Free Stuff Friday: Gratis Hits - Instruments & Effects for Max for Live

You can haz free stuff!
We’ve got something extra special on tap for this week’s Free Stuff Friday. Explore new premium Max for Live devices from Max for Cats with Gratis Hits, a free Pack. From the makers of Ensemble and DiGiTAL, Gratis Hits features one synthesizer and four effects:
Bertha 2

Bertha 2 is a polyphonic additive synthesizer with a few extras. With its eight tone generators, and drawbar-style control, Bertha 2 excels at producing sounds reminiscent of vintage Farfisa or Vox transistor organs. For an idea of the sound, listen to Spiritualized’s Kate Radley’s Farfisa playing in this live version of “Medication”:
XY Gesture Audio and MIDI

XY Gesture is a fun and useful device that lets you record your mouse movements and play them back as automation data for any parameter mappings – effectively turning your mouse / trackpad into a controller.

Anti-Warp is an experimental performance device for Live’s Session View. Dropping it into one an audio tracks lets you un-warp (decouple from the master tempo) and loop the currently playing Clip. You can mix the warped and un-warped signals, change the playback speed, pitch and direction of the un-warped clip – all without altering the warped clip’s settings.
MIDI Monitor

MIDI Monitor displays various kinds of incoming and outgoing MIDI in a scrolling window. Data is color-coded by type and can be filtered, frozen and cleared. Choose between note name and note number displays. And don’t forget to check out the bonus animation mode!
Got some free stuff to share with us? Hit us up on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+, and don’t forget to use #FreeStuffFriday.