Loop: Five Perspectives on Creative Blocks

We’ve all been there: staring into the void of an empty Live Set, wondering where and how to begin. Or, pondering how in the world to get from that loose collection of ideas, loops, or melodies to a finished piece of music. The cold hard fact is, despite all the tools and technology at our disposal nowadays, making music is still hard. But we can take a little comfort from the fact that creative blocks trouble all of us, regardless of whether we’re established, world-renowned producers or have just started along the music-making path. At various Loop events over the years, we’ve asked a range of artists just how they get through those moments when the inspiration just won’t come, and we’ve picked these particular strategies from Young Guru, Phoebe Kiddo, Abayomi, Robert Henke and DiViNCi in the hope that you’ll find them useful in your own music-making.
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