ARRANGE very sluggish again

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ARRANGE very sluggish again

Post by forge » Tue Jan 09, 2007 10:25 am

I have a set where I am doing an orchestral type arrangement using 16 MIDI tracks with the EIC, mostly just with the default simpler on each except for about 2 or 3 tracks where I've converted simpler to sampler

all of these tracks have been frozen

working in arrange is like dragging a piece of paper through a swimming pool filled with treacle

this is possibly the worst I have ever seen the arranger

I know it's probably time I get a new machine but it handles most things ok

with it all frozen I would think it wouldnt be too bad

but it is

I love deep freeze immensely by the way
Last edited by forge on Tue Apr 15, 2008 11:09 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Tarekith » Tue Jan 09, 2007 12:36 pm

I feel your pain, I really do :(

Cryptic UK
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Post by Cryptic UK » Tue Jan 09, 2007 12:43 pm

Yes open the DAW

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Post by forge » Tue Jan 09, 2007 2:10 pm

it's actually practically unusable

I've just done "save as" and saved a new set then deleted all the midi tracks and left myself with just 2 tracks - a render of all the midi tracks and a vocal track

I havent really used 6.0.3 much so it could be something that's happened since the update because now that I'm left with only 2 tracks it seems weird that it's still happening when I'm only left with 2 audio tracks when any other set with 2 audio tracks would have been fine

so unless something is lurking in the project file manager slowing everything down - otherwise it seems like something has happened in 6.0.3

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Post by forge » Tue Jan 09, 2007 2:17 pm

I'm seriously tearing my fooking hair out here - this is not workable at all in a professional sense

I'm doing something for my uncle but if I was doing this for a real job I would have to abandon Live and use something else

I now only have 2 tracks

every time I move the vocal track I get the hourglass

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Post by forge » Tue Jan 09, 2007 2:37 pm

yeah I know - I gave it a new thread because it was such a specific set of circumstances that were different this time - I hadnt had it happen this way before

but I'll link it there too....

Josh Von
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Post by Josh Von » Tue Jan 09, 2007 6:52 pm

Forge man, bite the bullet and just get the dualcore.

Solved the whole thing for me and now I never look back

forge wrote:it's actually practically unusable

I've just done "save as" and saved a new set then deleted all the midi tracks and left myself with just 2 tracks - a render of all the midi tracks and a vocal track

I havent really used 6.0.3 much so it could be something that's happened since the update because now that I'm left with only 2 tracks it seems weird that it's still happening when I'm only left with 2 audio tracks when any other set with 2 audio tracks would have been fine

so unless something is lurking in the project file manager slowing everything down - otherwise it seems like something has happened in 6.0.3

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Post by forge » Tue Jan 09, 2007 11:54 pm

Josh Von wrote:Forge man, bite the bullet and just get the dualcore.

Solved the whole thing for me and now I never look back

love to, but unless they accept monopoly money then there's not alot of chance of that happening

and I guess my point is I havent really been getting it till now

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Post by forge » Wed Jan 10, 2007 12:06 am

to update:

now this morning I have just loaded it up and it is working normally - no problems dragging parts at all

so this suggests to me that the simpler/EIC samples arent being released from memory properly because that would be consistent with the fact that this is the worst I have ever seen it and it is also probably the most demands I have ever placed on Live and my computer's RAM while using Live

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Post by kabelton » Wed Jan 10, 2007 1:21 am

Josh Von wrote:Forge man, bite the bullet and just get the dualcore.

Solved the whole thing for me and now I never look back.

i have tested my liveset on a dual core laptop, there was no big difference, it was nearly impossible to work with!!!

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Post by forge » Wed Jan 10, 2007 1:29 am

kabelton wrote:
Josh Von wrote:Forge man, bite the bullet and just get the dualcore.

Solved the whole thing for me and now I never look back.

i have tested my liveset on a dual core laptop, there was no big difference, it was nearly impossible to work with!!!
kabelton - what kind of sets are you using?

as I said above the big difference for me with this set was that it had alot of multisamples in it using the ram and by last night it was unusable, but then this morning fresh the rendered versions were fine

I'm about to try the unrendered (with the frozen versions of the multisample tracks)

I'm just wondering if there are any common grounds between what we are doing here

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Post by kabelton » Wed Jan 10, 2007 1:48 am

hi forge,
i never use midi, i only use simple audio loops arranged in arrangement view. putting all loops in ram mode does not change anything.

here is my set:


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Post by forge » Wed Jan 10, 2007 2:10 am

I dont think Ram mode would help as I think it is ram that is the problem

well the biggest similarity I can see is lots of small samples/clips - for me in the multisamples, for you the small slices of clips

I tend to consolodate and use larger chunks in arrange normally - maybe this is why I dont usually notice it so much, but definitely in the past that is when it seemed to happen more - when there were smaller slices

I'd be interested to see the difference or if it improves if you consolodate, bounce and freeze tracks - firstly still in the same set, then save under a different file name then quit live and open the new saved, then if there is no difference shut down the computer then open the new sets without all the little slices

I may have it wrong because I'm no coder, but from what I understand the way memory leaks work is for each sample Live tells the computer how much memory to use for it, and if it doesnt then release it properly after it's no longer needed then that is a memory leak - so with small samples it may make a very small difference at first, but then over time every little bit adds up and you end up coming to a standstill

this is consistent with the way these arrange problems have always seemed to work for me

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Post by kabelton » Wed Jan 10, 2007 11:33 am

yes, i have consolidated every few weeks... then it works until i get to many cuts, then i have to consolidate once more. that is really awfull and absolutely no way to work, i dont want to consolidate and so lose all my original loops from my working space.
