Is this The end of Humanity

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Post by montrealbreaks » Thu May 26, 2005 2:18 am

adhmzaiusz wrote:actually, for all of you who haven't heard of this yet please visit
One of John's predictions...
65. The civil war in the United States will start in 2004. I would describe it as having a Waco type event every month that steadily gets worse.
Ummm... Halfway through 2005, no Waco type events monthly yet... I smell a schizophrenic.

I have changed my username; Now posting as:

M. Bréqs

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Post by dpel » Thu May 26, 2005 2:24 am

our governments are controlling us by super ultra micro chips
that we breathe in when we use air fresheners.
:roll: :? :lol: 8O :? 8O
Dave Pelman Music

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Post by noisetonepause » Thu May 26, 2005 6:50 am


I 'download' (upload, technically? I know computer semilitterates sometimes use the words interchangably, and sometimes to cover other concepts, but let's not play that game, shall we?) my 'consciousness' to a computer.

Is the computer 'me'? Does that give me eternal life?

No. Because I do not sense what it senses. It's a copy, and in the eyes of others, I might have eternal life, but it will not be a continuation of myself, Niklas, born 1984 to Mum & Dad in Home in Denmark... See what I mean?

I think this idea has some very fundamental flaws, but who knows. Time travel, anyone?

Last edited by noisetonepause on Thu May 26, 2005 7:01 am, edited 1 time in total.

Pitch Black
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Post by Pitch Black » Thu May 26, 2005 6:59 am

I do know that I'm not the person I once was. Every 7 years every cell in my body has been replaced.

Still smoking that one.

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Post by noisetonepause » Thu May 26, 2005 7:14 am

Pitch Black wrote:I do know that I'm not the person I once was. Every 7 years every cell in my body has been replaced.
Not all the cells... most of your nerve cells, for one, are not replaced.

And you cannot deny that there is a sense or impression of continuity?


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Post by MotorMind » Thu May 26, 2005 7:54 am

montrealbreaks wrote:Well, I never said that I believed it was possible, but I would take the opportunity if it ever came about. I mean, you could always pull the plug if you decided you didn't like living like that.

The next logical progression would be downloading your "soul" into a waiting, mindless clone of yourself as a youngster. True eternal life. Sign me up!
I don't think it works that way. Your clone or the computer will merely hold a copy of your brain activity. It will be the same in a lot of regards, but it will be a different entity. You original soul will die together with your brain.

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Post by MrYellow » Thu May 26, 2005 10:40 am

All this talk of "but it's won't be me, it will be different from me" is really a
mute point.... If you copied yourself, and a version of you went on evolving
throughout the ages.... This would be immortality. In the same way
Gilgamesh writting of his exploits in the bricks of his cities walls was.

You don't have to actually be alive to be immortal :-)

Another angle that hasn't been hit on here..... What about keeping your
brain alive..... Using stem cells to regenerate it while machines filter your
blood and mix it with nutrients, enzimes, etc etc.


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Post by smutek » Thu May 26, 2005 11:08 am

montrealbreaks wrote:Man - if I could live forever I would do it! Not being a religious fellow (I believe that after death there's nothing in particular) the prospect of something like that is quite attractive to me - and I would pay dearly for the opportunity to "download" myself and live forever...

Not a doubt in my mind.
It wouldn't work. Maybe your thought patterns could be replicated to live on but "you" as you know yourself would not. The actual life force, the flame or soul if you will, that inhabits the body can not be replicated.

Sorry, I notice on page 6 you are still getting responses on this. Haven't read the whole thread.

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Post by dseir » Thu May 26, 2005 12:20 pm

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Post by onyxashanti » Thu May 26, 2005 1:16 pm

what if:

as technology progresses, and or disease or old age take their toll, you have your eyes, ears, and teeth replaced with artificial ones? then at some point youget a brain implant that restores or enhances your cognitive abilities? then as parts of your brain start to give way to age, they are replaced with implantable sub processing units...then as you replace withering parts of your body with artificial ones, the parts of th brain that control those, now gone, body parts, is replaced with chips...and so on and so forth...i believe at some point in this upgrade cycle, your "soul" "could" make the jump from your organic construct to your, now integrated, artificial one. i believe that you would have to trick the brain into transfering its most essential tasks, one by one, to artificial systems until it was all gone.

it's already happening. when was th last time you went thru all your phone numbers and tried to commit them to memory? they're all in a small device [mobile phone] that you keep with you. and as they get smaller, they will be integrated in to your glasses, then into your contact lenses, then into a chip behind your ear, then [as now] you will begin to depend on that chip as a natural part of your memory processes. and in the same way as people who have massive head trauma, where part of their brain is irreversibly damaged, the brain will reroute to another part of the brain...we are already starting to get the brain to reroute to computer chips. although [silicon] chips in present day context will be vastly different to the semi organic processing systems that will be used for these processes.

i think that providing an artificial space for the soul to "jump" to is more feasible than a brain scan as a method of immortality because a scan is still just a scan.


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Post by forge » Thu May 26, 2005 2:40 pm

onyxashanti wrote: i think that providing an artificial space for the soul to "jump" to is more feasible than a brain scan as a method of immortality because a scan is still just a scan.

the word itself: artificial

it has certain connotations in the present day, but at some point I can see the word either being taken out of use, or no longer weighted with the same significance. It makes total sense that people will figure out a way of genetically manipulationg organic matter in order to create "computers"(another word which will disappear because it will limit the thinking to the 20th century perspective.).

But artificial means it was created by a human. But maybe we will learn in the future that who created is not important, only what it is.

So in otther words, if you can figure out a way of saving the thoughts that were in your head then you could concievably store your personality and temperament some where.

But that wont be like storing your soul. From what I understand the concept of "souls" is of a way of describing the thing that makes you tick. All individuals have something that makes them unique - that bit that can make you wake up in the morning and actually think "I AM ME" - meaning you have self awareness and this is what being human means.

Of course this then means that

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Post by MrYellow » Thu May 26, 2005 2:44 pm

I just love that pengiun gif.... Everytime I see your posts I sit there for a
few mins just watching and laughing to myself :-)


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Post by ryst » Thu May 26, 2005 2:45 pm


HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dual 2.5gig G5, 1.5gig ram, DP 4.5, Live 4, Waves, Pluggo, PSP, Battery, Kontakt, BFD, EWQLSO Gold, M-Audio BX8's, Triton, Microkorg, MOTU 828, MOTU Fastlane USB, DW3, TTP4, Ibanez MMM1, Schecter Stiletto Studio-5

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Post by onyxashanti » Thu May 26, 2005 2:52 pm

this OT has given me so much fodder to write music about. although it may seem OT it's very relevant to me as an artist. i'm still trippin on the silicon alien comment: that shits gonna have me writing for days.

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Post by computo » Thu May 26, 2005 5:19 pm

john titor is a fable. Completely lunacy.

Alex Jones is real. And hes not from the future. But amazingly he REALLY predicted those events.

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