Live 3.0 Bugs

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Joined: Tue Oct 21, 2003 1:11 am

Live 3.0 Bugs

Post by sjm » Tue Oct 21, 2003 1:18 am

I found some major bugs while using the Live 3.0 demo:

1) When using Loop and Warp mode on a sample clip, if I adjust the start, end and offset, the re-adjust the offest to match the start, the offset will read correctly (and be viewed correctly on the waveform) however the clip continues to play back on the old offset. The only sollution is to delete the clip and start again.

2) Live 3.0 does not pass MIDI to a Rewire slave when it is being used in Host mode. Example - Live 3.0 - Rewire Master. Reason - Rewire slave. I can no longer use the keyboard in Reason.

Thanks for looking into this..


Ruotger Skupin
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Post by Ruotger Skupin » Tue Oct 21, 2003 1:20 pm

Hi sjm,

Thank you for posting this. Two questions:

1. Could you describe the things you do in 1) a little bit more detailed? I have not been able to reproduce this

2. Could you tell me some things about your system?
a) Operating system
b) Amount of Ram
c) Audio-/MIDI-Interfaces

Thank you
please state the following information with *every* problem you have:
1. Exact version of Live
2. System: Processor, RAM
3. Operating System
4. Audio hardware
Thank You

Ruotger "Roddi" Skupin

Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Oct 21, 2003 1:11 am

Post by sjm » Tue Oct 21, 2003 7:56 pm

XPPro - all the latest service packs
PIII 1ghz - dual processor
MOTU2408 audio card installed

The problem does not seem to be audio related. I have only seen this happen on the session window, I haven't played much in the arangement window yet. One thing I did notice is that it seems to happen when I use the spacebar to start the clip.

Additional comments about the UI:

1) The +/- zooming commands don't seem to work in the sample display unitil I adjust the zoom by hand first
2) most common apps such as Photoshop use the = key as an equivelent to the + key, I reccomend LIVE do the same. On a US keyboard layout the + key is reached by pressing shift and = keys.
3) I LOVE the ability to set any feature to a keyboard shortcut, but some do not allow this. For example I would prefer the * key to be the record button to match my setup on all other apps (I mainly use Nuendo).
4) I am surprised the is no rightclick ability. The main reason I switched to Nuendo is because their right click menu is so intuitive.

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Location: Ableton Headquarter

Post by Gerhard » Mon Oct 27, 2003 12:11 pm

Hello Sjm,

as for problem 1: when the problem occurs, please try restarting the clip by clicking its play button once more. Please report if this fixes the problem as this will help us sort out what is going wrong. Thank you.

As for GUI comment 1: the +/- keys are available only when the Sample Display has the focus, ie. after you clicked in there.

As for GUI comment 2: this is a very good idea indeed!

Gerhard / ableton
