Free Stuff Friday: Playful Push Sequencer, Glitch Samples, and a Noise Synth

Here in the Free Stuff Friday department at Ableton HQ, we enjoy sharing fantastic free stuff from the community - especially if it can expose you to new ideas. This week, there’s some playful/somewhat out-there pieces of stuff to download, which might just provide you with the creative shot in the arm that you’ve been looking for.
Ping Pong Push
Inspired by both table tennis ping pong and the classic arcade game, Pong, Certified Trainer Mark Towers presents the Pong Sequencer, a Max for Live device built to work with Live’s native MIDI Effects. The sequencer comes in two versions, including one that works interactively with Push - watch the videos below to see it in action:
Download the Push Pong and Live Pong sequencers for Max for Live
Arovane - Sound & Beat Design
Combining glitchy percussion with gorgeous synthesized and sampled atmospherics, Arovane aka Uwe Zahn has established himself over the past two decades as a glitch force to be reckoned with. Listen to a piece from his latest album, Ve Palor, below:
As part of an interview feature with Akai, Arovane has released a set of free sounds - including glitch one-shots, and some unusual assembled beats. Get inspired by Arovane’s words and music, and make your own delicate glitch pieces.
Download Arovane’s samples
Feel the Noise
“Noise” is a pretty amorphous term when it comes to sound - generally, we’re talking about sound that is atonal, and which we’d prefer not to hear. But one can do a lot with synthesized and sculpted noise - from percussion sounds to gradually unfolding sweeps and buildups.

Noisedrone 2.0, a Max for Live instrument from robTech, features a number of tweakable parameters for shaping noise. From traditional white and pink noise sounds to click-y pulses, there’s a range of sounds to synthesize. Further, nonsensical parameter names such as “felph”, “chrid”, and “dend” encourage blind exploration. As robTech suggests: “don’t ask what they do, just try it”.
Download noisedrone 2.0
That’s a wrap for this week! Enjoy exploring new sounds, and let us know if you’ve got any free stuff to share - you can reach us on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+, and don’t forget to use #FreeStuffFriday.