Unable to connect to WPA3 network

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Unable to connect to WPA3 network

Post by Aqueum » Fri Dec 29, 2023 10:05 pm

Hi All

Are you able to connect your Push 3 Standalone to a WPA3 network? Mine just says
Unable to connect to [network name]
I've been trying to resolve this issue with support since 2 December, but still no joy & I'm nearing the end of my magical 30 days, so thought I'd ask if anyone here can help. Should it help anyone else with a similar issue, one of their suggestions was to change the password to <25 characters, I tried but no success.

After nearly 20 emails, their latest came on the 27th:
Thanks for trying all these steps. This behavior with Push having connection issues with hybrid modes (WPA2 + WPA3) and WPA3 only seems to match what a few other users are experiencing.

I've contacted our Hardware Team to try to find a solution for this. However, for the time being, it looks like the current workarounds are to use the following:
  • WPA2 network
  • cellular hotspot
  • wired ethernet connection

I'm sorry the troubleshooting process has taken so long and we still don't have an immediate solution for your security needs. This issue is filed and I hope to have a better answer for you soon.
Of these:
  • WPA2 network
Isn't viable with a work network for security reasons.
  • cellular hotspot
Is a complete pain as on the occasions when I manage to get it to connect, I often forget to turn it off and end up using a tonne of 4G data.
  • wired ethernet connection
Kind of kills the battery powered wireless standalone concept. It also seems somewhat glitchy in terms of connection & my studio is wireless, so we're having to run ethernet cables through the building...

Any suggestions would be hugely appreciated.

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Re: Unable to connect to WPA3 network

Post by tvoncartier » Fri Jan 12, 2024 1:57 am

I just received a push standalone and am running into the exact same problem. I try to connect to either of my networks, enter the correct password and it says 'unable to connect to [network name]'. When I go back to the list of available wifi networks both of my networks are suddenly gone. They only reappear if I turn the push wifi off and back on again but the problem still remains. I have reset the push, router/wifi, laptop, etc.

Apologies I do not have a solution but just wanted to piggy back on your post since we have the exact same issue and support is apparently taking a long time to answer/offer solutions. Despite that I filed a support ticket as well.

Super frustrating to say the least. Wish it could be synced via the included usb cable like the majority of existing controllers.

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Re: Unable to connect to WPA3 network

Post by CH7 » Sat Jan 13, 2024 11:04 am

The push will accept a USB to ethernet dongle. So long as your laptop is on the same network/router you should be ok using ethernet.

Has your Push ever connected via wifi, if not, and this is your first time using the Push, you may have a ssd where its data partition is locked in read only mode.

I had a similar experiance where i could not connect to wifi, it turnedout the data partition was in readonly and so nothing was being saved to it, including the wifi configuration files.

My solution was to pop the SSD into a linux machine via an USB to M.2 dongle. and then open a terminal and run the command

sudo chmod -R 777 < location of data partition>

Another solution which might seem nonsensical but if you have a USB to wifi dongle, you might try that to see if the Push connects to wifi via that and not its internal wifi. Also creating a 'hotspot' from your laptop might work as an alternative to whatever wifi you have from your router, or get another router with a compatible wifi and plug that into your existing router. ;0)

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Re: Unable to connect to WPA3 network

Post by geekraver » Wed Jan 17, 2024 11:09 pm

I'm having this problem, but in my case I am using WPA2, with an Amplifi access point. My password is 26 characters, so maybe that's why. But I have over 100 devices on my network; changing the password would be a massive PITA.

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