Ableton HQ please read

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Re: Ableton HQ please read

Post by timothyallan » Mon Feb 01, 2010 10:44 pm

4 pages and no mention of the summing bus?

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Re: Ableton HQ please read

Post by jamief » Mon Feb 01, 2010 10:48 pm

timothyallan wrote:4 pages and no mention of the summing bus?
lol :D

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Re: Ableton HQ please read

Post by adventurepants_ » Mon Feb 01, 2010 10:48 pm

jamief wrote:just posted by on facebook

Kenny Larkin Thanks goes out to Ableton 4 screwing up my live shows this weekend! The buggie software was the star of the show! Live 8.1.1 crashed I don't know how many times leading up 2 both gigs. I had 2 download a beta and start from scratch by throwing something together at the last minute in the hotel before the gigs! Why this buggie crap that will crash in front of thousands before it's ready for use?

Kenny Larkin Squeaky wheel gets the oil my friends! I hope they sort this shizzy out before my show with Carl Craig at the end of the month at Elysée Montmartre! Or it will be just me rappin' onstage, and trust me, they don't want to see that.
I think this throws up an interesting issue . Think about touring guitarists for a moment. Many big name guitarists are excellent musicians, but know very little about the physical mechanics of their instrument. Thats why they either have a guitar tech travelling with them, or they will take their guitar to a pro before the big show to get it set up properly.

Why would you presume that Kenny Larkin has the first idea about how to troubleshoot a Mac problem? Many DJs ive met might know their software in and out, but they know very little about computers in general. The fact that the software was crashing beforehand, and then he just used it anyway shows that he seems to be pretty naive about the equipment he is using. Why not give it to a pro to sort out before the big show? And then to blame it on Ableton with absolutely no proof? What, he couldnt use CDJs, and wasnt prepared for a hardware failure?

nathannn wrote:i will block everyone on this forum if i have to.

funky shit
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Re: Ableton HQ please read

Post by funky shit » Mon Feb 01, 2010 10:49 pm

jamief wrote:
H20nly wrote:it would be cool if you could sue or post crazy shit up about band mates every time they missed practice or showed up too wasted to perform and the people of the interwebz would all join together to scold them.

it would also be pretty funny (to me) if this guy's computer was at fault. of course you won't get a facebook post or twit, twat or what ever the hell its called over him realizing that he screwed the pooch. People point the finger really loudly, but they often retract it quite quietly... on the down low... after all, its low down.
its a mac


i lol'd

did you assume it just wouldn't crash because macs are be be-all and end-all of computers? :lol:

although it sucks that it did crash and hope every gets sorted for you!

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Re: Ableton HQ please read

Post by H20nly » Mon Feb 01, 2010 10:56 pm

Tone Deft wrote:hold up, jamief is a pretty mellow poster, cut the guy some slack.
I'm not hatin on jamief. This is about the posts not the poster. I have no beef, this isn't ad hominen, but when you read the thread... seriously?
Tone Deft wrote:try using that analogy with Toyota. on Morning Edition this morning there was a story on how HALF the inventory was unsellable and people were returning their Toyotas. some guy bought one for his wife, she refuses to drive it now he's stuck with her 'secretary car' that he hates. Ford is also offering incentives to people that trade in their Toyotas
maybe Toyotas are sucking, but my analogy stands. The user (driver) was within control of the outcome. If you fuck something up because you are expecting different behavior, even though all signs and recent experience point to the contrary, then you have to accept a certain, reasonable, amount of the responsibility.
Last edited by H20nly on Mon Feb 01, 2010 10:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ableton HQ please read

Post by smartass303 » Mon Feb 01, 2010 10:59 pm

bitchin on social networks is not pro at all.
on the other hand, what are the potential competitors, software wise?

live is "industry standard" for live playing (god, i hate me for writing this, sorry),


Tone Deft
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Re: Ableton HQ please read

Post by Tone Deft » Mon Feb 01, 2010 11:03 pm

H20 - nobodiy's hating on the guy, but he stays out of the drama so I gave him a shout out before the badger feeding frenzy comes to a full boil. just being *gasp* nice. :D

Toyota let a faulty product out the door and made their own 'Quality' announcement to the world. unsuspecting users are getting hit with bugs in their cars. I fully believe users (especially flighty musician types) can totally screw up a computer without knowing it, they're right brained people, not left brained but users have nothing to do with Live 8.1 being unstable (other than not beta testing but let's not go there. LOL!)

anyway, we're on a tangent.

the forum loves car analogies, hate in 3... 2...
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At people who I'd much rather kick in the eye?

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Re: Ableton HQ please read

Post by jamief » Mon Feb 01, 2010 11:03 pm

i,m going to bed. i think Ableton Hq will defo be reading this post which is good (in my opinion).
Early start tommorrow - music to be developed.

Good night all - even the negative ones :D God save your souls :lol: joking

Luv you :o
JOKING ! :wink:

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Re: Ableton HQ please read

Post by leedsquietman » Mon Feb 01, 2010 11:52 pm

Like Toyota, Ableton Live 8 has been unreliable for some users.

I own a 2008 Toyota Camry (well the bank owns it but they haven't repo'ed it yet at least!). I love mine and have had no issues with it, it has been rock solid with no problems - even though it is on the recall list, I am confident enough in it to keep driving it until they call us in to fix it - people are being hysterical, there are a couple of dozen incidents worldwide from hundreds of thousands of sales - there's almost as much chance of a Boeing 747 landing on your house. Most of those people crying about being 'scared' are the type who file frivolous lawsuits because they see an opportunity, no doubt their signatures were first on the class action lawsuit.

On the other hand, we had 2 Ford motor vehicles previously which were built like crap, one which fell to pieces within weeks of it's warranty (and had issues in warranty which Ford denied, such as seat belts that didn't work properly but 'met standards', a centre console which disintegrated and was 'exempt' from the warranty, plus they had none in stock and didn't make that design any more .... on the first Ford, all the paint peeled off within 14 months, and the paint was only guaranteed for a year, even though we had taken out a 5 yr warranty - slimy nickle and diming. The steering column, rear struts and the catalytic converter all failed within 6 months of the warranty expiration. So seeing Ford trying to tempt TOyota users away is f***ing rich as far as I'm concerned. Typically, we almost opted for a Ford at the time of getting the Camry, but went Toyota and now Ford have improved their build quality ... f***ers.

Live 8's issues are well known. I think that a so called pro should have had at least a backup plan if he was going to gamble on using Live 8.1.1 on stage. Rendered sets to audio and used a previous version of Live, or had some type of content backup in another sequencer or hardware. Live 7.0.18 SUITE, Cubase 5.5.2], Soundforge 9, Dell XPS M1530, 2.2 Ghz C2D, 4GB, Vista Ult SP2, legit plugins a plenty, Alesis IO14.

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Re: Ableton HQ please read

Post by SubFunk » Mon Feb 01, 2010 11:57 pm

leedsquietman wrote:Live 8's issues are well known. I think that a so called pro should have had at least a backup plan if he was going to gamble on using Live 8.1.1 on stage. Rendered sets to audio and used a previous version of Live, or had some type of content backup in another sequencer or hardware.

that is simply not being professional, in my book, you should always have some sort of backup, and if it is a simple ipod you can play while you need to restart your comp, whatever it takes to keep up the show.
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Re: Ableton HQ please read

Post by LoopStationZebra » Mon Feb 01, 2010 11:59 pm


This is a case of someone winging it, and a major FAIL occured. On two levels.

Jesus. I get freaked out about playing another person's guitar on stage, let alone someone else's Ableton Live set that you've not rehearsed. With LIVE 8, ffs. hah!

Am I the crazy one here? I know TD and beats get it. But do the rest of you? 8) :lol:
I came for the :lol:
But stayed for the :x

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Re: Ableton HQ please read

Post by timothyallan » Tue Feb 02, 2010 12:01 am

It's like that dude who installed Windows7 a few hours before a gig and had a spaz because "Live crashed and totally behaved unexpectedly!".

Ummm, really?

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Re: Ableton HQ please read

Post by Khazul » Tue Feb 02, 2010 12:08 am

Computers on stage rule#1 if you dont have a band who can keep playing - pack an iPod or some CDs (if there willl be some CDJs handy)

Ive seen a couple of bands get pissed off with laptops dying (one of which was definately running Live as I could see the screen at times, the other no idea). I cant remember who the band was who got pissed off with it enough to trash it on stage - was someone quite well known playing at the south bank center last year - I do remember they had a really cool laser show :)
Nothing to see here - move along!

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Re: Ableton HQ please read

Post by H20nly » Tue Feb 02, 2010 12:10 am

LoopStationZebra wrote:I know TD and beats get it. But do the rest of you?
yeah. I get it...

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Re: Ableton HQ please read

Post by rikhyray » Tue Feb 02, 2010 12:48 am

jamief wrote:just posted by on facebook

Kenny Larkin Thanks goes out to Ableton 4 screwing up my live shows this weekend! The buggie software was the star of the show! Live 8.1.1 crashed I don't know how many times leading up 2 both gigs. I had 2 download a beta and start from scratch by throwing something together at the last minute in the hotel before the gigs! Why this buggie crap that will crash in front of thousands before it's ready for use?

Kenny Larkin Squeaky wheel gets the oil my friends! I hope they sort this shizzy out before my show with Carl Craig at the end of the month at Elysée Montmartre! Or it will be just me rappin' onstage, and trust me, they don't want to see that.
Someone has to be mentally challenged to drive Toyota after official announcement.-read- if Ableton officially informed about issues and working on them, dont use the version. Now if someone disregarding the info sits in his Toyota to go to work , notices that pedal is getting stuck yet he still continues to drive he is an idiot and deserves no sorry.
Any performer of sane mind noticing his gear is not reliable for whatever reason- say something wrong with guitar wiring, with just couple of hours left before the show, you dont start fixing the gear, or ask you technician to fix it- YOU GET ANOTHER guitar, drum, computer whatever it might be. I wont waste time to testing a suspect cable, will take fresh one, less time to the show, you have to be more radical, there is no time to think analyse what might,could, may be wrong, you go for sure solution, quick.
In case of that superstar DJ whatever his name, it was Ableton and Mac. So to be sure he should get (hire , buy, whatever) another Mac, install trusted Live version 5,6,7 ...whatever.
If that celebrity DJ does not carry second computer, backup HDD, CD/DVD while on tour, then he might be considered professional since he earns, Iprobably a lot of money, but has no clue what is the meaning of professionalism as a performing artist.
Jamief if you have important performance this month, start right now , you have enough time but do not even think of using ver.8 ! The company made it clear they are working on it, what more you need to hear? Use the version you 100% sure that works with your stuff.
It is just common sense.
P.S. Leeds I wrote above before reading your Toyota story, I definitely didnt mean you.

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