I'm thinking windows updates can stuff up Live

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Gregory Wells-King
Posts: 249
Joined: Sat Mar 03, 2007 6:46 pm
Location: Somerset UK

I'm thinking windows updates can stuff up Live

Post by Gregory Wells-King » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:33 am

Hi Yer all,

Just thought I would pose a question, but instead of updating Live I recently updated Windows XP, on my Dell XPS 1520, I use it off line virtually all of the time, but while recently conected to author a new synth, I took the oportunity to update the OS.

Since then I seem to be having all sorts of laging,naging crashes with Live - Reaktor 5- possibly now all vsti's. I will work around it on my own, But I thought I might ask users here if they too have had this problem?

Any thoughts? :|

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Re: I'm thinking windows updates can stuff up Live

Post by longjohns » Sun Feb 20, 2011 6:36 am

i think it is a mistake to update the OS because you "have the opportunity"

updating anything should be done out of necessity, i.e. the update contains a fix to a problem which is interfering with your work

and even in that case it would be done with the understanding that it could have unintended consequences which may require extensive troubleshooting

i'm talking about dedicated machines which aren't networked, and therefore aren't in need of security fixes

Gregory Wells-King
Posts: 249
Joined: Sat Mar 03, 2007 6:46 pm
Location: Somerset UK

Re: I'm thinking windows updates can stuff up Live

Post by Gregory Wells-King » Sun Feb 20, 2011 9:10 am


Things have settled down a bit now, I've done the usual, defragmentation of the drive, deleted temporary files, I checked through the programe folder via control panel and deleted any scraps of programes not used, I then checked to see wether my paging size was correct, which I turned back up to max, and made sure any update schedules were turned off, which actually, they weren't (Shock !) I'm thinking today I may look at getting rid of Windows extra programes, to speed the boot up a little.

But yes, I see people moaning on various sites about Ableton updates, and I realised on about version 7, :twisted: better the devil you know.! :twisted:
