Loop: Five Perspectives on Limitations

With so many instruments, plugins, effects and presets available today, it might seem like music makers have never had it so good. But as anyone with a creative practice knows, too many options can be overwhelming. Projects become impossible to finish, because there’s always one more effect to add to the chain. You barely get to know an instrument before dropping it for another one you just had to get your hands on. You avoid creating your own distinct sound because there are so many finely-tuned presets to choose from. Thankfully, imposing strict constraints on the music-making process – and even on the music itself – offers a clear path out of the confusion. But what are the best techniques to harness the creative power of limitation? At Loop, we’ve heard advice from artists and producers who have set guidelines that help them focus on their craft. Here, Daniel Miller, Katharina Ernst, Daedelus, Kaki King and Kimbra share some wisdom on how to use limits to get into the flow.