The Clyphx Tricks and Tips Thread

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Re: The Clyphx Tricks and Tips Thread

Post by TomViolenz » Tue Feb 11, 2014 5:06 pm

This kinda stuff is probably better adressed to Stray personaly over at the beatwise forums.
I, at least have no idea how to do this specifically.

But if you solve this, maybe you could also look into how to direct the Snap action not only to a specific device (by number) but also to a specific sub-device. Like say The Sampler on DrumRack pad 1 (but not the others)

if only the long Clipnames bother you, why not limit Clyphx in the Usersettings to a lower number of parameters to store?
Did you find out which clip name length starts to crash Touchable? Take a lower value than that.

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Re: The Clyphx Tricks and Tips Thread

Post by glamourboy » Tue Feb 11, 2014 6:21 pm

fuck, I'm a moron. First setting in "UserSettings.txt" is: INCLUDE_NESTED_DEVICES_IN_SNAPSHOTS = On

Good thing I didn't bother stray with that :oops:

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Re: The Clyphx Tricks and Tips Thread

Post by Donnie » Tue Feb 11, 2014 6:58 pm

Thanks for the tips, looking forward to more.

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Re: The Clyphx Tricks and Tips Thread

Post by TomViolenz » Tue Feb 11, 2014 7:13 pm

glamourboy wrote:fuck, I'm a moron. First setting in "UserSettings.txt" is: INCLUDE_NESTED_DEVICES_IN_SNAPSHOTS = On

Good thing I didn't bother stray with that :oops:
Oh, he often reads these forums here, so you probably have egg on your face either way :mrgreen:

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Re: The Clyphx Tricks and Tips Thread

Post by TomViolenz » Mon Jun 30, 2014 2:08 pm

Ok, I just discovered a pretty cool use involving DrumRacks, a Nocturn (using a User remote script) and clyphx. And I wanted to share that with you.

What it lets you do is, it lets you play your drums with the encoders of the Nocturn.
Which only becomes useful when NoteRepeat is used. This is where Clyphx comes in.

What you need:

1: A Nocturn (or any other controller with encoders, where you can set the encoders to send Note values)

2: A User remote script for the Nocturn (most people use one already to give the Nocturn control over the Macros of the selected device)
More about this further down.

3: A DrumRack with pads 1-8 containing your drum samples

4: Clyphx for the NoteRepeat

To the User Remote script:
A User Remote script is a text file that you put into the following location (Mac)
User/Preferences/Ableton/Live 9.1.2/User Remote Script/Nocturn

If a folder "Nocturn" does not exist, make one.
In it you put a text file called UserConfiguration.txt

In this text file you put the following text and save it: For ease of use I just share the whole text here (just copy/paste it), for the more initiated just change the Midi settings in an existing one:

Code: Select all

# Config File for User-defined Instant Mappings

# We assume that the controls on your MIDI controller
# send CCs (except for pads). All controls that do not have
# an explicit channel setting are expected to use the
# global channel. CCs & Notes are counted from 0-127
# and channels from 0-15.

# The channel that the controller should send on
GlobalChannel: 5
# If your controller is connected via USB, replace ControllerName
# with the name of the respective port. Live will then try to 
# recognize the ports for you when you select your Instant-Mappings
InputName: Nocturn
OutputName: Automap MIDI
# If your controller has pads that send notes, you can use them to
# play the visible pads in your DrumRacks. Just replace the -1 for
# the note (and channel) of the respective pad. The arrangement of
# the pads in the DrumRacks is as follows:
#   1     2     3     4
#   5     6     7     8
#   9    10    11    12  
#  13    14    15    16
# (If you leave the channel of a pad at -1, Live will assume that
#  the pad uses the global channel)
Pad1Note: 48
Pad2Note: 49
Pad3Note: 50
Pad4Note: 51
Pad5Note: 44
Pad6Note: 45
Pad7Note: 46
Pad8Note: 47
Pad9Note: 40
Pad10Note: 41
Pad11Note: 42
Pad12Note: 43
Pad13Note: 36
Pad14Note: 37
Pad15Note: 38
Pad16Note: 39
Pad1Channel: 5
Pad2Channel: 5
Pad3Channel: 5
Pad4Channel: 5
Pad5Channel: 5
Pad6Channel: 5
Pad7Channel: 5
Pad8Channel: 5
Pad9Channel: 5
Pad10Channel: 5
Pad11Channel: 5
Pad12Channel: 5
Pad13Channel: 5
Pad14Channel: 5
Pad15Channel: 5
Pad16Channel: 5

# The Encoders will control the device parameters (you can also 
# use knobs or sliders). Replace the -1's with the CCs sent by 
# the respective controls on your controller. You can also set
# the channel for each controller if it differs from the global
# channel (if you leave the channel of an encoder at -1, Live
# will assume that the encoder uses the global channel).
Encoder1: 0
Encoder2: 1
Encoder3: 2
Encoder4: 3
Encoder5: 4
Encoder6: 5
Encoder7: 6
Encoder8: 7
EncoderChannel1: -1
EncoderChannel2: -1
EncoderChannel3: -1
EncoderChannel4: -1
EncoderChannel5: -1
EncoderChannel6: -1
EncoderChannel7: -1
EncoderChannel8: -1
# Enter the respective map mode for the encoders here. The following
# map modes are available:
# - Absolute
# - Absolute14Bit
# - LinearSignedBit 
# - LinearSignedBit2
# - LinearTwoCompliment
# - LinearBinaryOffset
# - AccelSignedBit 
# - AccelSignedBit2
# - AccelTwoCompliment
# - AccelBinaryOffset
# Consult the controller's documentation to find out which mode to use.
EncoderMapMode: Absolute
# Buttons used here are expected to not be toggles (i.e.,sending 
# value 0 every second time you press it).
Bank1Button: -1
Bank2Button: -1
Bank3Button: -1
Bank4Button: -1
Bank5Button: -1
Bank6Button: -1
Bank7Button: -1
Bank8Button: -1
NextBankButton: -1
PrevBankButton: -1
LockButton: 15

# Again enter the appropriate CCs for the respective controls.
# If all sliders use the global channel to send their data,
# you can leave the channels at -1. You can, of course, use
# encoders or knobs instead of sliders.
VolumeSlider1: 17
VolumeSlider2: 18
VolumeSlider3: 19
VolumeSlider4: 20
VolumeSlider5: 21
VolumeSlider6: 22
VolumeSlider7: 23
VolumeSlider8: 24
Slider1Channel: -1
Slider2Channel: -1
Slider3Channel: -1
Slider4Channel: -1
Slider5Channel: -1
Slider6Channel: -1
Slider7Channel: -1
Slider8Channel: -1
MasterVolumeSlider: -1
MasterSliderChannel: -1
Send1Knob1: -1
Send1Knob2: -1
Send1Knob3: -1
Send1Knob4: -1
Send1Knob5: -1
Send1Knob6: -1
Send1Knob7: -1
Send1Knob8: -1
Send2Knob1: -1
Send2Knob2: -1
Send2Knob3: -1
Send2Knob4: -1
Send2Knob5: -1
Send2Knob6: -1
Send2Knob7: -1
Send2Knob8: -1
TrackArmButton1: -1
TrackArmButton2: -1
TrackArmButton3: -1
TrackArmButton4: -1
TrackArmButton5: -1
TrackArmButton6: -1
TrackArmButton7: -1
TrackArmButton8: -1
VolumeMapMode: Absolute
SendsMapMode: Absolute

# The transport buttons are also expected not to be toggles.
StopButton: -1
PlayButton: -1
RecButton: -1
LoopButton: -1
RwdButton: -1
FfwdButton: -1
(This UserRemote script differs from the one that may already exist insofar that the DrumRack pads are present, while in the supplied one they are deleted)

Restart Live and in Lives Midi set-up select "Nocturn" as a control surface and Automap Midi as the In and Out.

Remember the number of the slot that the Nocturn script is selected in. (I'll take "3" as an example)

Also: download the latest version of clyphx and follow the instructions in the manual to install it.

In Automap select Midi channel 6 for the Nocturn and add a new Encoder page. There you assign your encoders to notes 36 (C1) to 43(g1).

When you now turn the encoders you will see that the respective DrumRack pads are triggered everytime you turn the knob. That is of course only marginaly useful.

This totaly changes (IMO) when you give the Nocturn NoteRepeat via Clyphx.

For this just enter a new Midi clip anywhere in your set and rename it to: [1/4] CS3 RPT 1/4
Trigger that clip and now turn your encoders on the Nocturn again! 8O :D 8)

You will see that now turning the encoder on will make the respective pad be triggered with a 1/4th NoteRepeat and will keep on triggering as long as the encoder is turned higher than 0.
Turning the encoder up, will increase the velocity the notes are triggered with.

Play around with all the 8 encoders this way for a while---awesome, huh?! :mrgreen:

A few notes regarding the note repeat:
1:)It has the same possible values as Push has (so try the same with 1/4T, 1/8, 1/8T......), BUT, and that is the really cool thing (IMO), it's independent from it.
This means you can have the NoteRepeat on Push have one repeat rate and a different one on the Nocturn.
2:) A good idea would be to use these different NoteRepeat values with x-triggers, instead of x-clips as I have explained here, and assign these different rates to the 8 buttons of the Nocturn. This way you can change between them easily with the push of a button.

I hope some of you find this useful and as much fun as I did 8)

Btw: This also nicely solves a problem I had before, where I couldn't find a solution of how to have a kick keep repeating in 1/4th through NoteRepeat (not in a clip). With this encoder solution you just turn it on and it holds the repeat! 8)
Now I got my hands free for other stuff, while I'm still flexible. :D

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Re: The Clyphx Tricks and Tips Thread

Post by olilangford » Sat Aug 23, 2014 1:32 pm


I'm using ClyphX on 2 clips to change tempo up and down ( [] BPM > and [] BPM < )

Is there any way to keep Quantise set at say 8 bars but to have only these ClyphX clips start as soon as I click their play buttons?

Many Thanks!

Oli (in London)

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Re: The Clyphx Tricks and Tips Thread

Post by S4racen » Sat Aug 23, 2014 2:41 pm

Each individual Clip has a quantise setting, look for it in the clip view...


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Re: The Clyphx Tricks and Tips Thread

Post by supamonsta » Fri Oct 31, 2014 12:33 am

Hi Guys

I've been using ClyphX for live 7 then live 8 without any problem, just basic SNAP function triggered by clips in a dedicated midi track for our live set, and it has improved a lot our live abilities since 2 years, turning ableton live into a monster live machine like the machinedrum only to my knowledge was capable of (tweak everything silly, then press a button and everything gets back to the original parameters set)

then since 2 months we go live 9, then I installed clyphX for live 9, and did the same use as before,
using SNAP MIX+ command (with dedicated tracks number, I will explain further),

but the problem is,

now clyphX interacts weirdly with our controller setup (symetrical, 2x(livid code + launchpad + faderfox)

when I turn a pot on a code, all the pots on the same row will also turn, and they're assigned to live track sends, so when I send track 1 to send A, tracks 2 to 7 are also sent by the same amount to send A...

the setup is working like a charm without clyphX active, but if I enable it in the midi control surfaces menu as said in the manual, the problem occurs, no matter what if I play or not some clyphX clips...

problem is getting more complex to grip, when you know the setup is session view organised like this :

8 groups of 2 audio tracks, for the left part of the symetrical controller setup (my partner)
8 groups of 2 audio tracks, for the right part (me playing this side)

The group channel and the 2 audio tracks of one group are all assigned to the same controls, I mean, when I tweak a pot on the code, I tweak the send on the 3 tracks of the group (group track, and the 2 audio tracks in this group),

so for clyphX I got 2 dedicated midi tracks, each for a clyphX snap clip, one being for the 8 first groups (That's 24 tracks to snap-rec), and the other for the 8 last groups (another 24 tracks to snap)

one clyphX clip is not enough to record all data on these 48 tracks, so I had to use 2 clyphX clips, but that was interesting because each of us could trigger his own snap clips without affecting the other side parameters.

so I don't really know if the problem is due to the groups/tracks matter (snap record doesn't seem to act the same when the groups are open or closed...)
or to a bug somewhere... because if I delete the 2 dedicated clyphx tracks, the problem is still there untill I disable clyphX as a control surface...

I'll do some more testing, but any idea will be much appreciated :D


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Re: The Clyphx Tricks and Tips Thread

Post by Buleriachk » Fri Oct 31, 2014 4:06 pm

If you're interested in manipulating Push chords and scales with Clyphx, you might want to check out the links in my signature.

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Re: The Clyphx Tricks and Tips Thread

Post by regretfullySaid » Fri Oct 31, 2014 4:26 pm

Supamonsta , post your issue in the official Clyphx beat wise forum. You'll probably get it sorted. I would check if there's a conflict with the controller setups in the preferences, especially in regards to anything assigned to Clyphx in the controller drop-down windows.

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Re: The Clyphx Tricks and Tips Thread

Post by supamonsta » Fri Oct 31, 2014 11:58 pm

thanks ShadX

I did not search on the forums, tired these times so my brain won't work flawlessly, I didn't try to find if there was a forum about clyphx, shame on me :P

I'll check these forums right now,

all our controllers are only set to remote out / in, except for the launchpads set as control surfaces.

we don't use clyphx as control surface, only clip triggering with SNAP MIX + parameter.

I'll check more,

and sorry for hijacking this tip and tricks thread, my bad :D


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Re: The Clyphx Tricks and Tips Thread

Post by yur2die4 » Fri Jan 23, 2015 9:50 pm


Is there a way to load specific devices at the press of a button instead of having to browse using some kind of display?

I'd like to be able to especially press a button on lets say Launchpad in User 2 mode, categorized by device type (instruments top row, delays second row, coloration third row), not specifically how I listed, but as an example.

I will mention that I am okay with having a channel full of clips if it helps make this a reality.

Also, I am kind of curious if this will be 'friendly' with hot swapping. If there are limitations to what I can and can't make loadable.

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Re: The Clyphx Tricks and Tips Thread

Post by regretfullySaid » Fri Jan 23, 2015 10:19 pm

Pretty sure; at least with Live's native devices. I would set up customer User Settings with Clyphx X-Controls to set that up. Though if I wanted better interactivity specifically like with the launchpad, it'd probably be more preferable to have a m4l patch handle the visuals (colors, button presses).

Have you checked the manual recently?

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Re: The Clyphx Tricks and Tips Thread

Post by yur2die4 » Fri Jan 23, 2015 10:33 pm

Thanks. I got all the basic info from this vid

I guess I haven't been following up on what it can all do lately haha.

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Re: The Clyphx Tricks and Tips Thread

Post by Willyum » Fri Jan 23, 2015 11:46 pm

yur2die4 wrote:load specific devices at the press of a button instead of having to browse using some kind of display?
As I mentioned in the other thread I am also a novice with ClyphX but here is the vid (at the time marker) showing this can be done... I also saw that Tom is saying this can be done on any controller (I haven't figured that part out yet)

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