Chemical Brothers - EBW9 (Segue Remix)

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Chemical Brothers - EBW9 (Segue Remix)

Post by segue » Sat Sep 22, 2007 4:37 pm

Hello. Here is the remix of Electronic Battle Weapon 9 we did not too long ago, and have been playing in our live sets lately. We are rather large Chemical Brothers fans so this has been a great exercise and quite fun. I've used Ableton 6 with the bass and synths being a combination of X-Station and some softsynths. Drums via MPC2000XL and Battery. Some sample chopping with the Echo trick on the EFX500 and so on. A bunch of plugs for the verbs and delays on the aux busses and some phase linear EQ to assist with the sub mixing. All in all a quick exercise for a simple "EBW" style homage and works well on a club PA. Feedback appreciated.

Chemical Brothers - EBW9 (Segue Remix)


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