New user not understanding Ugritone drum plugins

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New user not understanding Ugritone drum plugins

Post by RverendFuzzcut » Sat Apr 13, 2024 9:00 pm

hey guys, I'm brand spanking new to Ableton and running into a bit of an issue using Ugritone drums. I've bought Ableton Live 12 and Ugritone Drums Plugin to record my own metal tracks, but I'm not quite sure HOW the Ugritone plugin is supposed to work within Ableton. When I drag the plugin into an emtpy track, the plugin window pops up with the virtual kit (in my case Modern Doom and KVLT 2 kit) and I can right click on a part of the drum to get the sound of that piece of the kit (snare or whatever) but Im not able to figure out how to map those onto a drum rack or Piano roll.

Ive looked up YouTube videos and help articles for hours, and all I can find is things about dragging samples onto the drum rack, but all I see with Ugritone is the plugin in the plug in folder just like My Helix Native Plugin - theres no samples or sounds when I click the drop down arrow next to the plugin for any of my plugins

TL;DR How do I use Ugritone drums in Ableton, and how do I go about programming them? The only soiund Im able to get is when I right click the specific part of the drum (Like a picture of a snare) within the plugin window. I can't figure out how to map in in Ableton

sorry if this is a smooth-brained question. Still very new to computers but Im determined to figure this out.

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Re: New user not understanding Ugritone drum plugins

Post by yur2die4 » Sun Apr 14, 2024 12:47 am

It is probably roughly the same keyboard note layout as a General MIDI Drum Map (wiki it)

As for making an arrangement, you need to first make a clip on that channel. Making a clip can depend on if you are in Arrangement View or Session View.

Once a clip is made. Double click the clip to get into clip editing view. In clip editing view, you’ll probably want the midi note monitor button On. It is a little Headphone icon next to the keyboard in the clip editor view.

With that headphone icon turned on, you can preview the note on the keyboard by clicking them with your mouse, or by drawing in notes. By that method, you should roughly be able to feel your way around for what notes create what sounds.

Some drum plugins have midi clips available from within them. They sometimes support a method where you can drag from the plugin and drop the clip into Live and then the clip is already made for you.

I highly recommend printing out the General Midi drum map and keeping it nearby to learn it. Even if this plugin has a different layout, most drum plugins use it as a starting point.

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