digi002 or mbox?

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digi002 or mbox?

Post by Guest » Thu Jun 24, 2004 5:06 pm

hey, i already own a digi 001-- but since I will be getting a laptop and moving in a few months i need to get a new interface to use with pro tools and the laptop. i can either trade in my digi 001 for the 002, spend $1500 and have to cart it back and forth between my apt and home studio..... or i can buy an mbox in addition to my digi 001

my question is about latency: i know firewire is faster than usb, i also know that the mbox has a feature which allows you to monitor your inputs at near zero latency-- i have read that the mbox introduces 164 samples of latency to your tracks when recording.. this means that the audio needs to be shifted back those 164 samples after the recording is done.

how many mseconds is 164 samples? does anyone know the latency that will occur if i say: run my guitar through the mbox for effects in a live situation, use midi for soft synths etc?

also, what is the latency of the digi 002?

right now im torn because im not a fan of hte mbox-- i would like more i/o-- but i figure: how much multitracking can i possible do inside a small apt. and i will still have my home studio to come back to w/ the digi 001 and also use hte professional HD studios at my college. the portability of hte mbox makes it more appealing since i would be able to use to for like shows (ableton sets) as well as session editing where ever i want to go.

the price difference is a major factor, but does anyone have any input about this?

thanks as always,

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Joined: Tue Jan 27, 2004 11:27 am

Post by Emissary » Thu Jun 24, 2004 9:28 pm

hey there

I bought a digi 002R a few months back (thinking it was great) it wasnt. two months down the line I have now sent it back to the company who i bought it off and exchanged it for an rme hammerfall multiface and a pcmcia and pci card, which I have to say is fantastic. I dont know about the normal 002 but the 002R is a big no no as far as I'm concerened, when working in live it was pretty bad latency wise (lots of crackles at even 10ms , and everytime i shut down a music program and started up a new one I actually had to shut down the computer ....not fun. Plus it had a problem with flourecsent light...?????? it just turned itself off if a light was switched on or off next to it....shitmongus. I used the proper 002 on a mac at Uni though and it seemed a pretty stable machine. just my input concerning the whole digidesign world.....I would'nt swap my Hammerfall for anything now....it even comes with its own ciggarete lighter adapter for use in your car...how groovy is that. :D :D

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Post by D K » Fri Jun 25, 2004 9:38 am

i purchased a digi002r and have had no problems, no latency issues or otherwise once correctly configured...it also performed flawlessly getting banged around for 20 shows in a row on tour in may.
it is a bit to huck around,(rack a must),
but if pro tools is your choice of software i believe the 002r is better than the 002 as far an expandable modular interface. $1,000.00 bucks less as well with the same i/o etc! the mixer is nice but not necessary. i recently began to use live also to digitally process fx (as well as a looper) for my bass, and was surprised to find that once again, with the right settings, latency is not an issue, and the sound quality is excellent. just remember that if you buy digidesign hardware you must fill out the warranty card and either fax or mail it within 1 month for full warranty coverage.
cheers and good luck

Posts: 2431
Joined: Tue Jan 27, 2004 11:27 am

Post by Emissary » Fri Jun 25, 2004 9:52 am

I Must have got a shoddy one then....but it still took them a month to fix and then they hadnt fixed it at all after that. I agree that latency within protools was really low and stable, but for me it was terrible in live...plus i was running on a pc, maybe things are different on mac's ...I dunno. I could only get about 10'ms of latency with the 002R with loads of reverbs and plugins and the cpu cruising at about 70% and it gave me crackles when i moved the mouse about. With my hammergfall i get 3ms of latency at 70% cpu and no crackles or even a hicup, RME are without doubt the best .

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