Gameshow Buzzer Live Set - Help me figure out how to...

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Gameshow Buzzer Live Set - Help me figure out how to...

Post by dominicw78 » Mon Dec 21, 2009 1:07 pm

Here's what I need to do, I think this can be done with live or some midi filter program.

I need set up some gameshow buzzers that work in the usual fashion.

That being that each buzzer trigger it's own sound.

Also that the first buzzer pressed trigger's it own sound and then ignores subsequent buzzer presses from opponents. So just like in a gameshow the first person to press the buzzer has their sound trigger and then other slower opponent buzzer presses are ignored and no sound is triggered.

Each buzzer trigger will travel via midi and will have assigned their own CC note number.

Can anyone suggest how this could be set up through live or another midi filter program?

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Re: Gameshow Buzzer Live Set - Help me figure out how to...

Post by Kent_in_CO » Mon Dec 21, 2009 6:10 pm

Whoa this is a cool problem to try to solve. I've been racking my brain for the last five minutes. Maybe something like an audio buzzer clip, with an associated dummy clip or follow action that mutes the other buzzers' channels? (Of course you'd also need some way of making sure that subsequent buzzers didn't perform the same function.) Or what about somehow using the choke parameter in drum racks?

I'll bet M4L would lend itself nicely to this situation too, but you might not have that...

Anxious to hear what people come up with.
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Lord Kahn
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Re: Gameshow Buzzer Live Set - Help me figure out how to...

Post by Lord Kahn » Mon Dec 21, 2009 6:47 pm

Can you set each midi input to a different channel (or interface) and a different note?

Assuming you can, for each of the contestants (N) have a midi track coming in.
Set the interface and channel of each track so that only one controller's note comes into it.
Set the output of the track to a loopback interface (IAC or MIDIyoke).
The input of this loopback should be set to Remote in Live's MIDI prefs.
On each track have (N-1) pitch plugins.
Map these pitch plugins so that when they receive the midi note in the range (hold down two keys on a keyboard) that will come from the loopback so they they pitch up some amount, doesn't really matter how much just needs to be outside the contestant's.
Use this note to trigger a sample somehow (either a clip or simpler).

Now what happens is that the first contestant to press their button will change the other's midi mapping, stopping them from changing the mappings.

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Re: Gameshow Buzzer Live Set - Help me figure out how to...

Post by yur2die4 » Mon Dec 21, 2009 10:52 pm

Arpeggiator. Have the tempo at the slowest possible tempo, and the Arpeggio length at the lowest possible length. After they buzz, hit Stop, or Spacebar twice to reset.

As a note plays from arpeggiator, it waits until the next point at which it would trigger a note before allowing any other note through.

...hmmmm, now that I think about it, it might perceive two consecutive buzzes as a chord.... Perhaps you can add something that causes a double length delay on every buzzer press so that there is a more clearly identifiable gap between buzzers??

I'll keep thinking about this :)

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Re: Gameshow Buzzer Live Set - Help me figure out how to...

Post by yur2die4 » Mon Dec 21, 2009 11:08 pm

Hmmm. bouncing off of Khan's idea, you can build a rack that has slots for the possible buzzers spread out by octave (C1, C2, C3)allowing only one note per player. Prior to the rack would be the "Random" which is set to Add I think it is. The first person to buzz in would trigger Random to go +1 note for anyone else that attempts to buzz in (which would cause theirs to fail because +1 could cause them to ring in at C# instead of C, which would not be allowed within that rack).

Once again you would need some kind of reset... Arp might still help somehow too, i'm obsessed with arpeggiator :P :P

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Re: Gameshow Buzzer Live Set - Help me figure out how to...

Post by johnbaier » Sun Jun 19, 2022 9:05 am

May I warm this topic up. I have setup a project with 1 bar notes in the session view for each contestant, activated "Legato" in the Launch Clip settings. Global Launch quantisation is set to None.
It works like expected. Only, when the second contestant tries to trigger their sound, the sound of the already playing first contestant mutes. Any ideas?

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