Syncing up 2 Computers?

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Syncing up 2 Computers?

Post by tjwett » Tue Apr 09, 2002 1:56 am

Is there any way to sync 2 computers so that when you change the tempo on one it will change the other too? kind of like Reason when it's in slave mode via Rewire? I'd like to use my Powerbook and iBook, both running live and keep them in sync, atleast tempo-wise...also, would i be able to use 1 FireWire HD for both computers. So they can both pick from one large bank of samples?



Post by katerKarlo » Wed Apr 10, 2002 9:02 am

if you have to midi interfaces (one for each computer) you can sync them via midi (see the preferences/midi in live). i know on the pc side it is possible to sync two computers with the small program MidiViaNet.



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