Stuff you have bought and dont use

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Stuff you have bought and dont use

Post by Rave » Sat Dec 19, 2009 3:52 pm

When Komplete 5 was expensive I bought it and for a long time I never really used it up until recently.
I guess I hadn't developed as a producer to fully appreciate it compared to other vsts. Now it is my go to instrument.

I also have Traktor Pro and tbh I simply cant be arsed with it, it is one bore fest mixing with it.

I know it should be about the music, I had Traktor Studio when it was version 1 but now I think it stinks.

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Re: Stuff you have bought and dont use

Post by aisling » Sat Dec 19, 2009 3:55 pm

I bought recycle, I should have known better with live 7 and slice to midi.....
I needed to throw some $ away, and not give it to the Chinese economy.

Live, Reason, Moog sub phatty, Moog sub 37, Ozone 6, guitars, Pedals, proper ergonomic sitting posture, french pressed coffee with a pinch of cardamon.

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Re: Stuff you have bought and dont use

Post by Tarekith » Sat Dec 19, 2009 3:56 pm

I have a pretty rotating studio these days, so if something doesn't get used very much it gets sold to help fund new things I won't use. :)

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Re: Stuff you have bought and dont use

Post by leedsquietman » Sat Dec 19, 2009 4:00 pm


For a couple of years Reason 2 and 2.5 rewired/exported files to Cubase SX3 was my go to system.

Then I saw the light and went with Live 6 (upgraded to Live 7 Suite)and when I got a new laptop a few months ago, I didn't even bother to install Reason on it, it's box sits gathering dust on the shelf.

There are some freebie plugins I don't use much, but otherwise I find a use for everything. I have a MOTU Fastlane USB MIDI interface I rarely use, but still use it for test purposes occasionally etc as the MIDI inbuilt into my audio interface is better. No point in selling it as it would only bring a minimal return and serves as a backup device. Live 7.0.18 SUITE, Cubase 5.5.2], Soundforge 9, Dell XPS M1530, 2.2 Ghz C2D, 4GB, Vista Ult SP2, legit plugins a plenty, Alesis IO14.

arctic ranger
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Re: Stuff you have bought and dont use

Post by arctic ranger » Sat Dec 19, 2009 4:04 pm

korg micro x

anyone want to buy it?
mpb c2d, remote sl, mpc1000, korg legacy, zebra 2, phoscyon, devastator

Green Lemon
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Re: Stuff you have bought and dont use

Post by Green Lemon » Sat Dec 19, 2009 4:20 pm

korg microkontrol. my first midi controller and I learned how to use it, and then figured out that I wanted to make beats and bought a padkontrol. every once in a while I feel the need for some keys, plug it in, and sploosh around on it for a while. and then I realize that I can't play keys. still. and I put it back in the closet.
first 1k as chrysalis33rpm.

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Re: Stuff you have bought and dont use

Post by tw1nstates » Sat Dec 19, 2009 4:29 pm

Camel Phat and camel space,

Absynth and FM8,

Waldorf attack - although I have plans for that in the new year. . .

Audio damage dub station - In comparison to Soundtoys I find it very hard and brittle sounding in a mix. the overdrive component doesnt sound too good to my ears. Very digital. others love it htough so YRMV

Amplitube Jimi Hendrix (would love SVX thoughb so if anyone has and wants to swap, or for other plugs). . .

Uad cards, 2 powercore cards, virus plug in.

Prolly going to sell the virus plug soonish and buy the VS3 verb por whatever it is. . .
Need a pci to pcie box for the cards though. . .
I slipped into a daze, whilst I was there I heard the most startling music, it was at once familiar and alien, reassuring and unsettling.

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Re: Stuff you have bought and dont use

Post by Slightlydelic » Sat Dec 19, 2009 4:45 pm

i bought cubase a few years ago, it cost me a few hundred quid, on my way home i poped in to see a mate at work he told me about ableton live, it just so happened i had a disc of live lite with an oxygen 8 keyboard i had back then that i had never even looked at, i installed it and have used live ever since, cubase was installed but literaly never used and fuck knows whatever happened to the dongle but ive never been able to find it and recoup some of the cost.

dont know what possessed me buy it, i fucking hate cubase with a passion & always have.

other than that ive got a TR626 i havent used for nearly 12 years.

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Re: Stuff you have bought and dont use

Post by leedsquietman » Sat Dec 19, 2009 4:50 pm

How can you hate something you haven't even tried properly?

Fair enough if you tried it for a good while and then didn't like it but otherwise, most strange.

I have to say that recently, after 18 months of not liking Steinberg and their support and doing things like scrapping updates they promised for 18 months and dropping DX support without even mentioning it in Cubase 4 that I enjoyed 18 months of using Live for pretty much everything, until I got to a project which required features Live didn't have (advanced crossfading, bezier curves, MIDI device panels etc) and then I upgraded to Cubase 5 and I love it. Not more than Live, but I love them both for their different strengths and use them both. Live 7.0.18 SUITE, Cubase 5.5.2], Soundforge 9, Dell XPS M1530, 2.2 Ghz C2D, 4GB, Vista Ult SP2, legit plugins a plenty, Alesis IO14.

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Re: Stuff you have bought and dont use

Post by Slightlydelic » Sat Dec 19, 2009 4:57 pm

leedsquietman wrote:How can you hate something you haven't even tried properly?

Fair enough if you tried it for a good while and then didn't like it but otherwise, most strange.

I have to say that recently, after 18 months of not liking Steinberg and their support and doing things like scrapping updates they promised for 18 months and dropping DX support without even mentioning it in Cubase 4 that I enjoyed 18 months of using Live for pretty much everything, until I got to a project which required features Live didn't have (advanced crossfading, bezier curves, MIDI device panels etc) and then I upgraded to Cubase 5 and I love it. Not more than Live, but I love them both for their different strengths and use them both.
ive used it in the past.

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Re: Stuff you have bought and dont use

Post by supamonsta » Sat Dec 19, 2009 4:58 pm

- novation nocturn :evil:

- tc electronics m300 fx rack (a totally useless present made to me one day for my birthday...)

- NI Massive (I liked it one or two months, but I just bought real hardware synths after purchasing a chep copy of massive)

- AAS ultra Analog (15$, should give it a try one day, damn these "hot deals" may kill me)

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Re: Stuff you have bought and dont use

Post by bosonHavoc » Sat Dec 19, 2009 5:03 pm

anyone want to by me?
i'm a 37 year old man.. but i'm damn sexy
you can use me for a minute then put me on a shelf... :mrgreen:

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Re: Stuff you have bought and dont use

Post by Slightlydelic » Sat Dec 19, 2009 5:04 pm

i forgot about the analogue deal, i got as far as wow that looks different, oh i wonder if the presets are the same......

anybody human
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Re: Stuff you have bought and dont use

Post by anybody human » Sat Dec 19, 2009 6:15 pm

So much software I don't use. Ugh.

AAS Ultra Analog, ever
Amplitude/Hendrix/Metal, free Podfarm & Waves GTR Solo, do use IK's Ampeg bass amp, it's great
Massive, Largo blows it away I think
FM8, should dive into this
Freeware, got me started though
ACE & Xils, great sounding synths, know others better
Alchemy, will process vocal samples but that's about it, don't like the filters, incredibly deep though
Camelspace/Camelphat, plastic
Vintage Warmer 2, use Old Timer on bass but never VW, strange- What do you guys use it on?

All these deals lately tempted me to buy a bunch of soft synths that I haven't had time to learn. In the past I only bought things that fit a need and that i'd researched and agonized over. Hopefully I've learned a lesson. Passing up Waves deal to keep saving for Black Lion Audio interface mod. Thinking about swearing off software and saving for a big time mic pre after that. It's instant gratification for me to buy a plugin every couple months, whereas it's hard to save up all year (or more) for a mic pre or Machine Drum or hardware synth etc.

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Re: Stuff you have bought and dont use

Post by tw1nstates » Sat Dec 19, 2009 6:25 pm

Oh yeah,

And. . . Logic 8, kaoss pad 2, evolver, machine drum.

Although next year is gonna be the year of hardware and using gear i don't i reckon. . .
I slipped into a daze, whilst I was there I heard the most startling music, it was at once familiar and alien, reassuring and unsettling.

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