Komplete Kontrol SL49 MK2 Stops Functioning Properly

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Komplete Kontrol SL49 MK2 Stops Functioning Properly

Post by OriginalBMan » Wed Oct 12, 2022 4:18 pm

Hey all, really could use some advice here.

I recently added a NI Komplete Kontrol S49 MK2 to my setup (complete setup notes at the end), and while I love it, the behavior is a bit weird. What I really like using it for is to browse Komplete Kontrol on the keyboard and change patches, settings, etc. This works great - until it doesn't.

I can't figure out what causes it, but the S49 screens and keyboard light guides will get "stuck" on a specific patch. When I switch through them in Live, while the sound will change, the screens and light guides on the S49 will remain stuck on the same track. For example, I currently have XO on MIDI track 1 and Strummed Acoustic on MIDI track 2. The S49 shows the Strummed Acoustic info (screens and light guides). When I switch to XO on track one, it still displays the info (screens and light guides) for track 2. Also, the wheel stops working (won't switch between tracks or between clips, and the transport controls stop acting like transport controls and just send MIDI note signals.

The odd thing is, this only happens after (1) a certain amount of time or (2) I do something specific (I can't seem to figure out what triggers it). The only way I've found to reliably fix this is to:
  1. In Live -> Preferences -> Link/Tempo/Midi, completely remove the S49 control service from the list
  2. Quit Live
  3. Unplug S49 from the computer
  4. Restart Live
  5. Plug the S49 back into the computer
Now it will function normally - until it happens again. Has anyone else encountered this? I've gone through all the suggestions here and whatever I could find online, but nothing seems to work. I've ensured that in my MIDI preferences, Komplete Kontrol DAW - 1 is selected for both Input and Output for the S49 control surface.

I've followed instructions found at various locations, but nothing seems to help. The odd part is that it functions perfectly fine (and as expected), but then somehow gets "stuck" on a particular MIDI track.

Other things I've tried but haven't eliminated the problem:
  • Starting Live 11 in Rosetta mode
  • Unplugging Push 2 and Mashine
  • AUv2 and VST3 versions of Komplete Kontrol
  • Restarted machine many times
Has anyone else experienced this? Suggestions? Feel like I'm going around in circles trying to troubleshoot.

Complete Setup Information:
  • Mac M1 Studio running macOS 12.6
  • Ableton Live 11.2 (but also happened in previous 11.x versions)
  • Komplete Kontrol S49 MK2 (firmware version = 0.6.0) [connected via USB]
  • Push 2 controller [connected via USB]
  • Maschine Mikro MK3 [connected via USB]
  • Yamaha CVP-805 [connected via USB]
  • Komplete Kontrol software (version = 2.7.2 R2)
(Disclosure: Also posted this on the Native Instruments forum)

Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Oct 12, 2022 3:56 pm

Re: Komplete Kontrol SL49 MK2 Stops Functioning Properly

Post by OriginalBMan » Mon Oct 31, 2022 4:55 pm

Just wanted to update the community here. Today (10/31/2022), Native Instruments released Maschine 2.16 and Komplete Kontrol 2.8.0. This seems to have solved my issue when running Ableton Live in native M1 mode.

For those curious, the original issue was a bit my fault. Even though running Live in native M1 mode allows you to use the AU version of Komplete Kontrol, the fact that it wasn't (until today) updated for native M1 use was causing some weird issues. I was also able to get rid of it by running Live under Rosetta emulation. However, now that we have the native M1 versions of Maschine and Komplete Kontrol, this shouldn't be necessary.

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