Reason and midi. ???

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Reason and midi. ???

Post by loren! » Wed Jan 05, 2005 6:13 am

I know that this is the live forum, but i cant get into the reason forum for some reason.?.

Anyway, I recently got an m-boxand it came with reason adapted for digidisign. Ive tried, and tried, but cant figure out: How do i edit midi that I've recorded into the timeline?

I have my keyboard linked to the computer, and can play the synths (like subtractor...ect) externaly, so that when i enable recording, it records the midi notes onto the timeline. Just how do i edit what ive recorded?

I find that live 4 is much more powerfull with midi, so i currently rewire reason and have live send midi to reason and record it back into live.

Any help....

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