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Max for Live


de Sonic Faction

Mix or mutate between four independent sound sources using a flexible morph matrix and a Push-ready modulation sequencer – Hypermorph offers a playful way to create rapidly changing or evolving sounds.

USD 59

It’s this Max for Live instrument’s playful, intuitive controls that open up such a wealth of possibilities for sound design. Transform or glide between four independent sound sources using the XY Morph Matrix, or use the creative Morph Sequencer to blend, mutate and layer different synth tones and timbres.

The sound sources come from an array of modern analog and digital synthesizers, and are made up of a mix of beefy oscillators, wavetables, FM textures and custom one-shots. Combine this tonal flexibility with its built-in Morph Sequencer: you’ll be blending elements together in unusual ways, and heading into unfamiliar sonic territory.

Morph method

Some of the most interesting and distinctive sounds in electronic music are created by recording multiple takes on the same theme – having different instruments play the same melody for example – and then weaving them back together to create a completely new sound or timbre.

This technique becomes a lot simpler with Hypermorph. Its built-in Morph Sequencer can automate the entire process, letting you to play notes and tweak controls while the instrument switches between four distinct sound sources.

XY modes

At the core of the instrument is the XY Morph Matrix which can be moved manually to find the perfect balance of tones. Or use it to morph your sound automatically, using the following modes:

  • XY: Standard manual movement for discovering and layering sources.
  • Gravity: Moving the Morph Node and releasing it causes it to bounce using physical movement emulation.
  • Draw: Draw your own curve and the Morph Node will play it back.
  • Click: Click different spots on the Morph Matrix and it will replay those points in order.
  • Seq: Arrange steps on the built-in Morph Sequencer to achieve unique choppy rhythms and dynamically changing Morph patterns.

Tactile control

Push users can take hands-on control of Hypermorph’s Morph Matrix for tactile and playful experimentation. Play ping pong with your sound by bouncing the Morph Node around in Gravity mode, or access Hypermorph’s built-in Sequencer directly from Push to automate the Morph Matrix in realtime.

Parameters are grouped and easily accessible via Push’s encoders, plus you can map macros to multiple controls for even more sonic mayhem. Hypermorph’s control functions also work on Novation’s Launchpad series and other grid-based controllers.

USD 59