Live 9 Beta Release Notes

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9.7.7b1 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • Introduced control surface support for Arturia Keylab MKII


  • Live could crash when loading a Set, if a Max for Live device was mapped to a macro control.
  • After undoing a Macro mapping assignment for a Max for Live parameter, the parameter previous locked state would erroneously persist.

9.7.6b2 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes

  • Adjusted the link in the pop-up dialog that appears when a user has reached their unlock limit.
  • Introduced control surface support for IK Multimedia iRig Keys IO.


  • Fixed a crash that could occur when dragging older, uncolored tracks from the browser into an existing Set.
  • Live could crash when restoring a Set that previously crashed.

9.7.6b1 Release Notes


  • Authorizing Live on Windows computers running on a variety of recent CPUs could lead to a crash.

9.7.5b2 Release Notes


  • Session View navigation with the Roli Blocks Control Surface would only be possible by 4 scenes increments, as opposed to one single scene increment.

9.7.5b1 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • Introduced Control Surface support for Roli Blocks.


  • The Live GUI could become corrupted when instantiating certain third party devices.
  • When activating Link during playback, the playhead would in some cases jump to the beginning of Live's arrangement timeline.

9.7.4b3 Release Notes


  • Minor maintenance bugfixes. These have no user facing aspects.

9.7.4b2 Release Notes


  • "Lock to Control Surface" would not work with certain Control Surfaces.

9.7.4b1 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • Added Control Surface support for Arturia KeyLab Essential.

9.7.3b2 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • Added Control Surface support for the Roland FA series.


  • Improved the reliability of vertical scrolling on Windows.
  • Live Sets created on Windows will no longer be saved as temporary files, and will therefore show up under Windows Explorer's list of recently used files.

9.7.3b1 Release Notes


  • VST plug-ins would be rescanned on program launch, after an automatic update took place.
  • Previously, copying or duplicating an Arrangement clip created unwanted automation for some third-party AU plug-in parameters, if they were not yet automated.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur after creating a MIDI feedback loop with a VST plug-in.
  • Previously, the global launch quantization setting would not be recalled correctly after performing an undo/redo, or after a crash occurred.
  • In case no audio driver is selected (OSX) or no ASIO driver is available (Windows), the "Show Link Toggle" button is disabled in Live's Preferences.

Changes for Push:

  • Fixed a crash that would occur if the ReWire.dll for PreSonus's "Notion" DAW was installed, and Push was enabled in Live's Preferences. This also fixed a bug which prevented waveforms or meters from being displayed on Push 2, under certain circumstances.

9.7.2b4 Release Notes


  • Fixed a rare crash which might occur at startup, under certain circumstances.

9.7.2b3 Release Notes


  • Fixed a bug which prevented auto updates from working on Windows 10.

9.7.2b2 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • Added support for the Arturia MiniLab MkII control surface. In order for the script to function correctly, it is recommended to update the Minilab MkII Firmware to the latest version available.

Changes for Push:

  • When routing via Push 2, the display process might allocate an unusual amount of memory.

9.7.2b1 Release Notes


  • If a dropdown or context menu was open in Live, pressing CMD+Shift+- on a Mac OS would cause Live to crash.
  • The GUI would appear laggy when zooming in audio tracks and moving the zooming hotspot on Windows if the files were being streamed from a hard drive.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Live to crash when opening a context menu in a device chain containing no instruments.
  • Fixed a bug which prevented changing the text color in Drum Rack return chains to white when the chain's color was dark.
  • Fixed a graphical glitch that occurred when hovering over automation segments drawn on top of a waveform. The glitch was visible in Detail View (in both the Arrangement and Session View), and would only appear in automation segments not covering the full track height.
  • Disabled audio and MIDI meters were not correctly shown as grayed out in the routing choosers
  • When Live's authorization was not successful, the dialog box could erroneously confirm it as successful.

Changes for Push:

  • Fixed a bug that caused Live to crash when moving tracks while Push 2 was connected, under certain circumstances.
  • When selecting a track containing a Simpler which was playing back a sample, the playhead would sometimes not be displayed.
  • Live would crash if a Drum Rack clip in the last scene was duplicated from Push.
  • Live would crash when importing a greater number of MIDI files to the Arrangement than the amount of available MIDI tracks, if Push 2 was connected.

9.7.1b4 Release Notes


  • Fixed a bug where the output of multiple audio tracks added to a Group Track via drag-and-drop would not be correctly set to the Group Track's input.
  • Fixed a bug which caused folded Group Tracks containing six or more tracks to unfold when moved, and Group Tracks containing five tracks to unfold when a sixth track was moved into them.
  • Link usage is now only possible with supported audio drivers. If Direct X/MME is in use, Link will be automatically disabled.

Changes for Push:

  • Fixed a bug where a crash might occur when UAD plugins were deleted while Push 2 was in use.
  • Pressing Record on Push would stop a clip if the clip's Launch Mode was set to "Toggle".

9.7.1b3 Release Notes


  • Live would crash at launch on OSX if the permissions for the system temporary folder were set to read only.

9.7.1b2 Release Notes


  • A visual glitch would affect folded Group tracks in arrangement, under certain circumstances.
  • The 64 bit Live version would fail to recall VST parameters when loading certain .fxp preset files on OSX. In addition to that, loading certain .fxb bank preset files could lead to crashes.

Changes for Push:

  • Clip parameters on Push 2 were unresponsive after a Clip recording.
  • Live could crash when duplicating a track containing Simpler instances, if Push 2 was in use.
  • Live's CPU usage would jump to an unexpected high value on MacOS Sierra, if the Push 2 script was enabled but no Push 2 device was connected to the computer.

9.7.1b1 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • Improved sound and timing of Complex and Complex Pro warp modes.
  • Added Control Surface support for M-Audio Code and CTRL49.


  • Fixed a bug where unavailable routings were not grayed out.
  • Live would crash when performing 'Undo' after grouping chains in a Rack.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented certain units (e.g "ms") from being displayed in an Audio Unit's parameter value text.
  • Fixed an error in the software text for the Spanish language.
  • Launching playback in Live right after enabling Link would force all other apps to adjust their tempo.

Changes for Push:

  • It is now possible to convert an audio clip to a Simpler or Drum Rack pad in Arrangement from Push.
  • Frozen tracks no longer appear as a target when routing via Push 2.
  • When there was no device in a track, Push would display a device from a different track, if that track was being played by another track or a Control Surface.
  • When creating a clip by adding a step from Push, the clip length was always two bars by default, until the Fixed Length value was changed once after loading a set.
  • Push would not initialize when recovering a Set after a crash.
  • Choosing a scale on Push would corrupt the Undo history.
  • The monitoring state would not be displayed when the routing target was set to "No Input", even if a signal was routed to this track's input from a different track.

9.7b9 Release Notes


  • Fixed a crash which might occur when deleting a Simpler device or an audio Clip during playback.
  • Fixed an error in a text dialog for the Japanese language.
  • Some audio clips from the Core Library would open in the wrong tempo.
  • The Scale device preset "Phrygian Mode" contained one incorrect note.

9.7b8 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • Updated the Live manual and translations.

Changes for Push:

  • Record enabling a track from Push while in Arrangement view would also activate the Global Record button.
  • When recording multiple clips at the same time, triggering one clip would cause also the other ones to stop recording.
  • Fixed a rare crash on Windows which could happen when triggering a recording from Push.

9.7b7 Release Notes

Changes for Push:

  • The count-in visualization on the Push 2 display now pulses to the beat.
  • The clip phase indicator has been raised for better visibility.
  • It was still possible to select Pre FX, Post FX and Post Mixer routings with the 'Position' encoder, on frozen tracks.
  • Fix a bug where the playback of clips created with the step sequencer would be incorrectly offset.
  • The clip phase would not reset correctly when stopping and starting transport.
  • The Input Channel chooser is no longer displayed when 'No Input' is selected.
  • Live could crash when undoing the deletion of a track, if Push was in use.
  • The Record Button on Push would not blink when a recording with Fixed Length was pending, if 'Phrase Sync' was off.
  • When triggering a Drum Rack pad, Push 2 in Device mode would display the first device bank instead than the Drum Rack macros.

9.7b6 Release Notes


  • Loading certain Max for Live devices could cause the Live GUI to malfunction.
  • Live might crash when instantiating the Outer Spaces Max for Live device.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when using the 'x2', ':2', or "Warp As" controls in Simpler, if there was no sample present.
  • Slices would not update correctly on the Simpler GUI when the user performed a ':2' or 'x2' action, if Slice by Beats was selected.
  • When converting Simpler to Sampler, the Sample Start marker would be visually misplaced.
  • The signal of send for grouped tracks would be doubled (+6dB), if the track's output was routed to Master and the respective Return track ‘Pre/Post’ toggle was set to Pre.
  • When dragging unwarped Clips over the section of a song where the tempo was automated from a low value to a higher one, Clips stored in the clipboard would appear after the dragged Clip.
  • Using 3 APC 40 units in ‘Combination Mode’ would cause LEDs on the APCs to flash erratically.

Changes for Push:

  • The ‘Legato’ option (in the Fixed Length menu) was renamed to ‘Phrase Sync’.
  • The one-shot envelope visualization could disappear when switching through Simpler’s device banks.
  • The routing meters would not turn entirely red when monitoring an analog source which was clipping.
  • When triggering recording via a footswitch, recording would always start in Session View, regardless of whether Live's focus was on Sesssion View or Arrangement View.
  • Minor visual improvement for the ‘Cancel’ button in the ‘Convert’ menu or when entering the browser via ‘Add Track’. Additionally, the ‘Close’ button has been removed from the ‘Scales’ menu.
  • The playhead and loop markers are now the same height as the loop indicator.

9.7b5 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • Updated lessons and info text translations.


  • When running Live as a ReWire slave on a Mac, it would consume 100% of the CPU load after launching Live as a slave for the second time.
  • Converting an Audio Clip from Looper to MIDI would cause the Clip to assume a grey color.
  • The parameters of an Instrument Rack would no longer be assigned to the Control Surface, if one if its Chains was previously selected.

Changes for Push:

  • It is now possible to duplicate Clips in Arrangement from Push.
  • By default, Fixed Length now respects the Launch Quantization setting. Its previous behavior can be toggled on via the 'Legato' option in the Fixed Length menu. This works with Push 1 and 2.
  • Added visual improvements to the loop indicator in Simpler.
  • Flag markers for Simpler and Audio Clips are now properly outlined.
  • The fade-in and fade-out visuals on Simpler are now represented differently from Loops.
  • Non-colored routing sources and targets now inherit the track color.
  • Uncolored devices would appear red on Push's display.
  • When converting an Instrument to a drum pad, the track color was not correctly inherited.
  • It was erroneously possible to change the monitoring state of frozen tracks.
  • When muting or unmuting a track while in Mix Mode, the state color of the track's meters would only update if its peak level changed.

9.7b4 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • Updated the “What's New” Lessons and Info View text for Simpler’s Slicing mode.


  • When resizing a Clip past its limit, the dragged edge would behave erratically when it was not on a grid position or when the grid was disabled with a modifier.
  • Live would crash when converting a Simpler to a Drum Rack if certain Control Surfaces were enabled.
  • When resizing Live horizontally, the positioning of Max Device windows would not adjust correctly.
  • Live would crash when exporting a MIDI file on Windows.
  • When exporting audio from Looper, the resulting Clips would inherit the wrong color.

Changes for Push:

  • Live would crash when enabling the Push 2 Control Surface script on some systems. As a result of the fix, some display functions of Push still won't work. Improved the error logging to find out more about this issue.
  • In the “16 Velocities” Layout, velocity levels can now be set without triggering the sound each time by holding “Select” before choosing the velocity level.
  • It's now possible to select a velocity level in the “16 Velocities” Layout and then enter steps in the other Layouts with this selected level.
  • Output routing meters would get stuck after selecting another Track as a routing destination.
  • Individual outputs of some third-party plug-ins were only partly available as routing sources on Push.
  • Under specific conditions, the meters on Push would wrongly indicate that audio was routed to the Sends only.
  • ReWire routing channels are now shown correctly.
  • Removed the “Post Mixer” output routing for MIDI tracks.
  • The Clip phase indicator now inherits the color of the playing Clip.
  • The Clip phase now indicates if a Clip is muted.

9.7b3 Release Notes


  • Live would crash at startup if the preferences were corrupted.

Changes for Push:

  • The Push 2 display process would not start on Windows, if non-standard unicode characters were contained in the user profile name. 
  • Page Left/Right buttons are now available in the Step Sequencer for Simpler in Slice mode.
  • The Push 2 firmware has been updated to 1.0.60. It now automatically adjusts the LED white balance for units produced in the factory from April 2016.
  • Fixed an error when changing audio routings on Push 2.
  • It's now possible to adjust the Input and Output MIDI routing from Push 2.
  • Improved scrolling through Input or Output targets when changing routings from Push 2.
  • Pressing Record on Push would stop a Clip if the Clip Launch Mode was set to "Toggle".
  • Routing meters would not reflect clipping signals on external inputs correctly.
  • When changing Layout, the Step Sequencer page would reset.
  • Clip phase would overflow when changing Clip length during playback.
  • Push would allow editing Chain Mixer parameters when the Rack was frozen. This has been corrected.

9.7b2 Release Notes


  • Fixed a crash which might occur when creating a time selection on Group tracks in Arrangement View.
  • Live might run into issues when writing files to disk on Windows, if the file path contained non standard unicode characters.

Changes for Push:

  • When in Slicing mode, 'Split Slice' is now in place of 'Crop'.
  • The step sequencers might malfunction when odd time signatures were in use.

9.7b1 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • New Simpler Slicing modes (Beat, Region, Manual) are now available.
  • As a consequence of the new Simpler features, Live Sets created with this version cannot be opened with previous versions anymore.
  • The beat time of connected apps in a Link session will be aligned when starting Live’s playback with Tap Tempo or via Looper.


  • When resizing the left edge of a frozen Clip to the left, audio would still begin playback from the Clip’s former start position.
  • Live would crash when canceling a freeze action, if this was performed on a previously frozen and flattened Clip.

Changes for Push:

  • The new Simpler Slicing modes are available on Push.
  • It is now possible to set the color for Tracks, Clips and Drum Rack pads from Push 2.
  • It is now possible to adjust the Input and Output audio routing and the Monitoring state from Push 2. This is accessible via Track Mix Mode, where a dedicated ‘Input & Output’ button is added.
  • Introduced a third layout for Drum Racks and Simpler’s Slicing mode, which enables triggering the currently selected pad / Slice with 16 pre-defined velocities.
  • When transport is active, a progress bar on the display indicates the playback phase for each of the currently playing Clips.
  • Added a visual feedback for the count-in on the Push 2 display.
  • The Push 2 Firmware has been updated to version 0.59. This delivers a new pad algorithm that improves the sensitivity of Push pads when playing with wrist pressure. It also contains a fix for cases where Push 2 buttons might double-trigger, and improves the stability of the MIDI data sent from the Push encoders.
  • Improved the matching between pad and display colors on Push 2.
  • Improved the matching between Live and Push 2 colors.
  • On Push 2, the color white in Live is translated as yellow, since white is used to indicate selection.
  • The intensity of the LEDs in the lower display buttons has been dimmed to create more contrast against the currently selected track.
  • Improved the performance when moving the Session Ring horizontally with Push.
  • When routing via Push 2, Pre FX, Post FX and Post Mixer routings are available in a separate list, in order to reduce the amount of routing sources.
  • When the focus is set to Arrangement View, 'New' is not available on Push anymore.
  • The Push Record button now takes into account Live’s focus on Arrangement and Session View. If the focus is on Arrangement View, the Session Record button will trigger Global Recording, while the Shift + Record button will trigger / stop Session Recording. The logic is reversed when focused on Session View.
  • Session Record and Arrangement Record are now independent from each other.
  • Different sensitivities are in place for the Push 2 pad matrix, depending on the function of the pads in the current layout. This is specifically aimed at avoiding inadvertently changing the loop selector while playing Drum Rack pads.
  • It is now possible to delete the currently selected Clip in Arrangement via Push 2.
  • If the selected Clip was in Arrangement View, Push 2 would not display its content in Clip View.
  • When step-sequencing a Clip in Arrangement View, the playhead would not be shown on Push 2.
  • When a Drum Rack or Instrument Rack was frozen, it was still possible to edit the Chain's mix parameters.
  • The Clip length would not be displayed in Clip View, when performing a recording with Fixed Length.

9.6.2b5 Release Notes


  • When running as a ReWire slave, Live would not stream audio to the ReWire master anymore.

Changes for Push:

  • Adjusted the notification texts for the Step Sequencer modes on the Push 2 display.
  • In Clip mode, the MIDI Clip length would not be displayed after completing a recording with Push 2.
  • When pasting a step copied from an adjacent one in the step sequencer via Push, this would present a wrong nudge value.
  • Under certain circumstances, the Push 2 display could go blank when selecting a track containing Simpler, if a really long sample was loaded into that device.

9.6.2b4 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • Updated the Live manual and a number of lessons and info texts.


  • Restored the correct MIDI mapping for the Launchpad User mode 2.
  • When triggering a recording with count-in enabled, Simpler could start playing back Warped samples from the wrong position.

Changes for Push:

  • Scales Layout settings are now also stored within a Live Set.
  • When using Simpler in Slicing mode, holding 'Delete' and pressing a Slice will remove all its steps in the currently selected Clip, if any exist. In addition to that, holding 'Quantize' and pressing a Slice will quantize all the events for that Slice.
  • When cycling through Layouts with Push, a notification is now declaring the current mode of operation of the pads.
  • In Mix mode, pan and sends knob would be erroneously displayed with the color of the currently selected track, instead than preserving the respective track color.
  • Copying steps to different pitches in the melodic step sequencer would not work if 'Fold' was active in Live's MIDI Clip View.
  • When controlling Multiband Compressor with Push 1, the 'Below Threshold' parameter would not be available anymore for the Mid Band.
  • The Push 2 script would be erroneously initialized twice when loading an existing Live Set or when creating a new one.

9.6.2b3 Release Notes


  • Live could crash when loading a Live Set where the 'EXT' button is saved as active, if Link was enabled in the preferences.

Changes for Push:

  • 'Gate' Launch Mode would not work anymore when triggering Clips from Push.
  • The Push 2 script would stop working if a track was deleted during the script initialization.
  • If a Drum Rack was loaded during the script initialization, Push 2 might malfunction when controlling this track.
  • Disabling 'Warp' would cause the zoom in Simpler to jump to an unusual zoom level.
  • When step sequencing from Push, if a step was nudged to the left it was not possible to copy it to a different step.
  • Count-in would be ignored when a recording was triggered via Push, in cases where a Clip was already active.

9.6.2b2 Release Notes


  • When duplicating a track, Clip modulation would not play back for the newly created track.
  • Operator's 'Shaper Drive' and 'Shaper Dry/Wet' would expose the wrong parameter name when mapped to Macros.
  • Fixed a rare crash which could occur when using Complex or Pro Warp modes.
  • Vinyl Distortion would not report its latency to Live, thus would not be correctly compensated.

Changes for Push:

  • When triggering Clips from Push, these would not be selected anymore despite the "Select on Launch" preference being active.

9.6.2b1 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • The ‘Link’ icon in Live's main UI now behaves like a button, toggling the Link feature on and off. This button only appears if Link is enabled in the Preferences.
  • The ‘EXT’ button is no longer hidden when the Link button is shown.
  • Enabling Link disables EXT and vice versa. Loading a new Set disables Link.
  • Improved the responsiveness of the Tuner device.


  • The Session Ring would be displayed when selecting certain Control Surfaces, even if no valid input and output MIDI ports were enabled in the respective Control Surfaces menus.
  • If the End Marker of a Clip preceded the Loop End Marker and Clip Loop was on, recording this Clip in arrangement could lead to a wrong result.
  • Fixed a bug which caused Live to hang when loading certain Live Sets.
  • Fixed a bug in Max for Live which prevented 'fold_state' and devices in Drum Rack Chains from being declared.
  • The APC 40 Session Ring would reset to the top left of Live's Session View when adding or removing another Control Surface.
  • The Launchpad Pro User mode would not send MIDI notes into tracks anymore.
  • The Launchpad User mode 2 would not send MIDI notes into tracks anymore.

Changes for Push:

  • Push 2 Firmware update v 0.51: introduces an improvement for potentiomenters, to prevent jitter due to electrical noise.
  • In Session mode, holding duplicate allows copying and pasting a Clip to a Clip Slot of choice.
  • In the melodic step sequencer, stepped automation is now linked to note length.
  • It is now possible to convert an audio clip to a new drum rack pad.
  • In the Drum Rack Step Sequencer, it is now possible to copy and paste a step into a different part of the Clip for Push 1 and 2.
  • When converting an audio Clip to Simpler, the device chain content is now copied from the original track to the destination track.
  • It is now possible to copy and paste notes across pitches in the melodic step sequencer for Push 1 and 2.
  • When Simpler is in One Shot mode, the Gain parameter is now available in place of Volume.
  • In both the melodic and Drum Rack step sequencer, note length can now be adjusted via the pads, by holding the pad where the step exists, and one pad at its right.
  • When moving the Session Ring with the Page and Octave buttons from Push 2, an absolute offset of 8 will now be used in all cases.
  • When browsing the Drums category, the empty Drum Rack icon would incorrectly display as a folder.
  • Previously, Fixed Length would be ignored if the recording of a Clip was triggered by pressing a pad as opposed to pressing the Record button.
  • The master meter on Push 2 would not turn entirely red, as it does in Live, when the signal was clipping.
  • Display brightness settings would not be restored correctly on Push 2 after power cycling the device.
  • When dragging a sample from an audio track into Simpler from Live, Push 2 would erroneously still display the audio Clip view, even if the track containing Simpler was selected.
  • When a Group Track is selected, using 'Add Track' to add an instrument would lead to unexpected results.
  • If 'Accent' was enabled, changing any of the Note Settings in the step sequencer would cause the velocity for this step to jump to127.
  • After a Drum Rack pad containing Simpler is selected, Device Mode would still display its controls upon selecting a different track.
  • When Simpler was set to Slicing mode and its Playback Mode was 'Mono', Repeat would not behave correctly.
  • Under certain circumstances, the Convert button was not available for audio Clips.

9.6.1b7 Release Notes

Changes for Push:

  • Under specific conditions, when duplicating a track in Live, track selection on Push could be broken.

9.6.1b6 Release Notes


  • Device selection would stop working when using Control Surfaces based on User Remote Scripts.
  • Live could crash if Simpler contained a very long audio file.
  • Occasionally, the grid lines for certain devices (e.g the Frequency Display in EQ Eight, the Bandpass Display in Overdrive) would not be drawn under the 64-bit version on Windows.
  • The Complex and Complex Pro Warp algorithms that were updated and optimized in 9.6.1b1 have been rolled back to the previous version, as the new algorithms could produce audio artefacts under some circumstances.

Changes for Push:

  • When working with Simpler or Audio Clips on Push 2, the display would scroll erratically if sample Start and End were adjusted at the same time and the active sample region was partially offscreen.
  • The Channel meters on Push 2 could display erratic activity for the currently selected track.
  • Under certain circumstances, LED feedback from Push User mode would be displayed also after going back to Live mode.
  • On Push 2, when entering Device 'Edit mode' for a device loaded into a Drum Rack, this would not be exited correctly upon selecting a different pad.
  • In Simpler, Waveform Slice points and Start, End flags displayed the wrong color when switching between tracks of different color.
  • When duplicating an Audio Clip or a Drum Rack pad based on Simpler, the waveform visualization of the copied item would not be preserved.

9.6.1b5 Release Notes

Changes for Push:

  • In Drum Racks, it is now possible to transpose the note played by a pad on Push 2.
  • In Mix mode, the track meters now change in color to reflect the state of the track routing / monitoring, as they do in Live on Push 2.
  • Improved the waveform zooming behavior on Push 2 for both Simpler and audio Clip mode.
  • If fades are enabled in Simpler, these will be displayed also on Push 2.
  • The zoom level is now represented graphically, whereas before a numeric value was used.
  • On Push, the active sample region for Simpler would not match the one in Live if ‘Snap’ was enabled.
  • Waveform updates are faster when switching between different Simpler instances.
  • Improved performance when scrolling vertically in Session View with Push 2.

9.6.1b4 Release Notes


  • Live would crash when performing 'Undo' after dragging a sample onto Simpler's breakout view.
  • Improved the performance of Ableton Devices on Windows.
  • Reversing an audio Clip twice before the sample analysis completed caused the sample to be greyed out.

Changes for Push:

  • Scale Layouts are now available for Push 2 as well.
  • The 'Sequent^' and 'Sequent>' Scale Layouts have been improved.
  • Push 2 Firmware is upgraded to version 1.0.49. This is a maintenance update.
  • The ‘Sensitivity' parameter was erroneously swapped with 'Detune' in Simpler (Slicing mode) on Push 2.
  • The Push 2 display would crash when browsing plug-ins, if the plug-in folder contained a number of devices which exposed the exact same name to Live.
  • When adding plug-in parameters to the parameter list in Device View via 'Configure', the device bank in Push Device mode would only update after switching back from a different mode or track.

  • When selecting devices with Push in a long chain, Device View in Live would not auto-scroll anymore.
  • On Push, a number of toggle buttons across devices would display ‘0’,’1’ instead ‘On’, ‘Off’.

  • When switching from Live mode to User mode, the LED state for mapped pads/buttons would not be recalled properly.

9.6.1b2 Release Notes


  • Under certain circumstances Live could crash on OSX when importing an audio file, if this was associated to a pre existing '.asd' file. This bugfix also further improves timing errors when using Complex and Pro Warp modes.
  • With audio buffer sizes larger than 512 Samples, values sent by the APC40 and APC40 Mk2 encoders would cause the mapped Live parameters to behave erratically.
  • Fixed a bug which prevented Max for Live devices from grabbing the Launchpad Pro matrix in the available User modes.

Changes for Push:

  • The Push 2 firmware is updated to version 1.0.48. This is a maintenance update.
  • Session view on Push 2 would not work correctly if white clips were present.
  • Push would display a wrong Clip length when using time signatures other than 4/4.
  • Under certain circumstances the channel meters would not be displayed when switching between Track Mix Mode and Global Mix Mode on Push 2.
  • The pulsing phase of the Push 2 pads indicating a recording state has been inverted.
  • Previously, it was not possible to delete Return tracks from Push 1and 2.
  • When in Slicing mode, the Pad Slicing parameter was displayed twice on Push 1.
  • Push 1 would become unresponsive after performing 'Slice to Drum Rack'.

9.6.1b1 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • Complex and Pro Warp algorithms have been updated and optimized in order to reduce CPU spikes following the start of a Clip or Simpler voice, especially when transposing or stretching a lot. The update also fixes a number of scenarios where timing issues or artefacts could have taken place.
  • Reduced CPU peak loads when launching, stopping or scrubbing clips, when clicking the "back to arrangement" button, when editing a running clip.
  • Improved CPU spikes  caused by external MIDI input on OSX.
  • Improved the reliability and priority of the audio thread when using ASIO drivers. This contributes a noticeable performance improvement and fixes a few cases where Live would drop out when using certain audio interfaces.


  • Certain Audio Unit parameters would show the wrong value in the Device View after instantiation.
  • Touching the Mod Wheel would stop transport when using the Arturia Keylab Control Surfaces.
  • Under certain circumstances, the Launchpad Pro might not initialize correctly.
  • Fixed a bug which prevented Max for Live devices from grabbing the Launchpad matrix in the available User modes.

Changes for Push:

  • On Push 2, playing clips now pulse in their assigned clip color, instead of green. Recording clips pulse between clip color and red.
  • In a context of hotswapping presets, the "Load" feature in the Push 2 browser is set by default on "Load Next".
  • Device selection is now remembered on a per-pad basis on Push 2.
  •  An additional visual feedback is introduced to help distinguish hot-swapping an entire drum rack vs. hot-swapping only a single drum pad. In the former case, all drum pads will start pulsing white as long as the browser is open, whereas for hot-swapping a single pad, that pad is pulsing. When hot-swapping a device on a drum pad, no indication is visible. This also fixes a bug which would occur when you were holding a step in the step sequencer, where the pad would stop blinking once it was passed by the playhead.
  • Added a "Load previous" in the Push 2 browser.
  • It is now possible to load a device faster from Push 2, without needing to enter its folder.
  • It is now possible to use "Warp as x bars" also while the sample is not warped yet.
  • Device selection would not be remembered by Push 2 for Effect Racks.
  • Added the missing parameters for Analog 'Amp 2’ under the ‘Amp’ device bank, and 'AEG2 < VEL' under the ‘Amp 2 Envelope’ bank.
  • ‘Vib Delay’ appeared twice under the Tension 'Vibrato' bank.
  • When switching to Clip mode with Push, Live would keep displaying device mode.
  • Previously, 'Press Browse to load a sample' would be erroneously displayed also when focused on Return or Master tracks.
  • The Push Display could go blank when loading certain plugin presets or when switching through device banks with Push 2.
  • "Lock to Control Surface" would not work anymore with Push 1 or 2.
  • Collapsing the Inline Mixer of a Drum Rack from Arrangement view would cause a visual glitch in Session View.
  • Adjusted the timing a notification is displayed on Push 2, which now is in relation to the length of the text.

9.6b2 Release Notes

Changes for Push:

  • Under certain circumstances the record button on Push 2 would not pulse while Arrangement Record was active.

9.6b1 Release Notes


  • When dragging the Simpler start flag towards the end of the sample, this would overlap with the End flag, which then could not be clicked nor dragged anymore. The same behavior occurred the other way around (the End flag might have covered the Start flag).
  • Live could crash when playing back audio files with sample rate below 44.100Hz, if these were warped with Complex or Pro.

Changes for Push:

  • The Push 2 Firmware has been updated to version 1.0.47. This is a maintenance update and does not introduce any user facing changes.
  • When an empty drum pad is selected, 'Add Device' will work like the 'Browse' button, thus it will not prompt the user to swap the entire Drum Rack anymore but rather will enable to load a device or sample inside the pad.
  • When adding a new device to a previously selected pad, the added device will now always be selected.
  • It is now possible to select tracks and devices even while locked mute/solo/stop mode is active. This is achieved by holding the select button.
  • When renaming a macro inside a Rack, the changes would not be immediately reflected on Push 1 and Push 2's display.
  • After using 'Collect All and Save', Simpler instances would fail to display a waveform due to the changed file path.
  • Fixed a few visual inconsistencies for Push 2, where the On/Off icons might be missing for some devices and the Sawtooth waveform orientation was be inverted with respect to the one shown in Live's device choosers.
  • Muting or soloing a Drum Pad or muting a step in the step sequencer while in locked mute/solo mode would mute the currently selected track instead.
  • Under certain circumstances pressing 'Add Track' and loading a new device would swap the instrument residing in the currently selected track instead.
  • Fractions were not shown correctly for Simpler on the Push1 display.
  • Quantized parameters were not displayed correctly on Push1's bar graph.
  • Previously, Push 2 would only show the left channel for stereo waveforms. As of now, both channels are displayed in overlay.
  • The encoder resolution for Push 1 was significantly different as of Live 9.5 when compared to previous versions. This has now been rectified.
  • When trying to change the Start/End parameter on an empty Simpler, the parameter would stop updating its state on the Push 1 display even after adding a sample.
  • When moving a channel towards the left while in 'Mix' mode, its channel meter would stop working on Push2.

9.5.1b6 Release Notes


  • A crash could occur when dragging the Start Marker to the very end of a file in Simpler and playing back a warped, looped sample with 'Snap' active.
  • Changing Simpler's playback mode via the keyboard would not be undoable.
  • Live could hang when loading Live Sets with large numbers of multisample parts.
  • Live would crash on OSX 10.11 when a user closed the second window while it was shown in fullscreen mode.

Changes for Push:

  • 'Mute', 'Solo' and 'Stop Clip' can be locked by holding the respective button. This enables muting tracks, bypassing devices, soloing tracks and stopping Clips with one single button press. 
  • Live would crash when converting a Clip to Simpler, if the device default for Dropping Samples on Device View consisted of a Simpler instance inside an Instrument Rack.

9.5.1b5 Release Notes


  • Recovering Live sets after a crash would not succeed under certain circumstances.
  • Dragging a selection of an arrangement clip into Simpler now sets the start and end flags according to the selection.
  • Snap is automatically disabled when slicing a Simpler to a Drum Rack. This ensures that the sound of playback does not change after slicing a Simpler to a Drum Rack.
  • Live could crash when playing back warped samples in Simpler. The crash would occur when a new note began playing at the exact same time that another playing note was ending, if that also choked or retriggered the previous note.
  • Reduced audible artifacts and improved timing for samples warped with Complex and Complex Pro.
  • When using Link, the Driver Error Compensation value was previously used to adjust the latency compensation for the sync, whenever an audio driver did not report its latency correctly. This is not the case anymore and the Master track delay can be used instead.

Changes for Push:

  • Push 2 Firmware is updated to build 46. This Firmware update is intended to mitigate unexpected high velocity values which might be triggered when Push pads are played softly. This is an intermediate step towards a proper fix. Please note that, depending on your pad sensitivity settings, it might now be more difficult to reach maximum velocity.
  • On Push 1, plugin parameter names would not update correctly anymore if these change dynamically e.g. when loading a new preset. In addition, Push 2 now also updates such plugin parameter names dynamically.

9.5.1b4 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • Added Control Surface support for the Alesis VX series.


  • Live would crash when running as ReWire slave.
  • Live's tempo would reset to 120bpm when enabling Link, if no Link connection was available.
  • Replaced one redundant color in the Live color sequence.

Changes for Push:

  • Added control for further Simpler parameters on Push 1: Warp mode, Warp On/Off, Voices, Gain.

9.5.1b3 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • Added control surface support for the Arturia KeyLab series, Arturia BeatStep and Arturia MiniLab.
  • When tweaking Warp mode specific parameters in Simpler (i.e. grain size, flux), these are now updated in real time. Previously, these would be only updated on a per-note basis.
  • Add a preference to re-enable random clip colors.
  • When joined a Link session, dropping a sample or clip into a blank/default live set will not change the set tempo.
  • Updated various info texts.


  • The OSR filter might produce unwanted artefacts when used with high frequency and resonance settings.
  • Audio files would not retain the color saved in the respective .asd file when dropped into a track.
  • Simpler's playhead could jump unexpectedly when starting the transport while playing back warped samples.
  • Fixed an issue which might cause incorrect timing for samples warped with Complex.
  • A crash could take place when playing back sliced samples in Simpler, if 'Snap' had previously been activated in Classic or One-Shot mode.

Changes for Push:

  • Push 2 Firmware updated to v1.0 build 45. This fixes a problem where the hardware would sometimes fail to initialize on Windows.
  • Push 1 can now utilize custom device banks for Simpler.
  • Dynamic parameter banks are in place for Push 1 as well. Parameters that don't have an effect due to some other parameter being disabled will now be hidden. In addition, Simpler, Sampler, Operator and Auto Filter now have the 'Filter Slope' parameter in their banks.
  • Added a 12/24 dB button (filter slope) to Auto Filter, Operator and Sampler for Push 2.
  • Improved encoder responsiveness when selecting a parameter through a list on Push 2.
  • Under certain conditions, the waveform in Simpler flickered on display when zooming in on longer samples.
  • No auto preview was available for the currently selected item when navigating to a list using an encoder.
  • Improved the Push initialization process when the unit is power cycled while Live is open.

9.5.1b2 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • Introduced Link, a technology which keeps devices in sync when connected to the same network.
  • A 'Link' section has been added to the Link/MIDI preferences tab.
  • Link and The Bridge prevent each other from starting once switched on.
  • Link and The Bridge both switch off External sync when activated.
  • Link, The Bridge and External Sync are not available when Live runs as a ReWire slave.


  • The spread pitch control is now disabled if Simpler is using Re-Pitch as warping mode.
  • Live would crash when converting a sliced Simpler to a Drum Rack from within an Instrument Rack.
  • When slicing an audio Clip to a Sampler based slicing preset, all slices would be assigned to the same root note.
  • The text in the Simpler 'Warp As' button would not be displayed properly when running Live in a language other than English.
  • Simpler would cause an unusual high memory usage if the user had set 'Complex' as the default mode for Warping.

Changes for Push:

  • It is now possible to browse Scales also with the up/down and left/right arrows.
  • When holding the mute/solo button, muted/soloed tracks would display their original color on the display: these now correctly display the muted/soloed state.
  • Under certain circumstances the Push pads would not reflect the selected slice when using a sliced Simpler.
  • When hotswapping an instrument, browser selection could disappear when scrolling up/down with the Push arrows.

9.5.1b1 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • The Python framework has been updated to support Python 2.7.
  • Improved the time required to slice an audio sample to a Drum Rack.
  • Updated fonts and added a number of special characters.
  • The Live 8 Legacy Mode in Operator has been renamed to something more meaningful.
  • Performance improvements in waveform rendering.
  • Slicing visualization improvements and other minor cosmetic tweaks for Simpler and Sampler.
  • While samples are offline or still decoding, Slice to Drum Rack and Slice to new Midi Track from Simpler are disabled.


  • Live might become unresponsive on OSX if no Max application can be found. Furthermore, Live would not find Max 7 on its own on Windows.
  • Live could hang when loading sets referencing Max devices, if these were saved with Max 6.1.7 or earlier.
  • Tracks created by dragging and dropping a Rack or Rack preset will now correctly be assigned with a new track color.
  • Fixes a crash which might happen in conjunction with Complex / Pro modes.
  • Live could hang at launch while displaying the splash screen on Windows 10.
  • The modulation destinations for the new legacy filters in Simpler and Operator are now hidden and updated correctly when upgrading a device.
  • Improved the CPU performance of Complex and Pro when playing back short loops. Note that while Clip loops are limited to at least 1/16 note in length, simpler loops can be as small as 50 samples.
  • Live would crash when cropping samples in Sampler.

Changes for Push:

  • The color mapping for Push 2's step sequencers has been improved, to better reflect different velocity ranges.
  • Scales mode can now act as a momentary toggle if held.
  • When simpler is in 64 pad slicing mode, the touch strip can work as Pitch Bend or Modulation Wheel.
  • It is now possible to load and hotswap samples in audio tracks on Push 2. This is achieved by first entering Clip mode.
  • It is now possible to toggle the Global Record button via Push by holding Shift and pressing the Session Record button.
  • Sample names are now displayed in the browser while hotswapping.
  • Introduced a short delay before showing the tempo/swing message when touching the encoders, to reduce the amount of notifications.
  • When zoomed out on a long sample, it is now possible to see an indication of the existing slices on the Push 2 display.
  • Push would keep showing the loop selector in sequencer mode after deleting a Clip.
  • After converting an audio Clip to a Simpler from Push 2, device mode will be selected automatically.
  • When converting between Simpler and Sampler, Push 2 would lose device selection.
  • The display could get stuck in User mode on Push 2. Additionally, it is now possible to momentarily enter User mode by holding the respective button.
  • Mute and Solo would not work on Push 2 if the currently selected track was outside the Session Ring.
  • When loading a sample from the browser, Simpler's "Mode"  would be displayed as "Classic" on Push 2, regardless of the default for "Dropping Samples on Device View".
  • The Arrow Keys would stop working after switching between note and session mode while using the Push 2 browser.
  • Selecting a scene in Live would cause Clip selection from Push not to work anymore.

9.2.3b4 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • Added control surface support for the Roland AIRA MX-1

9.2.3b3 Release Notes


  • Live could crash on Windows when changing sample rate when using certain ASIO drivers.

Changes for Push:

  • The step sequencer 'Note Settings' view could not be exited anymore if accessed while in Hotswap mode.

9.2.3b2 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • Improved the performance for Ableton Devices on OS X.

9.2.3b1 Release Notes


  • MIDI Note Off messages could be skipped as a consequence of an audio drop out, resulting in hanging notes.
  • CPU spikes leading to drop outs could occur when firing Clips, stopping Clips, Clip editing during playback, Clip scrubbing and when pressing the Back to Arrangement button.
  • Live’s interface would respond slowly when the Display Zoom was set to a value other than 100% on OSX using the 32-bit version. This bug fix also improves scaled drawing performance on Windows 64-bit.

9.2.2b3 Release Notes


  • Under certain circumstances Live 64 bit could crash while scanning VST plugins, after changing the input audio device or when opening a VST plugin window, especially when working with large Live Sets or if the program had been running for a very long time.

9.2.2b2 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • Added control surface support for the Akai MIDImix

9.2.2b1 Release Notes


  • Replaced the icon for Current Project in the browser sidebar.
  • Live would crash when dragging a Clip in the Groove Pool.
  • Audio Units would stop passing audio after changing the sample rate.

9.2.1b2 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • Added control surface support for the Akai Professional MPD218, MPD226 and MPD232 controllers.
  • Added control surface support for the Akai Professional Advance keyboard series.

9.2.1b1 Release Notes


  • Fixed a crash which might take place in Live 9.2 when scanning or instantiating a number of 32-bit plugins.
  • Auto-scrolling in session view could get stuck after releasing the mouse, when dragging a device across the splitter between browser and session view.
  • Fix a rare crash which could occur when closing plugin windows on Mac.
  • Live could crash when double clicking on a Rack Chain Macro in the Mapping Browser, while in Macro Map mode.

9.2b12 Release Notes


  • Fixed a problem which might introduce differences in timing in Clips warped with Complex or Pro with previous Live versions.

9.2b11 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • The feature “Warp as 'x' bars" has been adjusted to provide more musical values.
  • New 606 & 808 Impulse presets have been added to the Core Library.
  • Core Library Audio Clips now load with HiQ enabled and Fade disabled.


  • Automation was not compensated for the Chain Selector and the Device Activator in Instrument and Effect Racks.
  • Track meters Peak Levels would not be updated if the tracks were hidden.
  • Peak Levels in External Instrument and External Audio Effect devices would only be updated if these were displayed in Device View.
  • Track meters would flicker when resizing tracks in Session View.
  • A number of parameters in Sampler and Operator would not be correctly compensated if “Reduced Latency when Monitoring” was active.
  • Notes at the beginning of Clips would not be triggered when rendering or freezing tracks containing Max for Live devices or third party plugins.

9.2b10 Release Notes


  • The Push touch strip could send pitch bend MIDI data also in Session mode.
  • Impulse "Time" parameter would affect the global pitch instead of the global time.

9.2b9 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • Automation latency compensation is now also implemented for Simpler, Sampler and Impulse.


  • Remote mappings via a Max for Live device would not work for toggle parameters anymore.
  • Minor adjustments to the translations of Clip context menus.

9.2b8 Release Notes


  • When warping a sample with Complex or Complex Pro, phase differences between left and right channel would be introduced whenever a portion of the sample would be played back at a different speed.
  • Overdrive would report a wrong latency value, thus would not correctly be compensated.
  • Saturator and Dynamic Tube would report a wrong latency value when operating in High Quality / Oversampling mode, thus would not correctly be compensated.
  • Redux would report a wrong latency value when in Soft mode, thus would not correctly be compensated.

9.2b7 Release Notes


  • Under certain circumstances, the output of an audio Clip would be slightly delayed when warped with Complex or Complex Pro.
  • A number of device toggles (e.g. Tuner's Target/Strobe and Hz/ct) would not correctly display the respective labels when certain Live skins were in use.

9.2b6 Release Notes


  • A Live Set might become corrupt when saved after a crash recovery, if the original Live Set had meanwhile been modified by a different Live instance.

9.2b5 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • Most presets in “Sounds” and all presets in Operator have been updated to react to Aftertouch and/or Modwheel data.
  • Updated 808 and 909 Kits with better sounding Kicks and Snares.
  • The first warp marker (1.1.1) is now placed closer to the beginning of an audio Clip, even if the that portion of audio does not contain loud transients.
  • Updated lessons and info texts.


  • Phasing issues would occur when playing back the beginning of an audio Clip, if this was being warped with Complex.
  • The option "Reduced Latency When Monitoring" would not work anymore if used in tracks which contained Instrument or Effect Racks, or a Spectrum device.

9.2b4 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • Added support for the Roland A-PRO keyboard series


  • Improved Warp tempo detection and downbeat detection
  • Latencies in MIDI tracks or instrument chains without instruments are now shown correctly. Furthermore, the latency of a device's sidechain input is not included anymore in the shown latency.
  • Minor GUI bugfixes for high resolution displays.
  • Minor improvements to the Tuner GUI.

9.2b3 Release Notes


  • The preferences settings "Start Transport with Record” and "Start Transport with Tap Tempo" have been renamed to "Start Playback with Record" and “Start Playback with Tap Tempo"
  • Fixed a bug which could cause graphics glitches and crashes on OSX when using high resolution displays.
  • Updated lessons and info texts.

9.2b2 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • The latency introduced by a device is now displayed in the status bar, when hovering over the title bar with the mouse. No latencies are shown when latency compensation is turned off.
  • The Serato bridge is now compatible with Live 9.2


  • Fixed a crash which might occur when importing audio files with sample rates lower than 44.1KHz.
  • Automation and Modulation for Beat Repeat's mixer parameters (e.g Mix Type, Volume, Filter, Frequency, etc) and Device On are now compensated.
  • Fixed a bug where the mouse cursor would stay in stopwatch or beachball mode until the user physically moved the mouse. This would happen after loading devices, live sets, or anything else which would necessitate the use of the stopwatch cursor.
  • Updated the pixel font (used primarily in device LCDs like Operator) for retina displays. Also improved the aspect of envelope curves drawn in the device's LCD displays.
  • Fixed a glitch where the modulated value would become visible as an orange dot while dragging a slider, even if no modulation exists.

9.2b1 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • Added the Tuner Device to the Live audio effects.
  • Added a "Start Transport with Tap Tempo" preference to determine if Tap Tempo is going to activate playback.
  • Improved tempo detection for warped audio files where the tempo appears to be constant.
  • Improved the sound of Complex and Complex Pro Warp modes.
  • Added the option "Warp Selection as x-Bar Loop" in the context menu when right clicking on a time selection inside an audio clip.
  • Live Sets that contain Max for Live devices or third-party plug-ins now have lower latency.
  • Automation and Modulation are now fully latency compensated.
  • Modifying the Arrangement loop brace with mouse or keys will not affect the current track selection, while previously all tracks were selected as soon as the braces where adjusted with the mouse.
  • Dropped compatibility for Windows XP and Vista, OS X 10.5 and 10.6.


  • When switching between Note and Scene mode with the APC20, the Pad LEDs would occasionally not update correctly.
  • The Session Ring would not be entirely displayed on screen anymore when navigating through tracks if the Live Set contained folded Group tracks.
  • Fixed a bug in the Axiom Air 25, 49 and 61 Control Surface remote script, where the Send mix mode controlled the available Sends for the currently selected channel, instead of controlling Send A for the first 8 channels.
  • Fixed a bug in the MPK Control Surface remote script, where the Record Arm button had to be pressed twice to be toggled, and Exclusive Arm would not work.
  • Fixed a bug in the Vestax VCM600 Control Surface remote script, where the Punch In and Punch Out controls would work only as momentary toggles.
  • Fixed a bug which caused artefacts in the waveform visualisation when increasing the Gain on low amplitude audio clips.
  • Live would not display bluetooth audio devices in the Input and Output device menu under Preferences-->Audio
  • When controlling a number of mixer or device parameters via Aftertouch, crackles could be noticed in the audio stream.
  • The Live browser "All Results" label would not remember the settings for the optional second column.
  • Fixed a rare crash which might happen on OS X with certain input sources.
  • Fixed a crash which might occur when deleting several Max for Live devices from a Live Set at once.
  • Live would crash when quitting the application while renaming a Groove in the Groove Pool.

Changes for Push:

  • Added 64 Pad Drum Rack mode for Push. The Note button now toggles between the Drum Rack three section layout and the 64 Pad Mode.
  • Improved Aftertouch response and added an Aftertouch Threshold setting in the Push User Preferences
  • Added Modwheel functionality for the Push Ribbon Controller. Tapping the Ribbon Controller while holding "Select" toggles between Pitch Bend and Modwheel function.
  • Holding "Delete" and tapping an encoder on Push resets the respective parameter to the default setting.
  • Holding "Shift" while turning an encoder on Push changes the respective parameter with finer resolution.
  • Improved buttons readability on Push. The Repeat and Metronome buttons now blink if active.
  • When recording using Repeat on Push, the MIDI notes would be recorded with a negative offset with respect to the grid if the option “Reduced Latency when Monitoring” was on. This caused the very first note in the Clip not to be played back at all.
  • Using "Shift" + "Add Effect" or "Add Track" while in Scales mode would cause the display to show the Note Layout options even after releasing the Shift button.
  • When selecting a Drum Rack Pad set to Multisample mode with Push, pressing “Device In” with Push would automatically select the first device in the Chain list, and it would not be possible to go back to the enclosing Instrument Rack device.

9.1.8b3 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • Minor improvements to the auto updates mechanism.

9.1.8b2 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • Live will not auto-update to versions above 9.1.8 when installed on legacy OS versions. Affected operating systems are: Windows XP, Windows Vista, OSX 10.5 and OSX 10.6.

9.1.8b1 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • Added control surface support for Alesis V and VI keyboards.

9.1.7b4 Release Notes


  • Fixed a crash which might occur on Windows while Live scans or loads certain UAD plugins.
  • When choosing “All Individual Tracks” in the Export Audio/Video dialog,  tracks using the External Instrument device would not be exported correctly.

9.1.7b3 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • Added control surface support for M-Audio Oxygen 4th generation controllers.


  • Fixed a bug which caused modulations for arrangement clips to disappear when undoing and redoing after duplicating a track.
  • Live could crash when undoing and redoing after importing a clip or a track containing automation from the browser. Live would also keep crashing when recovering the Live Set from the undo file.

9.1.7b2 Release Notes


  • Improved fonts for Retina displays (Mac OS X only).
  • Improved graphics for the Track Status Display and the Plug-in browser icon on Retina displays (Mac OS X only).
  • Fixed a graphics problem which could occur on OS X 10.10 Yosemite when a Max for Live device was instantiated directly at application launch, e.g. by double-clicking an .als file or by having a template set containing a Max for Live device.
  • Fixed a graphics problem which could occur on OS X 10.10 Yosemite when opening the "Export Audio/Video" dialogue and having the "Zoom Display" preference set to a value higher than 100%.

9.1.7b1 Release Notes


  • Under certain conditions, the Tension instrument could produce unwanted noise bursts after loading a preset and then playing the first note.
  • Fixed a crash which could occur with the iZotope "Trash 2" VST plug-in on Windows. 
  • The Simpler instrument could lose certain macro mappings after converting a Sampler to Simpler and then enabling Simpler's Pitch Envelope.
  • Fixed the spacing of the "Hz" icon on Simpler's LFO Rate switch on Retina displays

9.1.6b4 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • Improved Max application chooser in Live’s ‘File Folder' preferences pane to be compatible with the folder structure of Max 7 application bundles.

9.1.6b3 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • Updated info texts and manuals.
  • (Mac only) OS X native full screen support now requires to have the option "Displays have separate Spaces" enabled in OS X' Mission Control system preferences. When disabled, Live will switch back to the old full screen behavior as known from Live 9.1.5 or older. This fixes a problem where the Live window could become entirely black when entering full screen mode.


  • VST plug-ins that have a MIDI output would not be able to output a CC 123 MIDI message ("All Notes Off").

9.1.6b2 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • Several icons have been improved for Retina displays on Mac OS X.

9.1.6b1 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • Improved graphics for Retina displays. Note that this requires a Mac with OS X 10.7.4 “Lion” or higher.
  • Added native full screen support for users of Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks or higher. The keyboard shortcut for toggling full-screen mode has been changed accordingly to CTRL+CMD+F, which is the operating system’s default. Users with older OS X versions and Windows users are not affected by this change.
  • It’s now possible to export selected tracks by choosing ‘Selected Tracks Only’ in the ‘Export Audio / Video’ dialogue box. The option ‘Individual Tracks’ is still available as well, but has been renamed to ‘All Individual Tracks’.


  • Fixed a bug that could cause memory leaks and an unusually high CPU load when running Live as a ReWire slave on Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite.
  • Indexing folders in Live’s browser would sometimes not work on OS X 10.10 Yosemite.
  • Some chooser controls would clip the right side of an active entry when closed, e.g. the Auto Filter’s ‘Shape’ chooser would cut off the rightmost line of the square or saw icon.
  • Clicking on a certain area at the bottom of a track volume slider in Live’s mixer would sometimes cause the slider to move to an unwanted position.
  • Changing the screen resolution while running Live in full-screen mode would not reset Live’s window to the correct size and still show the window’s title bar. This is now fixed.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur under certain conditions when loading Live sets containing a large amount of VST plug-ins and Max for Live devices.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when hovering over an automation breakpoint or segment on the first automation lane of an Arrangement track and then forcing another automation to be shown on the same lane, e.g. by tweaking a different parameter using a MIDI controller.
  • Max for Live devices would not pass an “All Notes Off” message to the subsequent devices in a device chain when the Max for Live device was turned off.
  • Max for Live MIDI effect devices would not be correctly latency-compensated when the device was turned off and the device had an additional latency defined in its patcher inspector.
  • The “Session Zoom” feature, which allows to move Live’s Session ring by multiple tracks / scenes at once with certain MIDI control surfaces would stop working under certain conditions.

9.1.5b3 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • Minor improvement to ensure compatibility with Mac OS X’ Gatekeeper for the forthcoming OS X updates 10.9.5 and 10.10.

9.1.5b2 Release Notes


  • Live 9.1.5b1 could not be installed on Mac OS X, if Gatekeeper was set to “Mac App Store and Identified Developers”.
  • The [live.thisdevice] Max for Live object would no longer send a bang message out its first outlet when adding/removing control surface scripts in the Live preferences.

9.1.5b1 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • Improved the threshold for inverting text colour of clip names, chains, macros, etc., depending on the background color, for better readability.


  • Under certain conditions, the MIDI level indicator would not show any activity inside the routing chooser of a MIDI track.
  • The Send button on the APC40 MKII would not work when pressed for the first time.
  • The Launchpad's Mixer mode would stop working after using the Launchpad's Session Zoom feature in Live sets containing more that 8 tracks.

Changes for Push:

  • When using a low audio buffer size or high sample rate, Push's buttons would not be backlit after launching Live (Windows only).
  • When entering Scales mode on Push, the Selection and State Control buttons would not light up until one of them is pressed once.
  • Push's Duplicate button would not work anymore for clips, tracks and scenes if Clip workflow is selected.

9.1.4b1 Release Notes


  • Live would hang during launch when running as a ReWire Slave on Windows.
  • Auxiliary audio outputs of certain VST plug-ins would not be delay-compensated anymore.
  • Observing or controlling the APC40 button matrix with a Max for Live device would not work after disabling the control surface.
  • Live could crash when receiving an invalid MIDI note quantization value from a Max for Live device. 
  • Fixed an issue which caused the Filter Type and its automation (if existing) to be set to an incorrect type after converting Simpler to Sampler or vice-versa.

9.1.3b9 Release Notes


  • Fixed some of the peak load performance problems introduced with session automation.

9.1.3b8 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • Added control surface support for AKAI MPK225, MPK249, MPK261.


  • Fixed a bug that caused the active Control Scripts to be loaded again when activating an additional Control Surface.

9.1.3b7 Release Notes


  • Fixed a bug which prevented Max for Live devices from grabbing the APC40 Clip Matrix.
  • Fixed a bug which caused audio dropouts and increased CPU usage in Live Sets containing several third party plugins, particularly when using low buffer sizes.

9.1.3b6 Release Notes


  • When loop is activated in the Arrangement View, MIDI sustain messages and other CC# messages would not be recorded reliably after the first loop iteration.
  • Fixed an issue in the Live API which caused a graphic glitch when using a control surface or a Max for Live device to adjust vertical zooming in Arrangement View. Additionally, under certain conditions this could also lead to a crash.

9.1.3b5 Release Notes


  • Enabling multiple tracks for recording and then triggering the Session Record button from the APC40 MKII would only record into the currently selected track instead of all armed tracks.
  • Fixed an issue which caused CPU spikes when moving a MIDI note in a track containing certain Ableton devices with automated parameters while the transport is not playing.

9.1.3b4 Release Notes


  • Under certain circumstances, Live would delete send automation or modulation envelopes from clips when exporting clips or tracks to the browser. Additionally, Live could crash when using the undo feature after such an export operation.
  • Manual mappings for the APC40’s Device Bank buttons would not work anymore after pressing the device’s Shift button.

9.1.3b3 Release Notes


  • Fixed a crash that occurred when closing the plug-in window of a UAD Audio Unit by pressing the [ESC] key.
  • After installing a newly purchased Pack, Live would show an error message and the Pack couldn’t be used until Live was authorized manually again.

9.1.3b2 Release Notes


  • Live would allocate an unusually high amount of RAM when rendering video with the 64-bit version on OSX.
  • Fixed an issue with the Mackie Control Universal Pro where the device would not be correctly initialized.
  • When configuring plug-in parameters, some sliders in Live's plug-in panel would not match the position of the respective parameter in the plug-in GUI.

9.1.3b1 Release Notes


  • Fixed CPU overloads and audio artefacts which might occur when moving MIDI notes in the MIDI editor when using third party plug-ins.
  • Text in deactivated clips was not readable with certain skins.
  • Importing a Session View clip containing automation for a Max for Live device into another Live Set  might create automation breakpoints in Arrangement View.
  • Fixed a crash which might occur when renaming a Drum Rack pad while triggering another pad.
  • Live could crash under certain conditions when running as a ReWire slave and creating a new Live set without saving the previous set.
  • Fixed an issue on the Mackie Control Pro where the display would not show the parameter's values correctly, after previously enabling the level meters.

Changes for Push:

  • Certain Max for Live devices which accessed the Push Touch Strip would not work properly.

9.1.2b5 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • Added control surface support for Akai APC40 MKII, APC Key 25, APC mini.
  • Updated control surface documentation.


  • Live 9 Intro or Lite would crash when importing an audio clip which uses the Complex or Complex Pro warp mode (Windows only).
  • The APC40's foot switch #1 would not launch the currently selected scene anymore.

Changes for Push:

  • Audio clip recording could be interrupted when choosing another track with Push, even if Exclusive Arm is deactivated in Live's preferences.
  • Pressing a Clip Stop button in Track Mode would switch the button matrix to Session Mode.

9.1.2b4 Release Notes


  • Fixed a crash that could occur on Mac OS X when quitting the application while Live is buffering samples.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur under certain conditions when moving scenes and then using Undo.

9.1.2b3 Release Notes


  • The AU versions of UAD powered plug-ins would not release their DSP resources when turning them off in Live, even if the option "Release all UAD DSP resources on AudioUnit bypass" was enabled in the UAD control panel.
  • Loading a set containing many disabled UAD AU plug-ins may have resulted in a "UAD bandwidth allocation exceeded" error while loading the set.

Changes for Push:

  • Browsing effect presets would not work anymore after switching to Scales mode and then pressing the "Add Effect" button.

9.1.2b2 Release Notes


  • Fixed a crash which could occur in the 64-bit version when triggering multiple voices in Sampler and having the Shrink/Expand Envelopes feature enabled.
  • Fixed a crash which could occur in the 32-bit version of Live when loading presets containing a very large amount of devices.

Changes for Push:

  • The Tempo knob on Push would increment Live’s tempo in too small steps.

9.1.2b1 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • Improved readability of labels in clips, tracks, chains and macro controls. The color of the text is now automatically inverted, depending on the background color.


  • Live would show cryptic error messages in case it detects and repairs a corrupt database. Now it shows something more meaningful.
  • Looped clip envelopes could have an incorrect length after unlinking the envelope, linking it again and then moving the clip from Session View to the Arrangement View.
  • MIDI data from the computer MIDI keyboard or an external MIDI input could have a huge delay after plugging a cable into the computer’s headphone jack (Mac OS X only).
  • When overdubbing a MIDI clip in the Arrangement View, the resulting clip would not be cropped to the correct content, but would contain all other notes of the track. 
  • A playing clip in the last scene would stop playing when deleting a scene above it.
  • Fixed a bug that could occur when recording automation over a loop jump in a Session View clip when the Arrangement View's loop is active.
  • Plug-in parameters of certain VST plug-ins would not instantly update on the custom plug-in window after changing presets.
  • Fixed a crash which could occur when quitting Live via the Mac OS X App Switcher (CMD+TAB). 

Changes for Push:

  • It wasn't possible to edit device parameters if a track's input routing was set to "No Input".
  • White clips would not appear in the correct color in Session mode after calibrating the LEDs.
  • When selecting a track, the Melodic Step Sequencer would sometimes not select a page in the currently playing clip.
  • Live would record MIDI notes at the wrong position when using Push's Note Repeat function and having the track's monitoring switch set to "No Input".

9.1.1b4 Release Notes


  • Live could crash when recording new clips with Push and having count-in enabled.
  • The playhead on Push could flicker under certain conditions.

9.1.1b3 Release Notes


  • Live would allow to trigger changes from notifications via the Python API. This could lead to problems with Live’s Undo history or even to crashes and is no longer allowed. Note that this change might affect compatibility with 3rd party control surface scripts. If you’re using a 3rd party script, i.e. a control surface script that is not natively supported by Ableton, and it does not work with Live 9.1.1b3 anymore, please contact the manufacturer of the script.

Changes for Push:

  • The playhead could behave erratically or completely disappear when enabling the loop in Live’s Arrangement View and setting it to an odd loop length.
  • Push’s auto-arm function would not work with certain track routing settings.

9.1.1b2 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • Live would always record the last received CC value into a MIDI clip, even if it was received before the actual recording was started. Live now ignores the last value and only records MIDI CC data that are received during the actual clip recording. 


  • Live would cut off all currently playing notes on a MIDI clip when engaging overdub recording in the Arrangement View. 
  • Under certain conditions, the playback of a Session clip would stop when scrubbing outside of the clip’s loop boundaries. 
  • Max for Live devices could be out of sync when exporting audio with multiprocessor support enabled.
  • When loading a Live set with a MIDI clip that contains modulation for Max for Live parameters of the "live.dial" type, the modulation values would sometimes not be restored correctly.
  • Live would freeze when setting the loop length of an unlinked clip envelope to the minimum value.
  • Live's MIDI map mode could crash when sending MIDI messages while another chooser or context menu was open.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when creating audio feedback routings with drum rack sends, for example when routing a return chain to itself.

Changes for Push:

  • Push now indicates if you’re editing a clip that is not the currently playing clip. It also allows to quickly move the focus back to the playing clip by pressing the up/down arrow buttons.
  • Push now indicates if a selected track is frozen and thus cannot be modified.
  • Deleting automation for device on/off switches or track activator buttons would not work from Push.

9.1.1b1 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • Live will now automatically repair its database in case it becomes corrupt, e.g. due to a fatal write error or a sudden power outage during a database transaction, etc. 


  • When recording clips on multiple tracks in Session View by triggering a whole scene, clip recording would sometimes be aborted too early in some slots.
  • Live could crash under certain conditions when flattening clips containing automation envelopes.
  • Live could crash after using 'Capture and Insert Scene' on the last available Session scene and then undoing that action.
  • Live could crash under certain conditions when using Japanese text input methods on Mac OS X.

Changes for Push:

  • Push could freeze when browsing user folders, if a path name contained certain special characters.
  • Grabbing individual buttons of Push’s button matrix from Max for Live would not work anymore.
  • Fixed a rounding problem that could sometimes occur with the bar graph that shows up on the display when tweaking an encoder.

9.1b26 Release Notes


  • Floating windows like the video window, plug-in windows or the preferences window could be hidden behind the second window when selecting another track containing a plug-in device (PC only).

9.1b25 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes

  • Minor improvements for usage data reporting.

9.1b24 Release Notes


  • Under certain conditions, automatic updates could still cause crashes with Max for Live devices (Mac only). Note: Users who have experienced crashes when loading Max for Live devices in previous beta versions should install Live 9.1b24 manually. 
  • The maximum duration of exported audio files when exporting to a lower sample rate was much shorter in Live 9.1 than in Live 9.0.x.
  • Dialogue boxes, tooltips and other windows could sometimes be hidden behind plug-in windows when using dual window mode (PC only).
  • Live could crash when remapping a Max for Live device after using undo.
  • Live could crash when remapping a Max for Live device whilst touching / releasing a parameter on Push.
  • Live could crash when using the key command 'Windows+D' during exporting.

9.1b23 Release Notes


  • The mouse and keyboard could sometimes become unresponsive after zooming or tweaking parameters on OS X 10.9 "Mavericks".
  • Under certain conditions, a maximized main window could open on the wrong monitor when starting Live (PC only).
  • Freezing a track would be much slower in Live 9.1.x than in Live 9.0.x.
  • Max for Live: The "length" property of a looped clip would reflect the distance from the clip start to clip end marker and not the length of the loop, as specified in the API documentation.
  • The "Shaperello Pad" preset could produce unwanted clicks when tweaking the "Erosion" macro.

9.1b22 Release Notes


  • The "Edit Info Text" context menu entry would not work in the second window.
  • VST plug-ins would consume CPU resources when deactivated.
  • VST plug-ins with side-chain outputs would continue to send audio to these outputs when deactivated. 
  • Crossfades in unwarped Arrangement clips could cause dropouts when rendering and thus bring up an error message. 
  • The progress bar window during audio / video export could get truncated.
  • Live could crash when recording automation for VST or AU plug-ins on return tracks.
  • Live could crash under certain conditions when disconnecting the Launchpad.

9.1b21 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • Updated manuals, lessons and translations.


  • When creating a new track by dragging an instrument to the clip/device drop area, Live would keep the last selected clip stand-by-selected. Now it moves the selection to the clip slot that matches the Session View's crosshair.
  • Selecting an audio buffer size of 32 samples was not possible anymore on Mac OS X.
  • Audio effects or racks with a high overall latency would not be rendered correctly. The beginning of the rendered file could contain a short period of the dry signal.
  • Live could crash when opening the second window.
  • Under certain conditions, the video window and plug-in windows could appear behind the second window.
  • When toggling the option "Show / Hide Detail View" in the second window, Live would not restore the correct height of the detail view.
  • The zoom function would not work in the second window when zooming to values below 100%. 
  • The Launchpad's LED states could be wrong (LEDs would flash when they should be lit).

Changes for Push:

  • Push would not update the parameter names of a rack's macro controls after hot-swapping a rack.
  • Push's display would not be updated correctly in Track view after adding more than 6 return tracks.

9.1b20 Release Notes


  • Automatic Updates could cause problems with Max for Live devices on Mac OS X.
  • Negative sample offset modulation of the Beats warp mode would not work correctly. This could lead to disk overloads and also to error messages when exporting audio.
  • (PC only) Keyboard shortcuts would not work anymore when Caps Lock was enabled.

Changes for Push:

  • Deleting automation by holding the Delete button and tapping on an encoder would not work anymore

9.1b19 Release Notes


  • Fixed a crash which could occur with certain AU plug-ins on Mac OS X after stopping Live's transport. 

Changes for Push:

  • Clips inside group tracks would not be indicated on the button grid when using Session mode.
  • Audio or MIDI tracks (with their MIDI input set to something other than Push) would be disarmed when selecting Tracks via Push, regardless of the Exclusive Arm settings.

9.1b18 Release Notes


  • (Mac only) Dragging the title bar of the inactive window would not activate the window. 
  • (Mac only) When unplugging an external monitor, the second window would not be reset to fit on the primary monitor. 
  • (PC only) The second window was not restored in its maximized state after minimizing it and then restoring the application.
  • Clicking on the menu bar while having the preferences window open would steal the focus from the preferences window and thus disable the "Close Window" menu function.
  • A double-click on the detail view splitter would not open/close the detail view in the second window.
  • Plug-in windows would be shown off-screen when unplugging or repositioning a second monitor.
  • Fixed a misalignment of the Session View mixer which could occur after deleting all return tracks.
  • Fix a bug that could cause parts of a waveform to disappear when dragging a warp marker.
  • Improved performance when swapping detail views between main and second window.
  • Irregular audio output values from Max devices (i.e. "Not a Number" signals) would break downstream signal processing in Live. Such signals are now automatically replaced with silence.
  • The audio engine would not support plug-in buffers larger than 1024 samples. 
  • When exporting audio files at a lower sample rate, Live would show an incorrect text in the progress bar, indicating that Live always dithers the file, even when the dithering option was disabled. 
  • The Sampler device occasionally produced a red 'D' (harddisk warning) and brought up a message during rendering if the sample is played very fast (high note, low base note). The fix reduces the likelihood of such warnings, especially in the rendering case.
  • Live would not check if there's enough free disk space available before applying an automatic update.

Changes for Push:

  • Setting a step in the Melodic Step Sequencer could create unwanted automation in Live's Arrangement View.
  • Switching between tracks while creating per-step automation could write automation to the wrong track and even corrupt a Live set or lead to crashes.
  • When creating a new clip while Push is in Session mode, any update to that clip's color was not reflected on Push.
  • When Push is in Track mode, the track name on Push's display would not be updated when renaming a track in Live.

9.1b17 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes

  • Added audio buffer size chooser for Core audio driver types. 


  • Clip view could not be resized to minimum width in the second window. 

9.1b16 Release Notes


  • Automatic updates for OSX 64 bit is fixed
  • Live's main window would stay unresponsive after closing a dialog or message box. 
  • When looping and recording automation in session clips using the mouse, automation will now be re-enabled on when letting go of the mouse button.
  • Clip detail would change when changing zoom level or switching views. 
  • The position of both windows are restored when starting live.

Changes for Push

  • Fixed a problem setting the loop selection using the melodic step sequencer. 
  • When overdubbing automation on a return track using push, live could under circumstances crash. 

9.1b15 Release Notes


  • Enabled automatic update capability for the OSX 64 bit build. This version will automatically update to subsequent beta releases. 
  • Fixed LED-update for Track On/Off button on Reloop KeyFadr/KeyPad controllers

Changes for Push

  • Autofollow is now disabled when creating new clips by setting the first step in the step sequencer. 
  • Page selection is now preserved when navigating between different clips
  • Live could at times crash when adding a drum rack from the Autobeat pack.  

9.1b14 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • Live now attempts to restrict the buffer size for ASIO drivers to power-of-two values on Windows. Note that not all ASIO drivers support this and may still allow to use non power-of-two values. This can lead to a higher CPU load and higher latencies. Ableton strongly recommends to always use power-of-two buffer sizes, i.e. 64, 128, 256, 512,... samples.


  • Live would sometimes not correctly restore the last selected scene in Session View after switching from Arrangement to Session View in dual window mode.
  • Key presses were not correctly forwarded to Live from VST plug-in windows or the video window (PC only).
  • When closing a VST plug-in window or the video window from the second window, Live would set the focus to the main window (PC only).
  • Live could crash when running as a ReWire slave if the option "Multicore/Multiprocessor ReWire" was turned off.
  • Mapping a MIDI message from a ReWire master application to one of Live's parameters could crash the ReWire host and freeze Live.

Changes for Push:

  • When tweaking parameters for step automation, certain encoders would also affect note length settings and vice versa.
  • The playhead would sometimes skip the first step when auto-follow was enabled.
  • The playhead would sometimes be stuck for a short time or skip beats when changing the step sequencer's resolution.
  • If a clip's start marker was set to a negative time, e.g. -2.1.1, it wasn't possible to move the loop length into a negative time range. 
  • The "grab_control" function which allows to gain control over a control surface's button matrix via Max for Live would not work correctly when using Push in step sequencer mode.

9.1b13 Release Notes

(Initial public beta release for Live 9.1)

Improvements and feature changes:

  • Added dual monitor support.
  • When exporting audio, sample-rate conversion is now done using the high-quality SoX Resampler Library, resulting in higher quality exports when rendering to a lower sample rate.
  • Live now uses multiple CPU cores when exporting audio and the normalization process is faster than before.
  • When exporting audio files from Live with the option "Create Analysis File" enabled, Live will now save warp markers with the .asd file, so that information about the original tempo and tempo changes are correctly reused when re-importing the audio file into Live later on.
  • The 'Export Audio / Video' export dialog has been improved.
     - It shows the same options whether launched from Session or Arrangement View.
     - Some of the export settings have been regrouped to provide a better overview.
     - "All Tracks" has been renamed to "Individual Tracks" in the "Rendered Track" chooser.
     - The export dialog now shows information about the source and target sample rate.
  • The "Open Recent Sets" menu now has a "Clear List" and "Remove Unavailable Sets" option. 
  • The menu item "Close Live Set" has been renamed to "Close Window." It will now close any secondary window that is open. If no secondary window is open, it does nothing.
  • The audio buffer size is now restricted to power-of-two values on Mac OS X. The slider has been replaced with a drop down menu. 
  • Plug-in buffers are now limited to a maximum size of 1024 samples. When choosing an audio buffer size larger than 1024 samples, Live will increase the audio buffer accordingly, but the plug-in buffer size will remain at 1024 samples. 
  • Optimized default presets for Auto Filter, EQ Eight, Saturator, Tension, Simpler, Sampler, Analog, Operator, Electric.
  • Added 10 new Simpler presets to the Core Library.
  • Improved readability of clip names in the "Disco" skin.
  • Updated manuals, lessons, info texts and translations.


  • Loading Live Sets and presets could take longer than necessary if the file contains references to missing files.
  • The metronome timing would be incorrect after reloading a Live Set with a different time signature than 4/4. 
  • Decreasing and then increasing the audio buffer size in the Audio preferences tab could cause permanent crackling on Mac OS X 10.7 or higher.
  • Two crossfaded clips running in 'Complex' or 'Complex Pro' warp mode could cause crackles and dropouts if the samples were time-stretched.
  • Fixed a CPU performance problem which could occur with certain VST plug-ins.
  • Fixed a bug which could prevent certain AU plug-in windows from closing in the 64-bit version.
  • Live would select clips slots when clicking and dragging in the empty area below the clips slots.
  • MIDI sustain messages would be occasionally ignored when recording over an existing MIDI clip in the Arrangement View.
  • MIDI data routed from a track output to the Launchpad would be sent on the wrong MIDI channel.
  • Live could crash when pressing CMD/CTRL + M or CMD/CTRL + K during startup.
  • Live could return a "bad number" error message when observing the "clip_trigger_quantization" property via Max for Live. 
  • Automatic updates could break an installation if the update process was interrupted.
  • Automatic updates would not work when running Live in ReWire slave mode. Therefore, automatic updates are now turned off in this case.
  • Fixed a problem which could lead to a memory leak in the Ableton Index and Web Connector processes. 
  • Presets containing Max for Live devices from the User Library would sometimes not be shown in the browser's "Max for Live" label.
  • Kit-Core 808 Kick, Toms and Congas don't click anymore when moving the Low/High Cut Macros.
  • Removed redundant choke group in Kit-SessionDry.
  • Fixed wrong notes in Scale preset "Minor Pentatonic Scale".

Changes for Push:

  • Updated firmware to version 1.13. Live will show a dialog box on startup if a new Push firmware is available. Detailed update instructions and a changelog are available in a separate Knowledge Base article.
  • Added a Melodic Step Sequencer mode. 
  • You can now add parameter automation to the selected step in a step sequencer.
  • Push's display now indicates automated parameters, as well as overridden automation.
  • Step Sequencer mode is now also available for Drum Racks that are nested inside Instrument Racks.
  • Less force is required to set steps in the step sequencers and loops in the loop selector.
  • Improved behavior and color scheme for the loop selector in step sequencers. 
  • When holding down a step in a step sequencer, you can edit the length of MIDI notes in steps (coarse) and in percent (fine). The length of the edited note is also reflected on the button matrix.
  • You can delete all notes on the same pitch within the current loop by holding down the delete button and then pressing the respective pad. This works in Note mode and also for playable drum pads.
  • The "Fixed Length" setting is now respected when creating a new clip by adding steps to an (empty) step sequencer.
  • When enabling 'Scales' mode, you can use the first encoder to scroll through the available scales.
  • Push's display now shows a short message when using the Undo / Redo button.
  • The second footswitch input now allows to control clip recording:  A single tap triggers Push's record button. A double-tap triggers Push's "New" button.

(All releases prior to Live 9.1b13 were internal releases)

9.0.6b1 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • Added control surface support for Novation Launch Control.
  • Added control surface support for Novation Launchkey Mini.
  • Added control surface support for Reloop KeyFadr.
  • Added control surface support for Reloop KeyPad.
  • Updated lessons.

9.0.5b5 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • Added control surface support for M-Audio Axiom Air 25, 49 and 61 keyboards.


  • The Windows installer would sometimes not install the "Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable" package correctly, which could result in a "Side-by-Side Configuration Error" when trying to launch Live.
  • Chains assigned to certain velocity ranges in an Instrument Rack's Velocity Zone Editor would not be triggered under certain conditions.
  • Live could crash under certain conditions when moving an automation segment. 
  • Triggering an Audio-to-MIDI conversion from the browser could corrupt the Live set if the target track was created inside a group track.
  • Improved the text of the error message which is shown after a certain type of crash on Windows ("HandleStageOne" class).  

Changes for Push:

  • Live could crash after hot-swapping a Drum Rack, if Push and another control surface script was activated in Live's MIDI/SYNC preferences.

9.0.5b4 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • The menu item 'View -> Detail -> Track' was renamed to 'View -> Detail -> Device'.
  • Added new default presets for Analog, Electric, Operator, Simpler, Sampler, Tension, Auto Filter, EQ Eight and Saturator for improved compatibility with control surfaces. 
  • Updated lessons and info texts.


  • Fixed a bug which could decrease the GUI performance in sets containing a huge amount of devices.

Changes for Push:

  • Hot-Swapping devices inside racks would not work anymore on Push.

9.0.5b3 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • Updated lessons.


  • MIDI velocity fades would not work in an Instrument- or MIDI Effect Rack's key zone editor.
  • Under certain conditions, Live would show an error message after updating to a new version: "Can't access file database: database error, prepare statement: No such table: sqlite_stat1".
  • Live could crash when using undo and redo on non-configured plug-in parameters.
  • Live could crash when changing the warp mode of multiple clips at once, if one of the clips contains a .rex file.
  • Live could crash under certain conditions when re-enabling the audio engine if the currently loaded Live set contains VST or AU plug-ins. 
  • Live could crash when loading a Live set containing a Convolution Reverb device.

9.0.5b2 Release Notes

Changes for Push

  • The Live 8 library would not appear on Push when browsing "Places".
  • Push's preset browser would always scroll back to the left after loading a preset.

9.0.5b1 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • Added Push to the "What's new in Live 9 lesson".
  • Added Novation Launchkey and M-Audio Axiom AIR Mini 32 to the "Control Surface Reference" lesson.


  • The Ableton Index process could block the GUI after launching Live. 
  • Under certain conditions, the Arpeggiator device would play too many notes.
  • Live could crash when moving VST or AU plug-ins to a different track while the plug-in's GUI was open.
  • Live could crash when closing a Live set that contains AU plug-in devices with Program Change automation. 
  • Live could crash under certain conditions after saving a Max for Live device in the Max editor.
  • Using the TAB key while renaming a track would not jump to the next track name if certain control surface scripts were enabled in the MIDI / SYNC preferences.
  • The Launchpad could sometimes show artefacts of the Mixer mode in User Mode II after switching between the two modes.
  • Status updates that are sent back to a MIDI controller from a control surface script could interfere the status updates from manual MIDI mappings.
  • The links to the accompanying Demo Sets in the "What's new in Live 9" Lesson would not open the correct demo set for feature-limited versions.

Changes for Push:

  • It's now possible to browse user folders that were added to 'Places' in Live's Browser. Note that empty folders are hidden on Push.
  • When 'Clip Workflow' mode is selected, the 'Duplicate' button now only affects the currently selected clip and not the entire scene. Shift + 'Duplicate' will Capture and Insert a scene.
  • The Scene Launch Buttons would be lit even if no scene exists.
  • Pressing the 'Select' button and a Scene Launch Button would fire the scene instead of just selecting it.
  • When using 'Undo' after duplicating a scene, the LEDs of the previously duplicated clips would remain lit.
  • Live could freeze while working on a Drum Rack if the Push control surface script was selected twice in the MIDI / SYNC preference pane (1x with the "Live" port and 1x with the "User" port).
  • Navigating Drum Rack banks using Shift + Octave Up / Down would not work correctly.
  • Holding a Track Select button to unfold a group track would not work anymore.
  • Under certain conditions, audio clip recording would suddenly stop when enabling the "Fixed Length" function on Push.

9.0.4b2 Release Notes


  • Fixed a bug which could cause the File Manager window to reopen after launching Live.

9.0.4b1 Release Notes


  • VST / AU plug-in devices could be inactive after loading a Live set containing a large number of plug-ins (regression in Live 9.0.3).
  • The "grab_control" function which allows to gain control over a control surface's button matrix via Max for Live would not work anymore (regression in Live 9.0.3).

9.0.3b5 Release Notes


  • Fixed a crash which could occur when clicking on the "About Live" window.

9.0.3b4 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • Further performance improvements for the Ableton Index process, especially on OS X. 
  • Updated translations.
  • Updated manual.


  • Live would not work as a ReWire slave on Windows.
  • Fixed a crash which could occur when running Live as a ReWire slave on Mac OS X (regression from 9.0.3b1).
  • The Session Record button would not turn off if the recording was aborted, e.g. by stopping or deleting the currently recording clip, disarming a track, etc.
  • Fixed a graphical glitch which could occur in the representation of the filter curve in EQ Eight's Frequency Display.
  • When using control surface scripts, the blue hand would sometimes not map to any device, e.g. after creating a device and then deleting it by using undo.

Changes for Push:

  • Fixed incorrect intervals in the Locrian scale.
  • Updating the LCD display could be slow when switching between Drum and Note mode.
  • Changing the pad sensitivity settings could be slow if a drum rack was in focus.

9.0.3b3 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • When recording automation on top of an existing automation envelope, and quickly clicking on different positions in parameters like sliders, X/Y pads, etc., Live now records a latching automation envelope instead of jumping back to the previous value. Note that this will only work if the mouse button is immediately released after clicking. If you hold down the mouse button, "touch" automation will be recorded instead.
  • The Compressor device does not clip input signals at +20 dB anymore. 
  • Added control surface support for Novation Launchkey series.
  • Added control surface support for M-Audio Axiom Air Mini 32.


  • The Indexer process could block the GUI during saving and exporting of Live sets, presets or clips.
  • The Browser would not update its content pane after a change in the file system if the selection was somewhere outside of the Browser.
  • Live would not save a clip self-contained after dragging it to the Browser and confirming the name of the new clip by clicking anywhere outside of the Browser. 

Changes for Push:

  • Fixed a crash which could occur when using the 'Quantize' function.
  • Fixed a crash which could occur when using Push to delete a device whilst recording automation for this device with the mouse.

9.0.3b2 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • Added a new option to the "Record/Warp/Launch" preferences pane: "Start Transport with Record". If on, the transport will start immediately when clicking on the Session- or Arrangement-Record buttons. If off, it prepares for recording as in Live 8, so you have to launch a clip in Session View or click the 'Play' button. You can hold down the Shift modifier key when clicking on the record buttons to invert the behavior temporarily.
  • Added a "Don't bug me" button to the user satisfaction survey, to dismiss the survey.


  • The Ableton Index process would sometimes not scan all folders after adding them to the sidebar.
  • Under certain conditions, MIDI notes would not get recorded into a clip slot after deleting a previous clip.
  • Fixed a crash which could occur in Live Intro when right-clicking on a drum rack chain.

Changes for Push:

  • Using the touch strip to change banks in drum racks now requires to pick up the current value, to avoid changing banks accidentally while playing.

9.0.3b1 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • Added a new skin: "Disco".
  • Updated lessons and translations.


  • Scanning folders containing a huge amount of files could take longer than necessary.
  • Expanding the Audio Unit folder in the browser's "Plug-ins" label could be slow for users which have a lot of library content installed.
  • Several MIDI control surfaces would not correctly shut down after quitting Live, e.g. motorfaders on the Mackie Control would not return to zero, Axiom Pro devices would not exit Hypercontrol mode, etc.
  • The "Project Mix IO" control surface would not work.
  • The channel strip buttons on the Mackie Control XT would not work.
  • Fixed a bug where the key navigation in track headers would not work properly when certain control surfaces are selected.
  • Overdubbing into MIDI clips could unnecessarily bloat the undo history file.
  • The Trial version of Live 9.0.2 could hang on startup.
  • Live could sometimes crash on quit in case a faulty MIDI remote script throws an exception in the Python console.

Changes for Push:

  • Fixed a bug where recording wouldn't work properly if the default clip launch mode was set to 'Toggle' mode.
  • Tracks created by dragging an instrument would sometimes not be automatically armed if Push is connected.
  • The "Arm Exclusive" preference would not be respected when Push was connected.
  • The velocity curve setting would reset to the default value when opening a new Live set.
  • The Push LCD could remain blank and no mode would be selected after holding the 'Browse' mode button.
  • Fixed a bug where 'Browse' mode would be exited after swapping a Max for Live instrument.

9.0.2b3 Release Notes

 Improvements and feature changes:

  • Added a user satisfaction survey. After several hours of usage, Live will ask you to rate the software on the next startup. You can submit a star rating or simply dismiss the survey.
  • Updated several lessons, info texts and translations.


  • When recording automation into a clip, the automation would not latch during the first iteration, but jump back to the last value. 
  • Clip automation for VST and AU plug-in parameters could get lost after importing a track from the browser into a new Live set.
  • The file manager would sometimes not replace missing samples even though matching candidates were found.
  • Enabling hot-swap would trigger preset preview on the source preset (regression from 9.0.2b2).
  • Feature-limited versions (e.g. Live Intro or Lite) could crash when opening certain context menus.
  • (64-bit Windows) Exporting video at 48 kHz would not work.
  • (64-bit Mac) The video window could go black after toggling full-screen mode on and off.
  • (64-bit Mac) The content in the video window would sometimes not resize correctly when jumping in the playback position.

Changes for Push:

  • The Push startup dialogue has been removed.
  • In Session Mode, there is now a higher pad sensitivity threshold, to prevent accidental clip launching.
  • When a Drum Rack is selected, loop selection and step sequencer pads have a higher threshold to avoid accidental triggering.
  • When holding the User mode button, you can now set the global pad sensitivity and velocity curve independently.
  • You can now see the correct values and units of VST plug-in parameters on Push (e.g. "440 Hz" or "75 %"), provided that the VST plug-in transmits these information to Live. Previously you would only see generic values ranging from 0 to 1 in Push's display, even if Live's plug-in parameter list would show the correct value and unit.

9.0.2b2 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • When Search is activated, the selection color in the browser's content pane is now in line with the color scheme of the browser's sidebar and the frame around the search field.
  • Improved browser performance when clicking on the "Drums" label.
  • Improved browser performance when clicking on labels while Search is active.
  • Improved browser performance when hot-swapping presets in the browser's "Places" section.
  • Changed the factory default for dropping samples on a Drum Rack. It now activates the "Retrigger" mode in Simpler by default. 
  • Simplified message boxes at startup when using the Trial version offline.
  • Updated lessons.


  • The browser's content pane could scroll to a wrong position when enabling hot-swap, so that the selected preset would be out of view.
  • Max for Live: the API would return a list instead a list of symbols in certain cases, e.g. when querying a track's input / output routing targets, it would return "Sends" "Only", instead of "Sends Only".
  • Fixed a crash which could occur when importing certain Live sets by dragging them to the scene drop area.

Changes for Push:

  • On the selected track, the 'Track Select' button now toggles the arm button for audio tracks. The track select buttons turn red if a track is armed.
  • While in 'Browse' mode, you can now scroll through pages by holding Shift + up/down buttons.
  • When Record is on, the playhead of the step sequencer and played back notes are indicated by red LEDs.
  • When holding one of the 8 main encoders, touching the 'Swing' or 'Tempo' encoders will not take over the display, to avoid a 'flickering' LCD.
  • Various other technical improvements.

9.0.2b1 Release Notes

Improvements and feature changes:

  • The "Group to Drum Rack" option is available again in the context menu of all instrument devices, provided that the device is not yet grouped into a rack and is not a drum rack device itself.
  • Removed the gray shade which would cover the Arrangement View's scrub area when the global Back-to-Arrangement button was on, because the controls underneath (e.g. the loop brace, locators, etc.) would look inactive although being active.


  • The velocity setting in Simpler and Sampler wasn't correctly restored from 'Slice-To-New-MIDI-Track' presets.
  • MIDI Mapping for Song Tempo Fine Tune would not work correctly.
  • When duplicating MIDI notes in a clip, the duplicated notes would sometimes scroll out of view.
  • Under certain conditions, the white background that indicates the active clip region would not be shown for unwarped audio clips in the Arrangement View.
  • Under certain conditions, Time Signature Changes would not be recorded correctly into the Arrangement.
  • When recording clips from Session into Arrangement View, the recorded clip could have an incorrect loop length if the Arrangement's loop was enabled.
  • MIDI would not be recorded into Session clips when launching a scene after shift-clicking the Session Record Button.
  • The numbers in the Arrangement View's beat time ruler could disappear when zooming in.
  • Live could crash when trying to preview a multi-selection of files in the browser via Shift+Enter.
  • Live could crash during authorization when successively clicking the "Authorize with" button.

Changes for Push:

  • Max for Live devices are now accessible in Push's browser. 
  • File extensions have been removed when browsing for better browsing clarity.
  • Saved Presets now show up correctly in the top-level of instrument racks and effect racks.
  • The Record button now turns off if you change tracks via Push (in Note Mode), so that you don't accidentally keep overdubbing in the new track.
  • Repeat mode now turns off when moving to a different track.
  • The state of the accent button would remain on after accenting a step in the step sequencer. 
  • Group tracks would automatically unfold when opening a set with Push attached.
  • Toggling Map mode off in Live while Push is in User Mode could crash Live.