Live 6 REASON Rewire This is Insanely Cool (Redrum)

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Live 6 REASON Rewire This is Insanely Cool (Redrum)

Post by FaX-01 » Thu Aug 10, 2006 7:04 am

If you rewire a Redrum in Reason and program the Midi in Live in V6 this is way cool.

1.All your samples are listed in the Midi editor window.
Makes it much easier too know what you're doing.
It even refreshes all the kit names if you change kits (in redrum) whilst the midi clip is playing in Live.

2.You got control over note on / velocity as expected

3.You also get all the mute and solo groups listed in lives midi clip properties and by painting in notes etc can mute / solo voices in the redrum kit as the Live midi clip pattern/s trigger Redrum.

4.Full Clip envelope automation of individual redrum sends ( ie; send 1 & 2 per voice) level and decay and pitch control also.

5.If the whole lot is contained in a combinator you can even modulate the effcts device parameters for the effect devices with in the Combinator itself + have full clip control of all Combinator front panel knobs and switches also.

I'm have a blast here mangling the bejesus out of some redrum kits in realtime and that's before I even get to audio device racks in Live 6 and clip automation of VST effects etc on the Audio input channel.

Very damn nice indeed Ableton.
Too sweet.

Oh and On a side note EQ8 in lowpass mode can add some seriously huge bottom end mojo to even the most basic of Subtractor bass patches also.
Very nice indeed :D .
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Re: Live 6 REASON Rewire This is Insanely Cool (Redrum)

Post by kuniklo » Thu Aug 24, 2006 8:51 pm

FaX-01 wrote: 4.Full Clip envelope automation of individual redrum sends ( ie; send 1 & 2 per voice) level and decay and pitch control also.
I'm not seeing any Redrum params in the clip envelopes menu. Did you have to do anything in particular to get this working?

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Post by Angstrom » Thu Aug 24, 2006 9:02 pm

now that rocks

btw : I can see the params fine- simply went to envelopes / midi controls and they were all listed beneath

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Post by jamester » Fri Aug 25, 2006 4:03 am

How many pads does ReDrum have again, I can't remember.

How is doing this so different than just using Impulse? Doesn't Impulse have more sound mangling options built-in?

just curious!
(forgive me, I haven't used Reason in years)
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Post by headquest » Fri Aug 25, 2006 6:54 am

jamester wrote:How many pads does ReDrum have again, I can't remember.
It has 10 slots.

One nice trick is that each slot has "Sned amount knobs" relating to the first two auxilliary bus effects on the ReMix mixer, so you can (for example) send differing amounts or each drum sample into a reverb effects. Nice, and Very Useful. Also of course you can route any chain of insert effects seperately to each drum sample using the cables around the back. This gives ReDrum a lot of flexibility.
How is doing this so different than just using Impulse? Doesn't Impulse have more sound mangling options built-in?

just curious!
(forgive me, I haven't used Reason in years)
It isn't "better" in the sense that non-Reason owners should rush out to buy Reason JUST for ReDrum (although Reason DOES still make a very attractive addition to Live). But for those who do have Reason, it adds another great alternative, especailly if one has refills such as the amazing "Reason Drum Kits".

Although some here would childishly deride Reason as a basic beginner application (because of its ease of use), recent additions such as the new "Reason Pianos" and the "Miroslav Viteous" orchestral refills are establishing Reason as the best no-fuss way of using top professional quality samples in any host without resorting to buying an array of conflucting dongle-protected VST instruments. I think its a great alternative.
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Post by robtronik » Fri Aug 25, 2006 7:18 am

add in reason drum kits 2.0 and you have quite the monster set of options for tweaking...

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Post by rtopia » Fri Aug 25, 2006 4:40 pm

robtronik wrote:add in reason drum kits 2.0 and you have quite the monster set of options for tweaking...

not to mention using CV from Redrum to trigger Subtractors instead of the library sounds.

The Subtractor can do a Twin T 808 kick that you can control/twist way beyond a real 808.

- r

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Post by TheAnimal » Fri Aug 25, 2006 4:45 pm

Bump! :)
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Post by kuniklo » Fri Aug 25, 2006 5:02 pm

headquest wrote:[
Although some here would childishly deride Reason as a basic beginner application (because of its ease of use), recent additions such as the new "Reason Pianos" and the "Miroslav Viteous" orchestral refills are establishing Reason as the best no-fuss way of using top professional quality samples in any host without resorting to buying an array of conflucting dongle-protected VST instruments. I think its a great alternative.
Reason is no toy. With the Reason Drum Kits and now Reason Pianos it's where I start looking for good acoustic samples.

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Post by Surreal » Fri Aug 25, 2006 5:15 pm

I think reason is viewed as a toy because learning how to use it isnt all there is to making it sound good.

i have used reason since it was first released and i know the program pretty dag well but ther eis something funny about learning how to use a program; habits are formed as you learn and, with new things, those habits are usually formed becuase you don't know better.

every time i step away from reason long enough to lose old habits, the music i make improves in relation to what i want to make. i know that this is true for everything, but in reason HOW you make the sound is so much a part of the sound that it has a MUCH more obvious impact on how good the sound is.

and Drum Kits is marvelous.

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