Push with Live 12 - Release Notes

Push 2.0.15 with Live 12.0.15

July 23, 2024

New features and improvements

  • Performing a fresh installation of Live on Windows will now also install a new Push audio driver which includes a security update. When Live is then auto-updated afterwards, a message linking to the new driver will be shown in the audio setup window when the Push audio driver is selected.


  • Fixed an issue where Push in Standalone Mode would be not visible in the Push label of Live’s browser.
  • Fixed a bug where a recording in progress could be unexpectedly stopped (and the track disarmed) when selecting a different track in Live with Push connected.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Push from starting in Standalone mode if the Core Library was missing or corrupted.
  • When loading an effect onto a duplicated pad from Push, the effect is now correctly added to the duplicated pad instead of the original pad.
  • The dedicated Swing encoder on Push and the Quantize menu entry for swing now always show the same value.
  • Fixed a bug that caused audio effects that were added to individual drum pads in a Rack to be added to the wrong pad.
  • When restarting Push in Standalone Mode the clock source setting will be the same as it was before the restart, provided a valid ADAT clock is being received by Push.
  • Updated the font on the push.local web pages.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when transferring certain types of files (e.g. presets) to Push in Standalone Mode.

Push 2.0.10 with Live 12.0.10

June 28, 2024

New features and improvements

Push 3 Standalone Mode Only

  • Live's authorization code has been reviewed and simplified (without functionality change) and now uses a JSON format for the unlock file.

Push 2.0.5 with Live 12.0.5

June 5, 2024

New features and improvements:

Push 3

  • Updated the Push firmware package to version 1.4.6. After updating the firmware on Push, the correct package version is now shown.

Push 3 & 2

  • "Master volume" has been renamed as "Main volume" on Push.


Push 3

  • When editing a MIDI clip in Clip View, when the last note of a clip is selected and zoomed in, and its position is changed to outside of the clip border, the zoom level no longer zooms out to show the whole clip. The start position of the zoom is maintained instead.
  • When using the browser and then opening another screen that appears on top, such as as the Metronome or Convert menu, turning the jog wheel no longer affects the browser.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented glissando from working when using a Simpler device that had the MPE pitch bend range set to 0 and Push’s Note Pitch Bend control was set to Auto.
  • When editing a MIDI clip in Clip View, when the last note of a clip is selected and zoomed in, and its position is changed to outside of the clip border, the zoom level no longer zooms out to show the whole clip. The start position of the zoom is maintained instead.

Push 3 Standalone Mode Only

  • Fixed a bug on Push in Standalone Mode that prevented Sets in the Set Library from being added to the Favorites/Collection labels.

Push 3 & 2

  • Fixed an issue that occurred when switching to a MIDI track, where a note range or a sequence range notifications were shown in Push’s display. These notifications are now only shown when there are changes to the respective ranges.
  • When Push is connected to Live, freezing and flattening no longer requires two undo steps.

Push 2.0.2 with Live 12.0.2

April 18, 2024

No Push exclusive changes.

Push 2.0 with Live 12.0.1

March 19, 2024

New features and improvements:

  • Push now supports the Tuning Systems feature introduced with Live 12:
    •  When a tuning system is loaded in Live, Push’s pads and interface will update to reflect the change:
      • When using no tuning system or a tuning system with twelve notes with identical intervals between adjacent notes (equal temperament), the full Scales menu is available.
      • When using a tuning system with twelve notes with differing intervals between adjacent notes (non-equal temperament), the root note selector is not available in the Scales menu.
      • When using a tuning system that is not built with twelve notes, the Scales menu is displayed in the same way as before for all tuning systems: with one list for configuring the interval between rows in semitones. 
    • The Layout button has more options to help suit the different needs of different systems. Use the button to change the number of semitones each row is offset from the one below it. For example, if Layout is set to 5st the first pad will be pitch 1, then the pad above it will be pitch 6, and the pad above that will be pitch 11, and so on.
    • In Melodic mode, Push's pads will display the root note of the system in the track color, and all other notes of the system in white.
    • The sequencers update to indicate the correct pitches in the normal levels of white.
    • Note names in Push’s Clip View will be updated to reflect whatever notes are used in a loaded tuning system.
    • When Push 3 is set to MPE Expression Mode and Note Pitch Bend is set to Automatic, pitch bend will be disabled if a tuning system is enabled in Live.

Note: You cannot load or change a tuning system on Push in Standalone Mode at the moment. To use a tuning system in Standalone Mode, save a Set with the tuning system loaded in Live 12 on your computer and transfer the Set to Push.  When you open that Set in Standalone Mode, Push will adapt to the tuning system saved with the Set.

  • Note name notifications now take per-clip tonal spelling and scale settings into account.
  • Push now features updated user interfaces for Meld and Roar, the new devices introduced in Live 12.
  • New parameter banks for CC Control have been added.
  • The Scale, Chord, Random and Arpeggiator device parameter banks have been updated.
  • The Scale parameter in the Random device has been renamed to Interval to match the updated device UI.
  • Changing probability values of grouped notes from Push will affect all notes in that group and the grouped value in Live.
  • The Load Previous and Load Next actions are now assigned to the lower display buttons instead of the upper display buttons.
  • The Preview button and text now change color depending on whether Preview is active or not.


  • Fixed the following issues with Roar on Push:

    • Inactive parameters can no longer be added to Roar’s Modulation Matrix.
    • The Filter Frequency in the Main bank now reflects the current stage selection.