Missionário José usa e ensina Ableton Live há mais de uma década, enfatizando seu potencial único como ferramenta criativa, e a transição fluida entre estúdio e palco que é característica deste software.
Missionário José
- Recife Pernambuco Brazil
- Teaching since
- 2010
- Profile
- Trainer, Online
- Languages
- English, Portuguese
- Contact information
- [javascript protected email address]
- Other links
- Instagram, Artist website, YouTube, YouTube, SoundCloud, Twitter, Instagram

Missionário José é músico, produtor musical e professor, morando atualmente em Recife, Pernambuco, após morar por 11 anos em São Paulo, onde trabalhou com música e áudio, e também obteve o Doutorado em Sonologia pela USP em 2018.
Como educador, acredita no respeito pelo ritmo de aprendizado de cada pessoa, e em um processo de aprendizado por meio de experiências criativas e construtivas.
Como músico, toca no Mombojó desde 2012, e já tocou com outras artistas independentes como Alessandra Leão e Lulina. Como produtor musical, trabalhou com diversos artistas e bandas do cenário independente de Pernambuco e São Paulo.
Coordena a Oficina de Criatividade Musical & Tecnologia, baseado em Ableton Live, Push e Max For Live, com encontros semanais na UFPE - Universidade Federal de Pernambuco-, e também está disponível para aulas voltadas para grupos e indivíduos, presencialmente e online.
Missionário José has been using and teaching Ableton Live for over a decade, focusing on its unique creative potential, and on the seamless transition from studio to stage and back that the software allows.
After living in São Paulo for 11 years - where he has worked as a producer, musician and sound engineer, having also studied for his Doctorate in Sonology - Missionário is currently living in Recife, Pernambuco, and aims to collaborate towards a more articulate Ableton community in the northeast and north of Brazil.
As a teacher, he firmly believes in respecting each student's own learning pace, and in structuring the learning process with creative and constructive experiences.
As a musician, he has been part of the band Mombojó since 2012, and has also played with artists such as Alessandra Leão and Lulina. As producer, he has collaborated with several artists from the independent scene in Pernambuco and São Paulo.
He currently coordinates the Musical Creativity & Technology Workshops held weekly at the Federal University of Pernambuco - UFPE -, and is also available for tuition for individuals and groups, online and in person.
Please note: Ableton Certified Trainers and Ableton Certified Training Centers are private entities or enterprises and neither employees nor agents of Ableton. They are not administered by Ableton AG, Ableton Inc. or Ableton KK. The trainers and centers are solely responsible for their own course offerings and curricula. Ableton takes no responsibility or liability for the actions of the trainers or centers.

- Teaching since
- 2010
- Profile
- Trainer, Online
- Languages
- English, Portuguese
- Contact information
- [javascript protected email address]
- Other links
- Instagram, Artist website, YouTube, YouTube, SoundCloud, Twitter, Instagram