OT: Anyone Seen "Wanted" ?

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Sleep Tyght
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OT: Anyone Seen "Wanted" ?

Post by Sleep Tyght » Tue Jul 01, 2008 9:27 pm

If you didn't....then don't.

It sucked.

I miss the action movies of the 80s and early 90s. Whatever happened to being chased around in a jungle by an invisible alien, and then having your arm blown the fuck off? I mean the same arm you once used to pulverize Rocky with?

Whatever happened to those crazy 3 days or so in Los Angeles where an alien visits and assumes your identity while killing everything in site....

...Also while listening to shitty headbanger music?

And whatever happened to naming a movie, "Die Hard"....and the lead villain actually does "DIE HARD"....

...and the movie isn't rated PG-13?

Oh and whatever happened to begging your parents to see Gremlins 2, but your pops drags you to see "Gremlins 2"...and "Total Recall" on the same day...

And you end up not giving a shit about that fucking Mogwai because watching Arnold use a corpse as a bullet proof vest while shooting motherfuckers on an escalator was the best shit you've seen at the movies since....

Maybe "They Live"...or "Lethal Weapon 2".....????


Just once...or maybe 30 more times...I'd like to see an action movie where characters aren't flipping through the fucking air while curving bullets with blaring electronic music in the background. It was cool with the first Matrix. Now that shit's just cliche. Even today's horror movies are PG-13? I guess we'll never see anything as spooky as that long armed burned up mofo coming down the alley in a dirty ass green sweater ever....ever....again.

Cause I'm sure the prequel will suck ass as well.

They say hip hop is dead. I say the action movie...the all balls out REAL MAN action movie is in fact....very dead. "300" gave me hope...

Just a little though. Damn I miss my childhood. Such violence.
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Post by Homebelly » Wed Jul 02, 2008 6:20 am

+1 million!!!!

Having said that i did enjoy the most recent Die Hard,, if only because it was so much fun.. 8) 8) Jet planes on the free way,, how could you not love that???
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Pitch Black
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Re: OT: Anyone Seen "Wanted" ?

Post by Pitch Black » Wed Jul 02, 2008 6:56 am

Sleep Tyght wrote:Whatever happened to those crazy 3 days or so in Los Angeles where an alien visits and assumes your identity while killing everything in site....

...Also while listening to shitty headbanger music?
The Hidden :D Now thats a movie!

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Post by j2j » Wed Jul 02, 2008 7:01 am

The best movie I saw recently,

Rambo 4.

I know your thinking - How corny?

Totally not. Stallone did a brilliant job. I think you should rent if you haven't had the chance. I caught it in theaters. But, it was definitely worth renting to catch it again. Great film. Not just an action film, but says so much about the world, and humanity.
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Sleep Tyght
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Post by Sleep Tyght » Wed Jul 02, 2008 7:56 am

j2j wrote:The best movie I saw recently,

Rambo 4.

I know your thinking - How corny?

Totally not. Stallone did a brilliant job. I think you should rent if you haven't had the chance. I caught it in theaters. But, it was definitely worth renting to catch it again. Great film. Not just an action film, but says so much about the world, and humanity.

No. No. I'm not thinking that at all. I actually found the latest Rambo to be a throwback to my childhood days...violent Stallone and cruddy dialogue. I was kinda impressed.

And yes..."The Hidden" is a CLASSIC. I remember going to school and telling everyone how dope it was, but I think no one in class was allowed to see it. Maybe they didn't want to see it...don't know.

I don't see how people can watch shit like "Wanted" and enjoy it. I remember a time when action movies had MORE than 3 huge action sequences. These days it's the typical 3....the big opener, the Act 2 "Wow" sequence, and the Final Act action sequence that usually disappoints....

"See The Incredible Hulk"......

I mean how the fuck do you spend $150 million on a movie these days, and it looks like only $75 million went on screen? It's so HARD TO BELIEVE that Terminator 2's budget was only $110 million. I read that Arnold got an upfront $15 million for his role which translated into $25,000 per spoken word. Jesus it STILL seemed like that entire budget went onscreen. There was action all THROUGHOUT THAT MOVIE!!! I mean there was a fucking NUCLEAR HOLOCAUST IN THAT MOVIE!!!! Niggaz were frozen with LIQUID NITROGEN, blown into a thousand pieces, and put back together.!!!!

Where did Hollywood go wrong? I know...I'd rather not say it.

Can we get another toxic chemical wasting/hit and run smashing of criminals like in Robocop?

Can we get another deaf chick cutting up rapists and leaving his body parts all over NY like in Ms. 45?

How's about pushing a dude's nose into his brain, then watching him get shop up by a Swat team....

AND then finding yourself "danging a jig" after watching the bad guy fall off a stadium platform into a helicopter's propeller blades? Ten points if you can figure out that one?

Take me back before Mission Impossible 2....and somewhere in between Hard Boiled and Face/Off. Speaking of MI2...that bullshit came out about three weeks after Gladiator. I wanted to see it so badly...and somehow I left the theatre speaking of nothing but Gladiator. I'm glad I snuck in to see it.
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Pitch Black
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Post by Pitch Black » Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:04 am

Sleep Tyght wrote:AND then finding yourself "danging a jig" after watching the bad guy fall off a stadium platform into a helicopter's propeller blades? Ten points if you can figure out that one?
Ah you fecker! I've seen that... :lol:

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Post by aqua_tek » Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:29 am

can't be worse than The Covenant

now that was the mother of all horrible fucking movies. I mention it every time i get a chance. That's how bad it was. Unforgettably and unforgivably horrid. I'm ashamed to say i paid to see it in a theater

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Post by j2j » Wed Jul 02, 2008 9:42 am

@Sleep Tyght

Absolutely agree!! movies are starting to look like cheap. There cutting far too many corners, and trying to use the technology to maximize profits in a such a way that the art is getting lost.....

Same thing happened to major label records....

Now it is movies that are also going down the tubes...

too many lasers...

beats me
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Post by beats me » Wed Jul 02, 2008 2:59 pm

Why on earth would you expect quality from a movie starring Anglina Jolie, the most overrated person on the face of the planet? I'd expect a better movie from Britney Spears

Sleep Tyght
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Post by Sleep Tyght » Wed Jul 02, 2008 4:22 pm

beats me wrote:Why on earth would you expect quality from a movie starring Anglina Jolie, the most overrated person on the face of the planet? I'd expect a better movie from Britney Spears

Oh come off that bullshit. At least we know what Angelina does for a living. Feel like reminding us exactly what it is that Paris Hilton does other than hit the club scene and slurp dick on film? Overrated in her case is a blatant understatement.

I know. Don't take you seriously. Both of them have made shit movies, but Crossroads was ass compared to Kung Fu Panda.

Yes that's the best I've got.
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Post by andydes » Wed Jul 02, 2008 5:04 pm

beats me wrote:Why on earth would you expect quality from a movie starring Anglina Jolie, the most overrated person on the face of the planet? I'd expect a better movie from Britney Spears
Have you seen Girl, Interrupted?

Pretty good performance out of her. Very few car chases though.

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Post by nebulae » Wed Jul 02, 2008 5:05 pm

I agree with most of the posts in this thread...although I will say that Wanted was a fairly enjoyable movie to me (once I set my suspension of disbelief really really high).

But true, Jolie is almost as over-rated as Cameron Diaz...they're both aweful, and they're both fairly unattractive.

True also that action movies have died. Die Hard 4 was decent. Rambo 4 was just fucking carnage...I mean bodies literally obliterated like mincemeat...unbelievable. However, I don't think that's what makes a good action movie any more...I watch the good ol' days of action movies of yesteryear, and I just don't feel that they hold up in the post-Matrix world. You gotto now have absurd action with kung fu shit, with a decent story, and an emotional attachment to characters. Few movies accomplish all of that.

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Post by logic_user99 » Wed Jul 02, 2008 5:38 pm

So, what certificate did 'Wanted' get in the US? It's an 18 in the UK...

Still gonna go see it, though!
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Post by nebulae » Wed Jul 02, 2008 5:40 pm

It's rated R in the US, which means legally, no one under 17 can see it without an adult...realistically, it means most high school (13-18) will be able to get in and spank it to Jolie's wet-ass-shot.

beats me
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Post by beats me » Wed Jul 02, 2008 5:50 pm

Sleep Tyght wrote:
beats me wrote:Why on earth would you expect quality from a movie starring Anglina Jolie, the most overrated person on the face of the planet? I'd expect a better movie from Britney Spears

Oh come off that bullshit. At least we know what Angelina does for a living. Feel like reminding us exactly what it is that Paris Hilton does other than hit the club scene and slurp dick on film? Overrated in her case is a blatant understatement.

I know. Don't take you seriously. Both of them have made shit movies, but Crossroads was ass compared to Kung Fu Panda.

Yes that's the best I've got.
I'll take the extreme example of Britney out of the argument.

There's just certain actors that when placed in a movie you know it's going to be mediocre to awful. I thought Haunted Mansion was going to be the fun epic adventure Pirates was...until I saw Eddie Murphy was the star and then I knew it would be an epic failure. Anybody surprised about that? The main reason Hollywood is losing money isn't piracy, it's bankrolling Eddie Murphy and Matin Lawrence movies.

Angelina Jolie acts in movies the way you or I would get a second night job delivering pizzas to pay the bills. Her day job is saving and adopting the world and making babies with Brad. But go ahead continuing to see her movies hoping it won't suck.

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