#LoopAtHome: Loop Music-Making Weekend April 24-26

On the weekend of April 24-26, we’re bringing a little of the Loop spirit to you wherever you are. Each day of the former Loop event we’ll host a music-making challenge, share curated pieces of inspiration and resources, plus live-stream talks and demos from some of our favorite creators.
Here’s how it works:
Every morning, we’ll share some inspiration to get you started, along with the musical challenge for the day and the materials for you to use. We’ll be hosting an ongoing discussion where you can share your process with us and swap results with your fellow makers.
Then, at 7pm CEST/1pm EDT each day we’ll join an artist in their home for a live broadcast (you can also watch it anytime on YouTube):
- Friday, April 24: Sebastian Mullaert
- Saturday, April 25: Rachel K Collier
- Sunday, April 26: Andrew Huang
Each day is rounded off with an invitation to join us on the digital dancefloor in support of some of our favorite Berlin club institutions.

Use the hashtag #LoopAtHome and join us on the Loop website from 11.00am CEST on April 24 for a welcome from the Loop Team, and to get the details of the first challenge. Let’s make some music together.
To keep up with what’s happening over the weekend, join the Loop Music-Making Weekend event on Facebook.