Stability progress statment from Ableton

Discuss music production with Ableton Live.

Is live 8 running stable for you?

Bring on live 9
It is stable
Crashing somtimes
Still crashing a lot!
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Stability progress statment from Ableton

Post by Geebag » Mon Feb 21, 2011 9:12 pm

I actually think that Ableton's statment regarding stability was refreshing and I thought they did the right thing in not releasing a new version until fixed. I would love a bit more information since. Are we getting to a stage now that Ableton is running stable for most people? It works very well for me now on my imac i7 but I have restricted myself to suite, uhbik and ACE. I am nearly afraid to rock the boat and buy more 3rd party plugins. You will always get complaints on forums regards to stability (except reason).

So whats the current status of Live 8 for most people? Is live 9 on the way?

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Re: Stability progress statment from Ableton

Post by Khazul » Mon Feb 21, 2011 10:43 pm

A month ago I thought it was getting there, then a combination of working with different features of Live and adding a some new plugins and a new audio interfaces has returned it back to an utterly flakey heap of junk bordering on useless.

I have absolutely no idea what is upsetting it this time (apart from one known isue with complex pro warp thats supposed to be fixed in a beta). Cubase 6 by comparison running the same 3rd party plugins (excepting that some are VST3 versions), same audio files (because I got pissed off and rebuilt the project in cubase) and same audio interface seems relatively fine (as in nothing horrible happens over a day while live seems to crash 3 or 4 time per hour - which is alot when you factor in post-crash chill out time).

Perhaps just need to delete all its configuration and caches etc if I can remember where they all live?
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Re: Stability progress statment from Ableton

Post by luddy » Tue Feb 22, 2011 3:31 am

Is it obvious that the 3d party plug-in problems are due to Live? I have one 3d party plug that systematically crashes Live (PSP's new N2O) but most I find are very stable. PSP seems to indicate that the problem in the case of their plug-in is with their own code rather than Ableton's.

Overall I find the current version of Live (running 8.2.2b3) to be very stable indeed. I use it night and day in the studio and for live shows as well and haven't run into any stability problems in a long time...


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Re: Stability progress statment from Ableton

Post by ninox_rufa » Tue Feb 22, 2011 4:11 am

For me crashing isn't the problem. It happens now and then but it's bearable.

What mostly annoys me (apart from their lies about plugin compensation :) :evil: ) is that Live 8 still has some serious bugs (confirmed by Ableton) that have nothing to do with third party plugins.

For example the "triggering clips set to gate" bug is an uber fail:
This is core functionality in Live and it's broken.

Seems to me that every new release replaces some of the fixed bugs with new ones.

I think it's a good idea to highlight that 'stability' is not the only important criteria in determining if Live is satisfactory or not.
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Re: Stability progress statment from Ableton

Post by D K » Tue Feb 22, 2011 7:56 am

just got a new hard drive, fresh up to date installs of os and live.
live crashed the first time i opened it.
still my favorite software, though. great support.

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Re: Stability progress statment from Ableton

Post by andysweetuk » Tue Feb 22, 2011 10:41 am

Thats The problem , Ableton Live is a really good program if cubase workflow was the same i would go back today but im used to abletons workflow now

yeah 90 % of programs will crash now and then but Ableton takes the p*** its only saving grace is the very good crash recovery

The way it stands at the moment is that if another Daw programmer steps up to the plate with an equal workflow but better stability Ableton would be done for

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Re: Stability progress statment from Ableton

Post by ze2be » Tue Feb 22, 2011 11:55 am

andysweetuk wrote:The way it stands at the moment is that if another Daw programmer steps up to the plate with an equal workflow but better stability Ableton would be done for
Well, just a little warning: Before Live got midi, I used Cubase. Tracktion 1 came along, and gave me the exact same feeling as Live does now. So I jumped ship. The developer was super cool, listening to all the fans. Interface scalable vector, just like Live. But after version 2, he sold it to Mackie, and left his work!! Disaster, Tracktion died to me. But then good news were on the horizon: Lives next version was geting midi suport!

End of the story: even if Bitwig or some other company comes up with a real Live challenger, we dont know how they will evolve before a few versions has pased. Live did not have midi before version 4, and Tracktion had a sudden death (metaphoricly speaking, killing fanbase) at version 3.

So ive been using Live since v4, thats 4 versions ago. I think im going to stick with it a couple of versions more, even if competition gets fierce. If version 10 starts to head in the wrong direction, then I might consider it.

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Re: Stability progress statment from Ableton

Post by TheDriller » Tue Feb 22, 2011 1:04 pm

Live 8, most recent version is stable for me, and I'm using a lot of third party plugins,
both commercial and freeware.

I'm not really concerned about stability as such but the various bugs and the ludicrously bad plugin delay compensation are getting to be annoying.

It pretty much rules out the use of any non-ableton plugins that introduce latency, so there goes any hope of using impulse-based reverbs.

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Re: Stability progress statment from Ableton

Post by HeadrickProductions » Tue Feb 22, 2011 8:12 pm

The poll look pretty even between those who are having issue and those who think it's stable.

I wish we could do polls like reason forum does them where you can actually see who voted. In this forum anyone can sign up and vote. Also the folks who want live 9 may have never even bought live 8 so of course they want live 9 to be out so they can skip 8. Aldo those who voted crashes all the time might not even own 8.

I think ableton is much better than it was but I do have the occasional crash. I think to most folks who have used ableton for a long time this is considered stable, but for live use it is a stretch. There are still major bugs that are confirmed by ableton and unless. Hopefully ableton does not do what props did and up out an update that is not really much to generate revenue.

I don't know if we can add poll questions but we should have things like

1. should ableton give us 8.5
2. Should ableton address the bugs that they have confirmed in ableton 8 before moving to 9
3. If you own ableton 8 are you ready for ableton 9
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Re: Stability progress statment from Ableton

Post by Khazul » Tue Feb 22, 2011 8:36 pm

ze2be wrote:Well, just a little warning: Before Live got midi, I used Cubase. Tracktion 1 came along, and gave me the exact same feeling as Live does now. So I jumped ship. The developer was super cool, listening to all the fans. Interface scalable vector, just like Live. But after version 2, he sold it to Mackie, and left his work!! Disaster, Tracktion died to me. But then good news were on the horizon: Lives next version was geting midi suport!
Snap - that exactly the route and reaosns I had getting into Live, but didnt jump on until v6.
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Re: Stability progress statment from Ableton

Post by oblique strategies » Sun Feb 27, 2011 1:33 pm

HeadrickProductions wrote:I think to most folks who have used ableton for a long time this is considered stable
I have used Live since version 1. I do not consider Live 8 stable.

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Re: Stability progress statment from Ableton

Post by kb420 » Sun Feb 27, 2011 1:43 pm

I started using Live at version 5. Live 8 isn't as stable as Live 5 was. Live 5 was truly rock solid and never crashed on me at all.
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Re: Stability progress statment from Ableton

Post by HeadrickProductions » Sun Feb 27, 2011 7:31 pm

oblique strategies wrote:
HeadrickProductions wrote:I think to most folks who have used ableton for a long time this is considered stable
I have used Live since version 1. I do not consider Live 8 stable.
I just assumed that live has never been stable like reason. I've only used other people's version of live until I bought my own (version eight).

Glad to hear that it was not always like this, disappointed that it's turned into this.
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Re: Stability progress statment from Ableton

Post by nowtime » Sun Feb 27, 2011 10:11 pm

Stable here.

But what good is this information unless we talk about our systems, our plugins, our workflow?

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Re: Stability progress statment from Ableton

Post by oblique strategies » Sun Feb 27, 2011 11:10 pm

nowtime wrote:Stable here.

But what good is this information unless we talk about our systems, our plugins, our workflow?
Don't really know if this is the place for that.

Suffice to say that this is the most unstable version of Live for the widest range of people, for the longest length of time that has ever existed.

Ableton does not make a regular habit of announcing their failure to deliver a stable product. Live 8 is unprecedented in this regard.

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