live 3 hopes

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live 3 hopes

Post by neuronaut » Sat Jun 28, 2003 9:32 pm

I've said some of these before. Back in v1. I'm just posting 'em again to bump them up in the list of possible functions.

- MIDI (yeah, i know mentioned before)
- Master Pitch/key !!!!
- in the sequence editor: disable without removing the track from the score (without having to click stop for the channel so it doesn't have to play the sound)

thanks ableton!
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Alex Reynolds
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Post by Alex Reynolds » Mon Jun 30, 2003 3:47 am

Shit, dude, after v2, I just hope it can run by itself on an OS X box when I double-click on the icon.

Maybe if we're lucky, version 3 will even run with things like samples and effects along with the app...



Post by ryansupak » Mon Jun 30, 2003 3:56 pm

i respect the desire for things like midi and vsti, but i hope it doesn't get any of these things. i want for it to stay extremely simple.

the only big thing i'd like to see changed is the way that session track usage and arranger track usage interact. to me, the whole "press f10 to return to previous state" is confusing.



Post by Guest » Tue Jul 01, 2003 9:56 am

If Live is to survive in this crowded market it MUST have midi. If not, I give it a year or 2 at the most because others are out there right now copying, and improving on what Live has right now and that includes midi.

Any company that sits on their asses and lets the competition take over will pay the ultimate price :!:

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Post by noisetonepause » Tue Jul 01, 2003 11:31 am

Stability is an issue, too. MIDI Sequencing (I take it that's what you mean) would be nice for me, but it's not a must. Besides, what would be the point in reinventing Logic?


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Post by quandry » Tue Jul 01, 2003 12:54 pm

i dully understand and support the fact that live is designed and intended as a Live performance tool. I too understand that there are plenty of cubases, pro tools, logics, sonars, etc. that do what they do, and Live does not need to be one of those. However, vsti and midi implementation seems crucial to me, and for Live performance, not studio. People who make music on computers have lots of money invested in vstis, and to not be able to use them in Live will definitely keep some people from buying Live, and could open the door for someone else to create a live type program with vsti support. Hell yeah I want to use my lounge lizard and B4 live with Live. And what i don't understand is people saying don't incorporate midi, and keep it simple.... If they don't want to use new features, don't, but I could go on for days about all of the things I could do with Live live if it had midi recording and editing (piano roll) capabilities were availible, and i would run around town screaming with joy if a step sequencer were incorporated. Top five list of live needs (imho)

1. resample capabilities (ability to record clips in the send slots, or the ability to route a live track's out put back into a different live tracks Live in) this way we could record all of the effected and warped manipulations to a new track, or if the recording were on the sends, we could essential overdub, and/or bounce multiple clips into one.

2. vsti support

3. midi recording and editing (piano roll) capablilites (seems like 2 and 3 go hand in hand, vsti's without midi recording and editing would be severly limiting after using programs like fruity loops and sonar where you can edit the midi you record, and it expose my crappy keyboard playing, as it is so easy to edit a piano roll, but much harder to edit a waveform.

4. step sequencer. God do i love fruity loops. I know live can't be everything to everybody, and if it just incorporated vstis, i could just run FL studio 4 inside of live. But step sequencers are huge for me for creating great drum beats. By having the FL 64 step sequencer on record and loop mode, i can record and play one or two drums at a time keep adding stuff each time throught he sequence, and build up a fatty drum beat rather quickly, and i can have it quantize to the step sequencer. Right now in Live the best way i cna find to make beats from individual drum hits live is to rewire reason and use record clips of drum parts played from reason. This is okay, but I end up with lots of clips, they are audio and harder to edit that midi on a step sequencer (for example, to simply change the velocity or placement of a hit is easier and quicker on a step sequencer than anywhere in live). Also, the step sequencers takes the place of having to record all of those clips. In FL i just leave record on for awhile as i build up the drums drum by drum, it just keeps cycling through the 64 steps, and recording what i do each pass.

5. okay couldn't think of number five. I'm not trying to complain here, i freaking love live, just trying to help improve it, and make it viable for the future, because i hear what a previous poster was saying, if Live doesn't incorporate some of these fairly standard things (midi vsti), no doubt that someone will come along with a copycat program that does, and that would suck, cause i do love live, but damn, do i love midi and vstis.


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Post by Mbazzy » Tue Jul 01, 2003 1:03 pm

Ryan - your nr 1 has already been promised by ABleton - they called it "resample in place" ... maybe that the overdub-thinkthankexercise we had with Songcarver in one of these threads will have found a listening ear as well @ Ableton central.

VSTI & Midi : some will love it, some not ... very open to discussion I guess

Stepsequencer : already mentionned it several times that there already is a VST 4 track 32 step sample stepsequencer in late beta phase ready for release ..I know it's not a midi step sequencer , but I feel this kind of stepsequencer stays closer to the Live audio realm [as Live untill now is intended ] ... and does all the things you mentionned sub 4 . PM me if you want more info. -
Mbazzy's "The dysfunctional playground, a scrapbook a bout the shape of useless things" now OUT on Retinascan -

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Post by neuronaut » Tue Jul 01, 2003 4:48 pm

*I just want SIMPLE MIDI.*

- Load MIDI file into cell in Live.
- Assign MIDI channel to MIDI file.
- MIDI is played out of MIDI channel.

Forget all the fancy stuff and just throw that in!

Inside the MIDI data I can make program changes happen, play notes, etc. and I'll do it in some other MIDI based prog and import it!

Please! :)
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Alex Reynolds
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Post by Alex Reynolds » Tue Jul 01, 2003 4:56 pm

I am going to be bold and propose a feature freeze so that the following is addressed:

-- fix stability
-- fix performance (!)
-- fix missing or broken features (Rewire + recording)



Post by Guest » Wed Jul 02, 2003 3:22 am

Alex Reynolds wrote:I am going to be bold and propose a feature freeze so that the following is addressed:

-- fix stability
-- fix performance (!)
-- fix missing or broken features (Rewire + recording)

not to be a punk, but ABSOLUTELY NONE of these are a problem on my pc laptop, so I'm thinking beyond that. I understand the osx frustration, though I'm sure ableton will hook it up eventually for osx, but it still a relatively new os.


Alex Reynolds
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Post by Alex Reynolds » Wed Jul 02, 2003 3:25 am

I'm sorry, I didn't hear you the first 5,937 times you said that PCs are better than Macs. Can you please repeat what you just said?



Post by Guest » Wed Jul 02, 2003 3:52 am

Sorry for pointing out the obvious truth, seems like its a bit hard for you to swallow. oh, and I haven't heard your bitchin and moanin about Live on your crappy osx mac enough. If you got paid for how much you whine about that, you could buy a pc and eliminate your problem. But seriously, to constanly slag ableton and whine about osx like your are the only live user out there, and that everyone uses osx for Live (seems like all the mac cats that make good music on these forums prefer os9, as do all my mac friends). Whatever, go make so music.


Post by ryansupak » Thu Jul 03, 2003 3:42 pm

(pardon me, i've never used live on mac.)

are there stability problems with live on mac? i know it can't process as much at once because of a lack of altivec support (whatever that is), but i had no idea it was crashy.


Alex Reynolds
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Post by Alex Reynolds » Thu Jul 03, 2003 3:46 pm

it seems to have occasional trouble with VST effects. no pattern to the effect used, that i can glean.

generally i try tweaking a control in Live after a few VSTs are added and only occasionally will Live hang for a second or two and then crash. this happened more frequently with Live v2 than with v1.5.

beyond that there are still the matters of rewire and recording support to deal with for os x users. performance is still an issue for which many people -- myself included -- have asked improvement.

i humbly apologize in advance to the windows-using crowd for requesting that these matters be looked into before feature bloat creeps in!

in general, these old problems would seem more difficult to fix when you're a software developer that has to fix problems with new features.



Post by Guest » Thu Jul 03, 2003 8:11 pm

We need mp3 support (if it's truly to be a live performance tool!)and an assignable default value for the tempo control(for when it's being controlled by a pitch wheel).

Other than that flawless.

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