More recording options (trigger, toggle)

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More recording options (trigger, toggle)

Post by notoric » Tue Apr 15, 2003 2:25 pm

A friendly hello to everyone,

and once again, thank you ableton for this fine piece of software! :D

I have a question/suggestion concerning the recording options in live. In the preferences dialog you can choose the general launch mode (I fokus now on trigger and toggle, cause that`s what we use). We use live mainly as a recording device for guitar and bass, recording 2- or 4-bar grooves and having live played them looped. To be able to make some sort of arrangement while playing we need to set the clips to toggle-mode to be able to start and stop them (via midi foot pedal). But recording in toggle mode means, press the pedal once for arming the slot for record, press it a second time while recording and press a third time to let the clip start at the next bar e.g. (kind of much tapping around)
In trigger-mode while recording you press the pedal/slot and the loop starts immidiately (much easier). But: now the clips/loops act in trigger mode, that means no possibility to start and stop them...

Maybe I have missed something, but my feature request goes out for the possibility to playback and record the clips in different modes or, maybe better: the possibility to set a pre-defined length for recording (2-, 4-bars)

Sorry for this complicated way of trying to explain - but I`m no native speaker :wink:

greetings from munich, germany



Post by Guest » Thu Apr 17, 2003 12:18 am

Hey notoric,

Recording in Live is still cumbersome, yes. :-(

Ableton know it, but have other priorities, which is fair enough.

I have suggested MANY ways how they could better recording. I feel that this 'tool' would gain a whole STACK of new users (non-tech) when recording is 'fixed'.




Post by notoric » Thu Apr 17, 2003 7:11 am

Hi SongCarver,

thanks for your reply. I`m a bit disappointed to hear that i will possibly still take a long time until LIVE is really (at least for my needs) perfect...

Anyway, keep on groovin` :wink:


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