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Zainab Wani

  • New Delhi India

Born in Kashmir, raised in Chiangmai, Thailand, and currently based in New Delhi, Zainab is an electronic music producer, educator, DJ and all round lover of music. Producing and DJ’ing as Zequenx since 2018, she relies on her many cultural influences to accentuate her tastes and guide her through the expression of self as an artist and educator, sculpting a space for those who want to explore the sonic realm.

Teaching since
Thai, English, Hindi, Kashmiri
Contact information
[javascript protected email address]
Other links
Other, Instagram, SoundCloud

Zainab played the violin classically in her youth, and today, carries her musical knowledge, creative energy and quest for learning into her lessons and performances. Her philosophy is to create a journey that allows the listener to step outside of their mind for a moment and traverse through dark, yet musical, psychedelic soundscapes. She has been a part of the Indian alternative music industry for over 6 years, working with record labels, online community radio and having co-founded collectives that empower and train women and queer individuals in music production, DJ’ing and other aspects of events and nightlife. 

Her productions have been released on a variety of renowned labels in India, and she’s working her way to release her music internationally in the coming year. Zequenx has a discernible sound, although it morphs to various genres such as electro, techno, acid, and experimental ambient.

She has been working with students on a 1-on-1 basis to teach them the ropes of electronic music production on Ableton Live, as well as presented at Ableton User Group meet-ups. Her goal is to make music production accessible to everyone, and guide them to actualising their production dreams. 

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