Loop Session: In the Studio with Grand River

Loop Session is a new series of online events for music makers. Each session invites you to spend a few hours learning about a selected artist’s work and ideas. First up is a free, online studio session with Grand River, streaming live from Bewake Studios on Loop’s dedicated event page.
Grand River is a composer and musician whose studio practice helps her to be immediately in touch with her instruments and focus on writing music. Her direct and simple approach of composing by playing can jumpstart creativity for music-makers of all experience levels. In this intimate demonstration of her work, she’ll select some instruments and then compose a piece of music live. We’ll see her layering and resampling acoustic sounds and pulling textures from synths run through pedals while talking through her decisions and answering your questions in a Q&A moderated by Dennis DeSantis.
After the 90-minute studio session you can stick around to hang out in the Loop Cafe – an online space for meeting fellow music makers. You’ll have an hour to join groups of up to 15 people in an unmoderated video chat to share thoughts sparked by the experience and discuss your own studio practice.
This session is the first in a new series of Loop events for music makers. Loop Session: In the Studio with Grand River happens on May 21, 2022 at 6pm, Berlin/Germany (UTC+2). You can find out when it’s happening in your local time using the event’s timezone selector.

Grand River in her creative practice