The team of lecturers at Mediapro is formed by a group of passionate professionals from the local music scene in Hong Kong. Courses are taught with great interactivity and focus. Students receive practical feedback that ensures an effective and progressive learning. The studio complex with four professional rooms and a common room is the ideal place for students to feel inspired and motivated.
The Mediapro Limited
- Hongkong Hongkong SVZ, China

The Certificate Course of Music Production with Ableton Live is taught by Ableton Certified Trainer Dominic Au, with options of three languages, Cantonese Chinese, Mandarin Chinese, and English. The course covers both technical and creative aspects, which assures students are able to apply the knowledge into practical workflows. Moreover, Push units are provided for students to have tactile production experiences. By limiting the class size, guidance can be given specifically to each student with great interactivity. Classwork and homework provided with practical feedback ensures effective and progressive learning.
1-on-1 sessions are offered for students to get focused training on topics they would like to learn and goals they would like to achieve. That can vary from learning synthesis, finishing a track, preparing for a gig and more.
Mediapro consists of a studio complex with four professional rooms, which includes two music production rooms and two certified Dolby Atmos rooms, all equipped with Ableton Live. The common room welcomes all like-minded to hangout, share and learn together. Workshops and seminars with guests from the industry are held from time to time. Students can easily get inspired by submerging themselves into the environment
Hinweis: Ableton Certified Trainer und Ableton Certified Training Center sind private Organisationen oder Unternehmen und weder Mitarbeiter noch Vertreter von Ableton. Sie werden nicht von Ableton AG, Ableton Inc. oder Ableton KK verwaltet. Die Trainer und Training Center sind für ihre Studienangebote und Lehrpläne selbst verantwortlich. Ableton übernimmt keine Verantwortung oder Haftung für deren Handlungen.