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Post by Machinesworking » Thu Jul 20, 2006 2:35 am

M. Bréqs wrote:How would you describe Fundamentalist Islamic people with a view of subjugating non-muslims through violence then? Is there a convenient word for it?
Well personally I would just say fundamentalist muslims.... IMO all fundamentalists are insane, remember Pat Robertson saying that we should just assassinate Venezuela president Hugo Chávez? Typical fundamentalist attitude, just glad he gets laughed off here more often than not.
I don't really disagree with you on this one, the only thing would be Isreals responsibility in the matter of peace as of late. I think like all nations run on fear, they simultaneously talk of peace while bulldozing down homes....
My other problem with Israel is the same one I have with Iran and Saudi Arabia, religion and state are a terrible combination IMO, and while being jewish is an ethnicity more than a religion, the history involved in that ethnicity almost guarantees a state run on fear. Israel started out before any problems erupted with a social consciousness scared by their past, (is it page 8 yet?)...... Things were bound to get ugly.
Also, no military in the area is better equipped, no middle eastern country could even begin to make any real headway. The arab world left the palestinians to rot simply because they have no other choice.
Israel did remove palestinians from their homes and resettle them early on, it was one of the reason the arab world gave for attacking, but if it hadn't been that, it would have been something else.

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Post by Voodu » Thu Jul 20, 2006 2:39 am

This will happen until the last arab/jew/christian has killed the last arab/jew/christian or blows up the world trying. Lets' face it this stuff has been going for as long as time. Nobody see's the real problem they are to busy trying to patch up their bleeding hearts.

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Post by Machinesworking » Thu Jul 20, 2006 2:46 am

robtronik wrote:comment to the bolded part. The Jews have been in the middle east for a few thousand years. It is only recently in the last 60 years that their nation was officially recognized as having boundries. They are indiginous to the region, like arabs, persians, and the like.

The native jewish people are a totally different matter, and aren't the issue here. The wave of european jews that descended, and make up Israel today haven't been in the area for hundreds of years.... they don't even look like people from the middle east anymore. We goya from the north must have been too sexy to pass up! The Arab world didn't have problem with the native jewish people, it's been the euro jewish people who moved back after a thousand years or so....

Both the palestinians and the jews were wandering tribes for the most part, like the kurds, without an official territory, true! :)

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Post by computo » Thu Jul 20, 2006 3:07 am

Just a thought...

Albert Pike called for three World Wars...

His first two predictions came startlingly true, and the third called for a mutual destruction of the Jews and Muslims.


But regardless of Israel's propaganda machine, they dont give a fuck who they kill.

People talk about the Koran, and how it calls for killing the infidels...

Well what about us Goyem? To the Jews, all the rest of us are cattle for the killing/eating?/slaughtering. The rhetoric is no better on either side. The only difference is in the ABILITY to inflict damage.

And that Israel has the "chutspa" to threaten other nations with terror acts, if they dont capitulate (i.e. America)

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Post by jonathono2000 » Thu Jul 20, 2006 3:22 am

noisetonepause wrote:
jonathono2000 wrote:Hezbollah is to Lebanon as Al Queda is to Afghanistan.
No. What?

They are all "underground" (at least that is what these parademocratic middle-eastern nations would like us to believe) movements that are completely woven into the society of the their host nations. Whether it be Al Queda and all of the middle-east, or Hezbollah and Lebanon, or Hezbollah and Syria/Iran, or whatever you see on the surface there is one key point I think everyone needs to understand.

All of it is a huge scam to make the rest of the world think that the middle-eastern nations want peace and that it is only a small fraction of radical extremists operating on the edge that are causing the problems.


These governments are in bed with each other and the terrorists.

They have found a loophole that allows them to do whatever they want and when the international community comes a knocking they can just point the finger at what we are supposed to believe is a subculture of extremists.

Well I'm sorry noisetonepause but we have you figured out now and the rest of the world isn't going to stand for your rabbit in the hat shit anymore.

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Post by jonathono2000 » Thu Jul 20, 2006 3:34 am

jonathono2000 wrote:
noisetonepause wrote:
jonathono2000 wrote:Hezbollah is to Lebanon as Al Queda is to Afghanistan.
No. What?

They are all "underground" (at least that is what these parademocratic middle-eastern nations would like us to believe) movements that are completely woven into the society of the their host nations. Whether it be Al Queda and all of the middle-east, or Hezbollah and Lebanon, or Hezbollah and Syria/Iran, or whatever you see on the surface there is one key point I think everyone needs to understand.

All of it is a huge scam to make the rest of the world think that the middle-eastern nations want peace and that it is only a small fraction of radical extremists operating on the edge that are causing the problems.


These governments are in bed with each other and the terrorists.

They have found a loophole that allows them to do whatever they want and when the international community comes a knocking they can just point the finger at what we are supposed to believe is a subculture of extremists.

Well I'm sorry noisetonepause but we have you figured out now and the rest of the world isn't going to stand for your rabbit in the hat shit anymore.

I hate to quote myself but I want to point out that I am saying goverments because as an American I know that any currently controlling political faction does not always represent the majority.

That being said — I will need my government (the one you and I both despise) to protect me from your government (the one you and I both despise) as long as one of them still exists.

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Post by computo » Thu Jul 20, 2006 3:36 am

you ignorant ass.

Hamas was founded by israeli intelligence.

AlQaeda was founded by US intelligence.

Quite likely same situation with Hezbollah.

Before you go spouting your hate filled rhetoric, maybe you should investigate international terror, rather than just regurging what you hear on Fox News.

The reason these groups are categorized the way you describe "underground", just goes to show, that these forces are just looking for excuses to murder large sections of the population of Middle Eastern Arab nations, even democratically elected ones.

You dont see the US starting wars with Mexico, even though THEIR military has kidnapped Americans, and escalated violence on the border...

Or perhaps somewhere in your Bush-bible-thumping brain, you think placing 100 National Guardsmen on the border is resolving the issue.

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Post by stinky » Thu Jul 20, 2006 3:39 am

computo wrote:Well what about us Goyem? To the Jews, all the rest of us are cattle for the killing/eating?/slaughtering. The rhetoric is no better on either side. The only difference is in the ABILITY to inflict damage.

And that Israel has the "chutspa" to threaten other nations with terror acts, if they dont capitulate (i.e. America)
Holy shit man, what kind of shit are talking? Jews have never commited a pogrom to others, like has been done to them in every country they've existed in. They've always been the scapegoat for everyone's problems throughout history. You can't equate what's happened in gaza or the west bank with a pogrom, because israeli army has never systematically killed the population. When they go into the territories, they get attacked (with stones, or whatever), and defend themselves. They don't go around killing innocent people. When you see a child die, it's because he's being used as a human shield or is throwing stones. What responsible parent is going to let their child out to throw stones at soldiers? Ok, stray bullets, you say? That's not the same as a pogrom, is it. Again, they're not going out trying to kill someone, targetting them (Targetted assasinations are different, and are done to stem the threat from impending attacks.. yes, there usually is a considerable civilian fallout when rockets or bombs are used, but one could argue that more would die if that person wasn't killed). What about demolitions? These are on houses of the family that brought up suicide bombers...

No, i don't agree with these policies, but that still doesn't equate to several millenia of trangressions towards the jews. The jews never enslaved a population. The jews never slaughtered a population. The Jews have been the victims of pogroms. The jews were the main victims in the holocaust. The jews were also the main victims of the Spanish Inquisitions. The jews were enslaved by the Romans, the Greeks, the Babylonians, and the Egyptians. Name any other nation that has ever endured anything close to that type of existence.

The term goyim... ? All it means is someone who's not a jew. It's not even close to calling someone a nigger, or a kike. It's not even derogatory. It just means, you're not a jew. Jews even call themselves goyim, if they deem them non-religious.

computo wrote: To the Jews, all the rest of us are cattle for the killing/eating?/slaughtering.
This is an ignorant statement, and i find it offensive. I can liken it to the days when Jews used to be accused of drinking the blood of children. It's wrong. Goyim does not mean cattle in hebrew, that's a fallacy. In fact, originally, goy referred to the israelites (in the bible), and through the years, it has taken on new meanings. Goy originally meant nation, and now it just means other nations. If you don't believe me, look here:


computo wrote:And that Israel has the "chutspa" to threaten other nations with terror acts, if they dont capitulate (i.e. America)
This is utter nonsense. When has Israel ever threatened any other nation with a terrorist act? Especially the US. Please, provide a reference link. I have to see this to believe this. Your ignorance is astounding. You sound like a biggot.
Last edited by stinky on Thu Jul 20, 2006 3:39 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by stinky » Thu Jul 20, 2006 3:47 am

computo wrote:Hamas was founded by israeli intelligence
Please, provide a reference... you sound like a fool when you say something like that. Supporting hamas, and founding hamas are two different things. Yes, hamas was supported by mossad as a counter-balance to the PLO, but to say that mossad founded hamas is dillusional.
Last edited by stinky on Thu Jul 20, 2006 3:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by computo » Thu Jul 20, 2006 3:57 am

yeah, call me a bigot.

Thats great.

Ever heard of the USS Liberty?

False Flag terror was BORN in the halls of the Knesset, buddy.

Im not gonna be foolish enough to send you a "wiki" article about it, you can look it up yourself.

Im not saying that Jews are out to kill everyone, just stating what I found to be a parralel. You can be offended, and wallow in your self-righteousness, but Im just drawing a comparison.

And the idea that Israeli intel is in the US, ready to strike "anti-Israeli interests", was announced by Israel. They have REPEATEDLY flaunted their willingness to kill anyone, anywhere, if they feel "threatened".

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Post by ilia » Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:14 am

computo wrote: Well what about us Goyem? To the Jews, all the rest of us are cattle for the killing/eating?/slaughtering. The rhetoric is no better on either side. The only difference is in the ABILITY to inflict damage.
C'mon, computo, cool it off. Israel is not run by religious extremists calling for killing/slaughtering/destruction of non-Jewish people. It is a secular democracy, a flawed one - sure, but far removed from what goes on in countries governed by fundamentalist muslims.
Last edited by ilia on Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:18 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by computo » Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:15 am

stinky wrote:
Hamas was founded by israeli intelligence
Please, provide a reference... you sound like a fool when you say something like that. Supporting hamas, and founding hamas are two different things. Yes, hamas was supported by mossad as a counter-balance to the PLO, but to say that mossad founded hamas is dillusional.
well, OFFICIALLY, Yassim founded it. But his history and the histories of the people who gave him license to form it, were Israeli leadership, including two gentlemen, who formed the first few terror organizations in the 40's.

Here's a little story...


Seriously man, these are the fathers of the false flag.

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Post by computo » Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:17 am

ilia wrote:Israel is not run by religious extremists calling for killing/slaughtering/destruction of non-Jewish people. It is a secular democracy, a flawed one - sure, but far removed from what goes on in countries governed by fundamentalist muslims.

What I meant was Israel is run by religious extremists calling for killing/slaughtering/destruction of ARABS, not all non-Jews.

I know of some other secular democracies in that region...

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Post by Machinesworking » Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:21 am

stinky wrote:When they go into the territories, they get attacked (with stones, or whatever), and defend themselves. They don't go around killing innocent people.
that doesn't make any sense? You say that like an occupying military walking through your suburbs wouldn't be met with resistance? and what do they defend themselves with against stones? guns isn't it? If the military in the states had used loaded guns against demonstrators here instead of tear gas, and other methods it would be met with shock.

I think we don't really care what happens to the Palestinians, just like the rest of the world. We talk about other nations reaction to etc. but we really don't think about the human element there. Not all Palestinians are fundamentalist suicide bombers, contrary to popular belief.

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Post by stinky » Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:27 am

computo wrote:Ever heard of the USS Liberty?
Sorry, that's a far cry from a terrorist act. There is no proof that Israel 'deliberately' attacked the US. The fact that it occured during a war is also notable. Additionally, Israel admitted that it was a mistake, and even paid $13million in indemnities. Name a terrorist organization that ever did that.
computo wrote:False Flag terror was BORN in the halls of the Knesset, buddy.
It's been called other things throughout history, governments throughout history have used the spector of fear to drive their populations into submission,and your assertion that it "was BORN in the halls of the Knesset" is biased, obviously. The US military did it to capture Puerto Rico and the Phillipine islands, long before there even was a knesset.
computo wrote:wallow in your self-righteousness,
I'm not self-righteous, in one bit. I don't condone the actions of the state of israel. But, it's not even remotely accurate to say that jews are bloodthirsty! The only one spouting out hate-filled rhetoric is you.
computo wrote:And the idea that Israeli intel is in the US, ready to strike "anti-Israeli interests", was announced by Israel.
Please provide a link to this!!!! Which israeli authority figure stated this? Otherwise, you're talking out of your ass again.
Last edited by stinky on Thu Jul 20, 2006 3:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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