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Jordan Vesteyo
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Post by Jordan Vesteyo » Wed Jan 25, 2006 4:46 am

So noise hass exposed himself as the great thinker and elitist intellegencia. The great thinker, lover of the 'great orators'. Usama Bin Laden,Castro and Qodafi., yeah get some of their speaches on tape and beat off to them some more.

Ofcourse you NOTHING to say about your own country's Muslim problems, you look to say stuff about others while overlooking the problem in his own front yard.

Better a cunt than a SOCIALIST, better a realist than a FOOL IN A HOLE, run along you misguided MORON. You again have showed your true innerself. Scream about everything, solutions for nothing and no back bone on any issue. Never let facts get in the way. Typical far leftist tactic. An empty suit or skirt in Noise's case. Van Gogh was slaughtered (slashed and shot) by Muslim Extremists, because he made a movie that spoke the TRUTH about them, on the streets of Amsterdam.

Interesting how you use all English (UK) terms and insults, what are you a Brit transplant who needed Socialism? UK too conservative. Now the Socialists were thown out of office in Denmark because people were tired of shitheads like you. You are trully pathetic. I don't recall the Danes speaking that way the last time I was in Copenhagen, great city fortunately the people I met were must more enlightened than your sorry hypothetical Communist ass.

A Yank is PROUD to be called a Yank, a cunt is only an insult to a woman. You call us yanks and speak to us like we are Brits, go watch more BBC. What was that about studying your oponent. You really are funny, but not comical, more of a piss-ant, little weasel wind of way.

You should just change your name to Narrøv
Last edited by Jordan Vesteyo on Wed Jan 25, 2006 4:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
24in Imac/MBPro UNibody, Ableton Live 8 Suite ,Logic Pro 8, Liquid Mix,

Jordan Vesteyo
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Post by Jordan Vesteyo » Wed Jan 25, 2006 4:53 am

Beatworld wrote:
Jordan Vesteyo wrote:

I guess you drive an electric car, or do you beam yourself everywhere.
Thats quite funny my car runs on oil, the technology which is now somewhat aged.

I believe the development focus should be on newer technologies which do less damage to the environment and which do not require the "co-operation" of countries on the other side of the world from the end user.
So you are part of the problem too....
I use public trans, trains as much as possible and I agree on alternate fuels, as my next vehicle is a hybrid.
24in Imac/MBPro UNibody, Ableton Live 8 Suite ,Logic Pro 8, Liquid Mix,

Jordan Vesteyo
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Post by Jordan Vesteyo » Wed Jan 25, 2006 5:07 am

djadonis206 wrote:
"It's like calling someone a fag and you're not even gay

justifying this comment by SweetJesus

"that i give all to my niggas (so to speak)."

I love how Liberals, can say things like this and call other pople bigoted and racist.
24in Imac/MBPro UNibody, Ableton Live 8 Suite ,Logic Pro 8, Liquid Mix,

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Post by sweetjesus » Wed Jan 25, 2006 5:21 am

Jordan Vesteyo wrote:
djadonis206 wrote:
"It's like calling someone a fag and you're not even gay

justifying this comment by SweetJesus

"that i give all to my niggas (so to speak)."

I love how Liberals, can say things like this and call other pople bigoted and racist.
dude, stop nitpicking at comments. i am proud to say what i said and since you do not have the ability to look at things in context, here's why.

the way that people of ethnic minorities, especially black people as a whole treat each other like a brother is a way that i would be proud of if i could treat everyone around me. by me expressing my desire to be as brotherly to my fellow man as the black man in his local slang for another brother is a testament to the ability for people who despite getting taken somewhere as slaves can bond together through the roughest of times.

you don't have a point to make, so obviously you would comment on language you don't even understand the meaning of.

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Post by sweetjesus » Wed Jan 25, 2006 5:29 am

jordan and fire, you are beating your head against a wall... you do not take into account things other people have said and you try and show what you think is the solution, whereas you have in the past proved that the solutions you come up with dont fucking work... so what do you do, keep trying to do the same old bs that keeps causing more problems. this is the current trend for america's foreign policy and you are the epitomy of it.

you are a hypocrit in suggesting that you should go and meddle with the governments of other countries when you dont like yours being meddled with.

you are a hypocrit for not wanting other countries to have nuclear weapons when you have them and have shown that you will use them against other nations.

you are a hypocrit and a coward for suggesting a country eats a nuke because of your own fear that you may have a nuclear strike against you.

you are a hypocrit for creating problems and making other people suffer when you're the one suffering from problems which have resulted from your own ignorance

and you are a hypocrit for fuelling fires yet claim to be the ones trying to make peace with the world.

its your view that causes problems which exist in todays world. get out of the car or keep your mouth shut because nobody likes a backseat driver who doesnt know the way.

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Post by Beatworld » Wed Jan 25, 2006 5:31 am

Jordan Vesteyo wrote:
Beatworld wrote:
Jordan Vesteyo wrote:

So you are part of the problem too....
I use public trans, trains as much as possible and I agree on alternate fuels, as my next vehicle is a hybrid.
Yes, yes, I am part of the problem too.....although I do use public transport (electric train) to get to my day job everyday.

But if using some oil (as I am not a scientist and can't create an option for myself) is my biggest sin in the context of the issues being discussed in this thread I can live with that.

The minute a non-oil based vehicle appears on the market I will be at the head of the queue. I know someone is probably going to say "There are options now you fool !" But the current options are still pretty much at the cutting edge and I need something that will carry more than 1 or 2 people which is the current spec.

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Post by djadonis206 » Wed Jan 25, 2006 5:51 am

Jordan Vesteyo wrote:
djadonis206 wrote:
"It's like calling someone a fag and you're not even gay

justifying this comment by SweetJesus

"that i give all to my niggas (so to speak)."

I love how Liberals, can say things like this and call other pople bigoted and racist.

I don't recall calling any pople bigots or racists

i was just borded at work

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Post by Machinate » Wed Jan 25, 2006 6:45 am

Jordan, just for the record: Imo, the real "muslim problem" in denmark are the right-wing parties, which are currently on the fast track to being the most condemned political entity in most of this so-called civilized world. Ask any human-rights organization, and they'll happily point their fingers at Denmark!

But then again, what do I know, I only live here, you clearly have the upper-hand on this one :wink:

And thusly, I exit this thread thisly.
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Post by colin_h » Wed Jan 25, 2006 6:58 am

Machinate wrote:
And thusly, I exit this thread thisly.
mind if i....


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Post by FireForEffect » Wed Jan 25, 2006 7:42 am

Not exactly smashing stereotypes of liberals as mincing pantywaists, the left's entire contribution to the war effort thus far has been to whine. -- Ann Coulter

Ah..I love Ann..

So it must shock you socialists that not all musicians are radical leftist Che Gueverra lovin' hippies no? ;)

sweetjesus, what you and others are missing is this- and I think Jordan and I would both agree on this - we don't necessarily agree with our foreign policy, we aren't Bush bots, we can think for ourselves and the "solutions" we are talking about are NOT being done, if they were then the problem would be gone to a great extent. However the left offers NO solutions, just more rhetoric and insanity. Lets all just sing together and hold hands..if we could all just have a nice sit down with the terrorists then we could apologize and everything would be ok. This is the modern mindset of the left and the mindset of most of Europe. France ignored its growing problem with the coming islamic takeover of Europe. Look's like they had a little wakeup call. Do you fools actually think if John Kerry was president instead that everything would be cotton candy skies and rainbow bridges?? Or do you just despise America regardless since we are the Great Satan?

Read what I posted from Ralph Peters, those aren't points I made up, they are all his and I agree with them. Those are the thoughts of a very bright thinker who has spent most of his life in the middle east and has studied the bedouin mind. Our government doesn't do nearly enough to ensure safety. We don't profile, we don't wire tap every mosque in the country, we don't go after the people we know are the bad guys...etc...we could be doing a LOT more about the problem and instead liberals just complain about panties on the head of a poor "insurgent"...For Christ's sake, we call our enemy an "insurgent"?!?! We wouldn't want to offend any dear innocent terrorist now would we?

sweet, I realize you have been brainwashed and that is fine, but let me simplify this so you can understand. You said this to me "you are a hypocrit for not wanting other countries to have nuclear weapons when you have them and have shown that you will use them against other nations. "

Now, I haven't checked your profile, but are you above the age of 15? If so I am a bit perturbed that you cannot understand simple human instincts. If you were to get beaten and mugged what would your response be? If you had a gun and the robber had a knife would you let him stab you to death because it wasn't fair since only you had a gun? If Iran, a country who I think ANYONE can see if a serious threat with nukes is not kept in check, they would use them on innocents like yourself. America would be the last country on the planet to use a nuke unless it was absolutely necessary. Otherwise Iraq,Syria and Iran would all be glass. While you seem to be clueless to these concepts, the fact is that the United States is the most charitable nation on the planet and has done FAR more good than any of you weasals could every understand. We are the good guys. We are not cutting people's heads off nor are we flying planes full of people into buildings.
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Post by Nod » Wed Jan 25, 2006 9:51 am

noisetonepause wrote: (Maximum respect to Nod for being the voice of reason, though. Appreciated!)
Cheers Paws - as always it's the extremists who encourage divisions between people for their own ends. : left wing, right wing, religious or atheist it's always been the same. Think of it like a really long period of human beta testing :D

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Post by FireForEffect » Wed Jan 25, 2006 9:53 am

You loons are saying there is no good and evil, no right and wrong, no one can judge another human and yet you think WE are the extremists? :roll:

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Post by noisetonepause » Wed Jan 25, 2006 10:43 am

Suit #1: I mean, have you got any insight as to why a bright boy like this would jeopardize the lives of millions?
Suit #2: No, sir, he says he does this sort of thing for fun.

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Post by jeskola » Wed Jan 25, 2006 11:31 am

FireForEffect wrote:You loons are saying there is no good and evil, no right and wrong
that is true - its all subjective and set by the boundaries of society.
How can you say somthing is evil if the "wrongdoer" 100% belives he's doing good? In lots of cases society deems somthing to be wrong but it doesnt intefere with your consience - so is it wrong - or are you just being told its wrong?

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Post by pilcrow » Wed Jan 25, 2006 1:56 pm

jeskola wrote:
FireForEffect wrote:You loons are saying there is no good and evil, no right and wrong
that is true - its all subjective and set by the boundaries of society.
How can you say somthing is evil if the "wrongdoer" 100% belives he's doing good? In lots of cases society deems somthing to be wrong but it doesnt intefere with your consience - so is it wrong - or are you just being told its wrong?
This interesting point has been raised once before in this thread--the idea that there is no such thing as good or bad--or that it's all a matter of perspective (i.e., if I think I'm doing right, then I am in fact doing right). First, just because something might be "set by the boundaries of society" doesn't mean it's necessarily arbitrary or subjective. Think about mathematics--it is something that we generally have to be taught (by parents, teachers, our "society"); does that fact--i.e., that it's imparted to us by our society, make it any less an objective reality? OK, so what about moral judgments? Take the murder of an innocent person, for instance. In most societies, that's considered wrong. Likewise with things like theft, taking advantage of the poor or disabled, etc. Are these things purely arbitrary notions? Or are they more likely objective guidelines that, more or less, come as part of the equipment of human consciousness? I vote for the latter.

You asked "How can you say somthing is evil if the 'wrongdoer' 100% belives he's doing good?" Well, in my view, in many cases we can say it pretty easily, because of those above-mentioned guidelines that inform the human conscience and about which most people seem to agree. Some examples. Consider a leader who 100% believes he's doing good by convincing his followers to exterminate a certain ethnic minority living within his country, just because of their ethnicity. Or, consider a young man who believes he's doing good by murdering every prostitute he can find. Why are we in such a rush to abdicate our ability to call actions of that kind evil or wrong? Why are we so reluctant to make those kinds of judgments, even in the clearest cases? Sure, world events get incredibly complicated, and it's hard to sort out both the facts and the moral implications of those facts--that's why you get people on both sides who would just rather resort to jingoistic bumper-sticker talk: “Bush is Hitler,” or “Muslims are evil,” etc. It's easier than thinking stuff through.

But in any case, it's clear to me that even those of you who claim there is no standard of morality don't really believe it. If you really believed it, then why be in such a dither about supposed American imperialism, etc.? If there is no objective right or wrong, then you've got nothing to say about anything anyone does. The fact that you're incensed about it means that you do think there is a moral standard, and that America (or whoever) has violated it. The way I see it, we can argue about whose ideas come nearer the true moral standard, but to argue that no such standard exists is a self-negating fallacy.

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