Move live across displays with keyboard shortcuts (Mac)

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Move live across displays with keyboard shortcuts (Mac)

Post by sdkendall » Wed Dec 06, 2023 7:58 pm

Title pretty much says it.

There’s currently no way to move Live across displays using keyboard shortcuts, it’s always a drag and drop game.

Can we get that functionality added? Most other Mac programs have a command under the window menu that you can assign a user created shortcut to, but since the command doesn’t exist on any of live’s menu’s, it can’t be created.

I know it seems simple but for various reasons but I send my instance of Live across displays multiple times in any given session, especially when working collaboratively on zoom. Being able to have a shortcut key would save me tons on time…. Enough that it was definitely worth a post asking for that support!!!!


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Re: Move live across displays with keyboard shortcuts (Mac)

Post by Machinesworking » Wed Dec 06, 2023 10:59 pm

It's probably not the answer you're looking for but Lives dual display feature switches between Session and Arrange with the tab key so you can at least get the semblance of moving displays.

The other workaround if you're on a Mac is Keyboard Maestro, a truly amazing program for under $40 that can automate moving applications to various displays in your setup.

It took Ableton 15 odd years of requesting for full sized piano roll to get a keyboard shortcut so a solid workaround is a good idea while you wait. :)

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