The APC40's Session Overview lets you navigate through your Live Set quickly. Hold down the Shift button and the matrix zooms out to reveal an overview of your Session View. In the Session Overview, each button represents a five-scene-by-eight-track block of clips, giving you a matrix of 125 scenes by 64 tracks. Hit a button to focus on that section of the Session View. For example, hitting the Shift button and then pressing the button in row three, column one will put the focus on scenes 11-15 and tracks 1-8.
Session Overview

Session Overview
Different mode, different colors
In the Session Overview, the color coding is a little different:
- Amber: indicates the currently selected block of clips, which will be surrounded by the red border in the software.
- Green: there are clips playing in that block of clips (though that may not be the block of clips selected).
- Red: there are no clips playing in that range.
- No color: there are no tracks or scenes in that range.