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LFO Music Academy

  • Rome Italy

LFO Music Academy è la prima scuola di musica elettronica completamente Online in Italia. LFO Music Academy nasce nel 2016 da un idea di Salvo Zappala' - Trainer certificato Ableton dal 2010, diplomato in pianoforte jazz presso il St.Louis College of Music e produttore di musica elettronica.

Centro, Online
Contact information
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Other links
Website, Facebook, YouTube

Italian Version

Salvo si dedica alla didattica musicale dal 2006 e ha aiutato decine di dj's e producers a realizzare i propri sogni con Ableton Live.

 Dopo anni passati come insegnante di produzione di musica elettronica all’interno delle più prestigiose scuole in Italia decide di fondare la prima scuola online di produzione di musica elettronica con corsi completamente in italiano. I corsi di LFO Music Academy possono essere visualizzati da Computer, Smartphone e Tablet. LFO Music Academy garantisce un rapporto diretto a tutti gli iscritti con il trainer certificato Ableton Salvo Zappala.

English Version

LFO Academy is the first online music production school in Italy, offering professional education in Italian with full support through one-on-one sessions with an Ableton Certified Trainer when needed. Salvo studied Jazz piano at St. Louis College of Music in Rome and has been producing electronic music since 2006.

Salvo has been teaching Ableton Live and electronic music production for over 10 years and has helped dozens of producers achieve their dreams. After years of teaching in some of Italy’s finest music production schools, Salvo decided to found LFO Music Academy.

Please note: Ableton Certified Trainers and Ableton Certified Training Centers are private entities or enterprises and neither employees nor agents of Ableton. They are not administered by Ableton AG, Ableton Inc. or Ableton KK. The trainers and centers are solely responsible for their own course offerings and curricula. Ableton takes no responsibility or liability for the actions of the trainers or centers.