starting clip chains in live?

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starting clip chains in live?

Post by elderic » Fri Feb 23, 2007 4:14 pm

hi there,

I was wondering if there is a way in live to start clip-chains.
what are clip chains you ask?

well, let's say I have 3 different clips in 3 different channels (or maybe... one channel). A midi clip, an audio clip and another midi/audio clip.
Or three midi clips or whatever. You get the picture.

Let's label them 1, 2, 3.

is it possible in live to start them as a chain aside from
creating a fixed layout in the arrangement-view?
like..... create a play-chain: 1,3,2 -> assign key x,
when I press x, it then starts the clips in order?

I saw the kid beyond video and this struck me as pretty usefull;
however: he does it via an external prog as far as I understand.

is there a way to do it from within live?


Naive Teen Idol
Posts: 227
Joined: Tue Feb 10, 2004 8:28 pm

Post by Naive Teen Idol » Fri Feb 23, 2007 4:16 pm

Offhand, I think you can do this on a Mac w/ the IAC bus. My memory isn't totally clear on this, but wasn't this a trick they had in the Computer Music issue (which most likely came from these here forums)?
MacBook 2 GHz Intel CoreDuo, 2GB RAM, Live 6.10, Reason 4.01, Reaktor 5.14, Novation Remote SL 25, GForce Oddity, TimewARP 2600, Arturia CS-80V 2, UC-33e, M-Audio FastTrack Pro, Roland Jupiter 6 w Europa mod

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