These crashes are freakin' me out!

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These crashes are freakin' me out!

Post by MarkRM » Tue Sep 30, 2003 6:14 pm

I've been using Live 2.1.2 with my Dell Inspiron, running the sound directly out of the onboard soundcard. Crappy, I know, but I never had any problems.

Recently I bought an M-Audio Quattro and started using it ... it works well, but (I don't know for sure that this is related to the Quattro [although it is strange that it would start happening now]) Live has started crashing occasionally ...

I'll click on a clip, and immediately Live will tell me that 'A serious program error has occurred', and Live needs to be restarted. I need to reboot to get everything working properly again.

Anyway, this problem has happened maybe twice in 10 - 15 run throughs of my set, and it wouldn't freak me out so much if I wasn't about to tour and play lotsa shows ... I don't like my chances of getting through it without Live crashing on me onstage.

Has anyone else had these same issues? Could anyone else suggest a way I could fix this problem, 'cause it's stressing me out, and I'm already nervous about the shows; it's kind of a headache I don't need!

Thanks in advance :)


Post by Guest » Wed Oct 01, 2003 2:39 am

i seem to have occasionally had these problems on a pc as well. AS best I can figure, it happens with sets that i;ve messed with before in the past (i.e. not a new set that i;ve never closed). It seems to happen with sets where i've been playing with a set and recorded new clips, but chose not to save the set when i close. then it asks what to do with the samples, i sometimes do one thing sometimes another with those. But when i reopen sets like these i've occasionally (not very often) had the situation you've. Sometimes you can;t get rid of that serious program error box, but a workaround is to rapidly hit ctrl s to save while mouse clicking the box to close it--with just the right timing it will save and get rid of the box. BAsically, it might help to rebuilb you set fresh in a blank live set if at all possible. Other than giving youself a clean slate/set, I don't know much to help you with.


Posts: 22
Joined: Sun Aug 24, 2003 10:45 am

Thanks ...

Post by MarkRM » Thu Oct 02, 2003 11:31 am

Hey, Ryan. Cheers for your help! A workaround cheat like the one you've offered is what I was hoping for. Fingers crossed it doesn't crash too much. Incidentally, do you know if it's to do with the Quattro, or is that just a coincidence?

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Post by lukeeyeball » Fri Oct 17, 2003 12:42 pm

why not try an experiment with and with out the Quattro
and i geus the usual stuff: defrag the drive ect..

hope it works out for you, have a diskman for backup close by,
it sux as its spose to be actualy be fun

one day technology will live up to our electric dreams eh
"we run Live, Live nah run we"

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Post by Gerhard » Mon Oct 27, 2003 6:31 pm

Hi Mark,

as you are saying the problem came about with the Quattro, please make sure you are using their latest driver version (available from Please respond might you need further assistance.

Gerhard / ableton
