Trying to love Ableton but it's crushing me :P

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Trying to love Ableton but it's crushing me :P

Post by MusicIsMath » Fri Oct 14, 2011 7:31 pm

Why oh why can I not get live to scan my plugin folder without crashing?
It contains all 32bit native instruments, nothing from any other developers, I've tried removing and putting one in at a time, moved folder to My Documents also to see if change of folder location would help out. Running out of options, had to delete preferences file loads >..< Only using the .dll files also so isn't because of that.
Current version I'm running and only one I currently have installed is version 8.2.6
Using windows 7 64bit on an i7 lenovo.

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Re: Trying to love Ableton but it's crushing me :P

Post by H20nly » Fri Oct 14, 2011 9:21 pm

one of the plugs is crashing it more than likely. AU vs. VST or some kind of update needed etc.

try making a new folder for plugs temporarily and then throwing them in one by one (or in small groups if you have a large amount). scan the folder with 1 or 2 plugs... if it works... add more... rinse, repeat until you find the plug that is causing the crash.

otherwise, you can send a bug report in from Live itself or send an email to

i hope this helps. you posted in a forum sub group for beta testing so you probably won't get too many responses here.

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Re: Trying to love Ableton but it's crushing me :P

Post by MusicIsMath » Fri Oct 14, 2011 9:27 pm

Having already tried what you have suggested, re- creating another folder, i've kinda come to a dead end, will have to get a report sent off to ableton.

With regards to installing plugins on win7 64bit systems. Should I install my main programs and such in the suggested folders (i.e program files\native instruments) then vsts to a seperate folder called VSTs on the c: drive?

Cheers, first reply i've had in all honesty after posting about the issue the other day in another section of the forum. Maybe i need to be more dramatic with my thread titles lol, seems to atleast have pulled you're helpful self in.

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Re: Trying to love Ableton but it's crushing me :P

Post by H20nly » Fri Oct 14, 2011 9:36 pm

wait, wait...

i said make a new folder, but the point of the exercise is not to try a new location. it's to try and identify whether or not one of your plugs is choking Live. by adding 1 or 2 to the folder, rescanning, adding 1 or 2 rescanning... adding another 1 or 2 rescan.... *CRASH*! you can identify exactly which plug it is. after that you can put all the rest in there and make some music. while on the side, you can try and find out who needs to update/patch something: the plug vendor... or Ableton

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Re: Trying to love Ableton but it's crushing me :P

Post by MusicIsMath » Fri Oct 14, 2011 9:56 pm

All files so far, even when put in individually have caused live to crash and require removal of the preferences file and reload.
This is why I asked if I should install the vsts and its associated program files outside of thier intended location in the main c:program files and c:program files x86

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Re: Trying to love Ableton but it's crushing me :P

Post by H20nly » Fri Oct 14, 2011 10:09 pm


so did these plugs work for you in a 32 bit prior version of Windows and now, they don't??

have they ever worked on your current computer with Live or with any other DAW application?

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Re: Trying to love Ableton but it's crushing me :P

Post by MusicIsMath » Fri Oct 14, 2011 10:36 pm

This is a new laptop, never really played with live much previously but now getting used to it I would like to make use of it, but this also means that I require the plugins that I would normally use when recording in the studio for live performance. Never tried the plugins in any other version of ableton or other os, so can't really say there >..< although they work fine in Sonar x1

It's more of a, how do I do this properly, from scratch sort of thing lol. Just installing only what I need. Unfortunately what I need and what seems to work are 2 different things.

Cheers for the help thus far :)

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Re: Trying to love Ableton but it's crushing me :P

Post by H20nly » Fri Oct 14, 2011 10:52 pm

no worries. i wish we could get you fixed up. i know how frustrating this stuff can be...

i'm wondering if it's because your plugs and Live is 32 bit while your OS is 64.

you said they're all native instruments. i think that means that they have installers... with Windows 7 and some applications you have to specify 2 things:
1 run as administrator
2 run in compatibility mode for: Windows version xxx

do these plugs have a start menu folder/icon?
if so, right click on the icon... go to "properties", click on the "compatibility" tab and make sure they are running as administrator and try Win XP mode.
you can also do this from the "Program Files" folder by right clicking on the executable for the app (plug).

hope this helps.

if not, maybe give the novation side of things a try... maybe there are some updates and/or 64 bit installers that are valid with your licenses.

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Re: Trying to love Ableton but it's crushing me :P

Post by MusicIsMath » Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:14 am

Cheers mate, currently having a cuppa on me dinner break from work, will get back to it later this evening and hopefully get it sorted. Got a mini jam tomorrow with the drummer to sort through percussion pieces and sequences, would love to have it sorted by then.

Thanks again mate.

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