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School of Synthesis

  • Melbourne Victoria Australie

School of Synthesis was established in Melbourne, Australia in 2010 to bridge a significant gap in the Australian music market for unique, high-end, and highly personalised short courses in music production using popular modern technology.

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The School’s expert trainers engage and inspire the students through carefully constructed and interactive project-based learning that is delivered in practical terms, based on the needs of students and designed in conjunction with interested participants from our professional network of sound designers, composers, and record labels. Our short courses are conducted in groups of 9 students or less and run for a total of 12 or 18 hours across 4 or 6 weeks to ensure a thorough and intensive exploration of the content vital to each subject area.

The School of Synthesis vision is to be recognized as one of the most innovative music training providers in Australia. We do not follow the national curriculum for accreditation. Instead we work at the forefront of the music education industry to deliver the most current, world’s-best-practice techniques while maintaining a fun, interactive environment.  

The School of Synthesis Alive with Ableton Live course is suitable for most people with an interest in music production. Designed by Ableton Certified Trainers and respected Australian music producers Mike Callander and Tristan Malloch, it is the perfect place to start if you're new to music production, but depending on the experience of our students we can also cover more advanced techniques. We also offer an Advanced Ableton Live course with more of a focus on advanced production techniques and Ableton’s Push controller. Please contact the school if you have any specific needs or requirements.

 School of Synthesis

338 Punt Road

(Corner Fawkner Street)

South Yarra VIC 3141

Remarque: les formateurs certifiés Ableton et les Centres de Formation Certifiés Ableton sont des entités ou entreprises privées et ne constituent ni des employés ni des agents d'Ableton. Ils ne sont pas administrés par Ableton AG, Ableton Inc. ou Ableton KK. Les formateurs et les centres sont seuls responsables de leurs propres offres de cours et de leurs programmes. Ableton n'assume aucune responsabilité pour les actions des formateurs ou des centres.