If Mac's are so "underpowered"...

Discuss music production with Ableton Live.
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Post by milfbait » Fri Oct 15, 2004 6:07 am

noisetonepause wrote:
atom_b wrote:There's, apart from this simple rule, one thing in this forum, alike all the others where there's Mac OS confronted with the reality of not being the best performer, which is really annoying
The thing is, we're not really too upset with not being the best performers... we're upset with PC users who constantly say, 'mine is longer, you're a loser for not using a PC, you're an idiot for falling for Apple's marketing hoax, you're an idiot for not using a PC when they're cheaper and faster and longer than yours!'. THAT is annoying.

Well that works both ways, I've met plenty of elitist Mac users who thought they were cooler than me because they had Macs and I had a PC. It was almost like a feeling of discrimination or something.

I personally don't give a shit what people use. I drive a Chrysler but I don't expect everyone else to drive a Chrysler. Nor do I think less of people who drive other makes of cars.

In the end their both brand names, why do people waste energy defending a brand name? Are they on the payroll? :roll:

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Post by Hervé » Fri Oct 15, 2004 6:33 am

Cubase or Logic
Wavelab or Soundforge
Reaktor or Tassman
Mercedes or BMW

Use the tools you have and go make some MUSIC !

PS : Midi sequencing with my Atari is Rock Solid :wink:

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Post by raapie » Fri Oct 15, 2004 7:22 am

Don't matter much to me. Both PC and Mac are just machines able to do more or less the same things. The G5 seems to be fast, other models a lot slower. In the end both run about the same software.

A Mac is not more 'Pro' than a PC. A lot of the modern Disney stuff is rendered on PC Linux boxes...

What makes 'Pro' is if you can make a living with what you are doing. And yes, I am doing composition and sound design on a PC and can make a livin' with it. Yes, I am a Pro 8) And I am very happy about it!
Marco Raaphorst

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Post by aljen » Fri Oct 15, 2004 8:03 am

Angstrom wrote: second - killer apps.
one word - pro-tools
damn, thats two words.
Well, you can also use one "logical" word ;-)

cheers, aljen
"I'm not really a professional anything"
[Laurie Anderson]

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Post by FaX-01 » Fri Oct 15, 2004 12:09 pm

As I stated go to the Pro-Tools official user boards - tonnes of them use Dothan and Centrino based laptops (and we aren't talking a handful of them here either) .
My aren't the wings of butterflies beautiful and do they not make wonderful perturbations.....

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Post by Angstrom » Fri Oct 15, 2004 12:36 pm

My "Pro-tools" kiler app reference refered to the time before Logic or Centrino, at the dawn of decent PC computing.

When Atari 1040st ruled every studio ... a real computer, It had a built in midi socket on the side ! Imagine me on stage in front of a couple of thousand ravers while I sweatilly exchanged floppies between tracks 8O
Hey, you kids get of my lawn!!

in about 1990 -93, studios realised Ataris were running out of power and tried different platforms - at the time Mac was way the best. Unless you wanted to trust a 486 or a brand new "can't count properly" Pentium1
Sound Tools then Pro Tools was the program of choice.

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Post by FaX-01 » Fri Oct 15, 2004 12:43 pm

How young do you think I am dude ....
Apple IIE+ in the mid 80's
Lets see an Atari 1040 + Pro 24
Prior to that a Yamaha QX-1 and 2 alesis MMT8's
After those a Mac SE for my EII+ purchased in late 88 .
Yada yada yada ....
My lawns modern and it's astroturf yeah baby :D.

But I've gotta agree had it been even 4 years earlier than now I would have gone for a Mac handsown over a PC for music.
Thank god Intel laptops have come a long way in 5 years.
Infact i only went software 7 months ago 8O 8O 8O
Now I'm 100% software and not a hardware synth in sight.
One extreme to the other but I'm really liking it :).
My aren't the wings of butterflies beautiful and do they not make wonderful perturbations.....

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Post by noisetonepause » Fri Oct 15, 2004 12:50 pm

I'm only as old as the Mac, but I've been using one since the first LC came out... I started at using SoundEdit 16 for splicing shit together when I was 12 on a 6200 Performa, then did a bit of tracking before moving into Logic four years ago when I was 16 or so.

Ask me again why I prefer Macs? ;)


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Post by Angstrom » Fri Oct 15, 2004 2:12 pm

My second computer (after my home built zx81) was an Apple IIe in 1983, complete with a Greengate DS3 8-bit sampler, which really was an excellent piece of equipment... way ahead of it's time. It was the only other option to a Fairlight !
A lightpen let you edit the harmonics of your samples directly, 2 vast PCI cards and a load of peripherals.


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Post by milfbait » Fri Oct 15, 2004 4:50 pm

Now that's an old school "DAW". :D

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Post by sevo » Fri Oct 15, 2004 6:07 pm

aljen wrote:Well, please answer me one simple question:

Why there is no working Mac emulator on the Wintel plattform, while there is at least one woreking Wintel emulator for Macs?

This according performance.
Nope. To some degree it is a licensing issue, Microsoft licensed code to Softwindows, Apple with its closed platform strategy never did the same for any Mac emulator vendor, which makes it much harder to develop a emulator.

Besides, it would not be worth the effort to create a Mac emulator. Cross-CPU emulation leaves only a fraction the native CPU performance, Softwindows effectively provides little more than the equivalent of a Win 95 Pentium 66 box even on the fastest Mac...

But even poor performance still leaves some market for Mac Windows emulators, as there is quite a lot of office and text centered software unique to Windows that can be used without excessive pain even on a very slow system. The other way around, it does not work out - almost all Mac software that has no Windows counterpart is very media centric and accordingly much more CPU hungry and dependant on hardware performance boosts, and nobody would seriously consider using an emulator to run Logic or Avid at the speed of an Mac IIfx...


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Post by drush » Fri Oct 15, 2004 6:13 pm

aljen wrote:Well, please answer me one simple question:

Why there is no working Mac emulator on the Wintel plattform, while there is at least one woreking Wintel emulator for Macs?

This according performance.
there is. look up CherryOS

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Post by painseeker » Sat Oct 16, 2004 8:00 am

noisetonepause wrote:
olafmol wrote:one word: marketing
...it's safer and more stable.

Its crap to say that Macs are more stable than Pc's. How many servers do you see with apple hardware? :wink:

And my experience is, that XP is just as stable - if not more stable than (S)OS X :D
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Post by Vercengetorex » Sat Oct 16, 2004 9:15 am

Strictly speaking on that "server" tip, what about the supercomputer market?...

http://www.fcw.com/fcw/articles/2004/06 ... -24-04.asp

http://www.colsa.com/cover_page/news_fr ... tails2.htm

Oh, and dont forget Virgina Tech!

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Post by Vercengetorex » Sat Oct 16, 2004 9:16 am

Damnit!!! :evil:

I just let myself get dragged into this stupid conversation!! :x

Seriously though, this shit is opinionated and tired. Somebody kill this thread!! :roll:
I cant think of a sig

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