triggering vsti's with midi drum modules?

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triggering vsti's with midi drum modules?

Post by polemans » Mon Oct 18, 2004 10:07 pm

anyone tried using an alesis D4 drum module to trigger vsti's in Ableton 4?
I'm having trouble finding compatible vsti's. The D4 module does not send midi note off data, hence the vsti's sound cuts off abruptly at the beggining of the note. The only vst'i (for OS9) have found to work are the 'MDA piano' and 'plugsound free', they seem to ignore the length of the midi note, and play the note in full, but.... they're not a lot to shout home about sound wise... vsti's that ignore midi note length anyone??
its a real shame simpler doesn't work as this would be the ideal as it is so cpu friendly...(yes, i've tried altering all the 'adsr' parameters)
any of you's had any experiences with triggering vsti's and soft synths via the D4, (or any other midi drum modules). if i have to buy a different drum trigger module, which one sends more usefull/programmable midi data????
any advice, is there simpler way than testing a hundred vsti's or buying another midi drum module...??
cheers, polemans.
ableton, computer, old drums, newfangled drums, loadsa bits n bobs. -

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