations

Trigger, Create, and Randomize (P3 only): Macro Variations are now displayed on the Macro Screen in the bottom left. Use the jog wheel to Add a Variation, Randomize your macros, and trigger specific Macro Variations.

Edit Variations (Currently P3 Only): Highlight the variation you'd like to edit and nudge the jog wheel to the right to delete the variation.

Play Variations on the Pads (P2 & P3): Use the Layout button to access new pad modes that enable to you trigger variations using the pads while you play.

Apply Grooves Instantly

A default groove is now loaded with the default Live Set that is automatically applied to any new MIDI clip. By default, the Global Groove Amount is set to 0%, so all you need to do to apply the groove is adjust this value.

Press the Timing encoder on Push 3 to select Global Groove Amount. Turn this up to to dial in how much groove is added to your MIDI clips without any additional setup.

In Clip Mode, use the encoders to change which groove is applied to the clip. You can select None if you don't want to apply any groove.

In the Groove Pool, there is now a control that allows you to select which groove you would like to auto load for new MIDI clips. You can also choose to have no grooves auto load with this control. The state of this control and the Global Groove Amount are saved with your Sets, templates, and default Set, so you can customize the defaults how ever you prefer.

Move Tracks and Scenes

As with devices, press and hold a track or scene and then use the jog wheel (or the encoders on Push 2) to move the item. Moving scenes is a great way to get organized, or create a song structure. Now that you can move tracks by pressing and holding, you can arm tracks by quickly double pressing the track select buttons.

Browsing Improvements

Filters: The browser now supports filtering and tagging.

Auto Tagging: As with Live 12.1, Push in Standalone Mode will automatically tag your user samples so you can easily include them when filtering content.

User Labels: You can now add your own user labels. You can also highlight a User Label, and then use the context menu to rename it. 

Rename Collections: Highlight a Collection, and use the context menu to rename it. 

Swap the Sample Inside of a Simpler: Select a Simpler device and press the swap button. In the bottom left of the browser there is a toggle switch that allows you to change where you want to hot-swap the device you’ve selected, or the sample inside of it. Swapping the sample allows you to retain the device and macro mapping settings.

Save Default Sets or Templates: In the Sets menu, press Current Set using the upper display buttons to show a new list of options similar to what you would find in the File menu on a computer. This menu includes new actions to save your current Set as the default Set or as a template Set.

Set Template as Default: Navigate to the Templates label in the Sets menu, then highlight a template and use the context menu to save it as the default Set.

Transfer Files and Use Link Anywhere With Push Hotspot  (Push 3 Standalone Only)

Create a Wi-Fi network from Push and use it to connect to your other devices. This is ideal for when your travelling or at a venue and need to transfer files, or want a stable Link hub.

The Wi-Fi control has been moved to the Status tab in the Setup menu. First turn on Wi-Fi using the display buttons, next use the display buttons to turn on Hotspot. Push will create a network name and generate a password. On the device you'd like to connect to, select Push's Hotspot as the network and enter the password. Once connected, you will be able to use Link and transfer files.

Note: When you use Push as a hotspot, you will not be able to use the internet on your other device. 

Preferences Tab

A new Preferences tab has been added to the Setup menu that contains the following options:

  • Exclusive Solo: Choose whether you would like to solo one track at a time, or as many as you'd like, by default.
  • Select on Clip Launch:Choose whether or not you would like Push to select the track of the clips that you launch automatically.


  • When entering text on Push, pressing "Delete" while the cursor is at the beginning of the text will no longer insert characters at the end.
  • Fixed a bug where a recording in progress could be unexpectedly stopped (and the track disarmed) when selecting a different track in Live with Push connected.
  • When restarting Push in Standalone Mode the clock source setting will be the same as it was before the restart, provided a valid ADAT clock is being received by Push.
  • When using Push in Standalone Mode, Push should no longer unexpectedly display information about Set recovery on startup.

Push 2.0.10b3 and Live 12.0.10b3

June 25, 2024

No Push specific updates.

Push 2.0.10b2 and Live 12.0.10b2

June 18, 2024

No Push specific updates.

Push 2.0.10b1 and Live 12.0.10b1

June 10, 2024

New features and improvements:

Push 3

  • Live's authorization code has been reviewed and simplified (without functionality change) and now uses a JSON format for the unlock file.

Push 2.0.5b6 and Live 12.0.5b6

May 23, 2024


Push 3

  • Updated the Push firmware package to version 1.4.6.  After updating the firmware on Push, the correct package version is now shown.

Push 2.0.5b5 and Live 12.0.5b5

May 17, 2024


Push 3

  • Updates the Push 3 firmware package to version 1.4.5

Push 2.0.5b4 and Live 12.0.5b4

April 25, 2024


Push 3

  • Fixed a bug on Push in Standalone Mode that prevented Sets in the Set Library from being added to the Favorites/Collection labels.

Push 2.0.5b3 and Live 12.0.5b3

April 5, 2024


Push 3

  • Updated the Push 3 firmware package to version 1.4.1 (includes XMOS 1.0.76 firmware). This fixes issues with LDCs not running and issues with ADC polarity.

Push 2.0.5b1 and Live 12.0.5b1

March 27, 2024


Push 3 & 2

  • "Master volume" has been renamed to "Main volume" on Push.

Push 1

  • On Push 1, notifications that show note names now respect the current tuning system, scale, and tonal spelling settings.


Push 3

  • When using the browser and then opening another screen that appears on top, such as as the Metronome or Convert menu, turning the jog wheel no longer affects the browser.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented glissando from working when using a Simpler device that had the MPE pitch bend range set to 0 and Push’s Note Pitch Bend control was set to Auto.
  • When editing a MIDI clip in Clip View, when the last note of a clip is selected and zoomed in, and its position is changed to outside of the clip border, the zoom level no longer zooms out to show the whole clip. The start position of the zoom is maintained instead.

Push 3 & 2

  • Improved Live's UI performance in large Sets while Push 2 or 3 is connected and Live’s playback is running.
  • Fixed a bug where the oscillator transpose parameters on Push didn't have an effect when Meld was following the clip scale.
  • Fixed an issue that occurred when switching to a MIDI track, where a note range or a sequence range notifications were shown in Push’s display. These notifications are now only shown when there are changes to the respective ranges.
  • When Push is connected to Live, freezing and flattening no longer requires two undo steps.