Free Live 11.1 update: Apple Silicon Support – Out Now

The free Ableton Live 11.1 update is now available for Live 11 owners from your account page. This update adds native support for Apple computers running on the M1 silicon chip.
This release also comes with a number of small improvements, including an updated Shifter device, which adds a new mode for real-time monophonic pitch shifting, delay, an envelope section, an LFO and glide functionality.
Two new Max for Live utilities, Align Delay and Shaper MIDI are also added. Align Delay allows you to offset incoming signals by samples, milliseconds, meters or feet to compensate for lag when sending audio, command messages, or other signals out of the digital realm. Shaper MIDI generates modulation data that can bring more expression to MIDI performances.
Additional features include improvements to comping, updates to Clip handling, and more.
For a full list of what’s new, please refer to the release notes*
For help with common technical issues, please check the following Knowledge Base articles:
How to update to Live 11.1
Plug-ins on Mac in Live 11.1
Live 11 Technical FAQ
*Note: Release notes are only available in English.