Any Awesome Light shows made with Ableton internal control?

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Any Awesome Light shows made with Ableton internal control?

Post by Hungry_Man » Mon May 13, 2024 12:32 pm

Hello all,

I have begun planning a new audiovisual sound and light show that will include lighting looks created bespoke for each track. I will be performing them using clip view and a bespoke trigger system that was actually invented by my Dad! (composer and artist Rolf Gehlhaar). Each set of clips for each track will have the DMX automation information for the light show embedded into them. There will be lights built into the trigger system so that it appears to the audience that the lights are triggering the sound and the lighting always stays very closely synced to the sound.

I'm also thinking that for bigger shows I would have a lighting operator who is looking after the main rig. My 8 lights on my triggers remain under my control, but the DMX I generate would be sent to the operator who can then flow it out across the main rig. I would probably also need a lighting designer who takes the model of the existing system in the venue and checks how the patches I have built work across it.

I would love to see some examples of light shows created with Ableton. I've had a look on Youtube and while there are lots of tutorials showing how to do this, I'm really keen to see examples from within the Ableton community. I'm wondering how to use some custom programming, eg. using max for live to create specific effects.

So if you've got a video of your light show that is being driven by Ableton please share it!


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Re: Any Awesome Light shows made with Ableton internal control?

Post by [jur] » Sun May 19, 2024 12:51 pm

Check Robert Henke’s work.
And don’t feel shy about emailing him, he might not have much time but he’s always pleased to talk about techniques etc…
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